Leto returns
A love story beyond time and space
Michael Samuels
Leto returns………………………………………………………………. 1
An love story beyond time……………………………………… 1
Michael Samuels…………………………………………………… 1
1……………………………………………………………………………… 5
Falling in love……………………………………………………….. 5
Chapter 1……………………………………………………………… 6
The map……………………………………………………………. 6
Chapter 2……………………………………………………………… 9
How you came to be…………………………………………… 9
Chapter 3……………………………………………………………. 11
The big bird appears…………………………………………. 11
Chapter 4……………………………………………………………. 14
the radiant one…………………………………………………. 14
Chapter 5……………………………………………………………. 15
The white dress………………………………………………… 15
Chapter 6……………………………………………………………. 19
The golden age………………………………………………… 19
Chapter 7……………………………………………………………. 22
The huge woman appears………………………………….. 22
Chapter 8……………………………………………………………. 26
Discovers his penis is like lightning……………………. 26
Chapter 9……………………………………………………………. 28
Falls in love beyond her self……………………………… 28
Chapter 10………………………………………………………….. 30
She finds her clitoris…………………………………………. 30
Chapter 11………………………………………………………….. 33
Chapter 12………………………………………………………….. 36
Finds his map…………………………………………………… 36
chapter 13…………………………………………………………… 39
Love at first sight in the cave…………………………….. 39
Chapter 14………………………………………………………….. 43
Falls in love for the first and last time…………………. 43
Chapter 15………………………………………………………….. 47
Falling inside love……………………………………………. 47
Chapter 16………………………………………………………….. 49
Inside love forever……………………………………………. 49
Chapter 17………………………………………………………….. 51
begin their life as lovers……………………………………. 51
Chapter 18………………………………………………………….. 55
Find HER LOVE……………………………………………… 55
Chapter 19………………………………………………………….. 59
Speaks to you…………………………………………………… 59
Chapter 22………………………………………………………….. 68
Making love with the twins……………………………….. 68
2……………………………………………………………………………. 73
Delos………………………………………………………………….. 73
Chapter 24………………………………………………………….. 74
He begins to see feel and know………………………….. 74
Chapter 25………………………………………………………….. 79
An old woman and her gifts………………………………. 79
Chapter 26………………………………………………………….. 83
An old woman gives him gifts…………………………… 83
Chapter 27………………………………………………………….. 85
The owl of Athena speaks…………………………………. 85
Chapter 28………………………………………………………….. 88
Begins…………………………………………………………….. 88
Chapter 29………………………………………………………….. 92
Leaves Leto and finds another lover…………………… 92
Chapter 30………………………………………………………….. 96
Jealous……………………………………………………………. 96
Chapter 31………………………………………………………… 100
He hears her speak………………………………………….. 100
Chapter 32………………………………………………………… 105
She spoke………………………………………………………. 105
Chapter 33………………………………………………………… 107
My boyfriend left me………………………………………. 107
Chapter 34………………………………………………………… 111
Welcome home………………………………………………. 111
Chapter 35………………………………………………………… 115
Delos 101………………………………………………………. 115
Chapter 36………………………………………………………… 118
Born as one being…………………………………………… 118
Chapter 37………………………………………………………… 120
The sacrifice………………………………………………….. 120
Chapter 38………………………………………………………… 123
Sees the curse………………………………………………… 123
Chapter 40………………………………………………………… 125
The Yacht……………………………………………………… 125
Chapter 41………………………………………………………… 128
The voice of the one kiss…………………………………. 128
Chapter 42………………………………………………………… 130
Leaving Hyperborea……………………………………….. 130
Chapter 43………………………………………………………… 133
The live wind…………………………………………………. 133
Chapter 44………………………………………………………… 135
The place to have the twins speaks…………………… 135
Chapter 45………………………………………………………… 139
Wakes up………………………………………………………. 139
Chapter 46………………………………………………………… 141
Visions………………………………………………………….. 141
Chapter final epilogue………………………………………… 144
HER……………………………………………………………… 144
Section 1
Falling in love
Chapter 1
The map
She lay on her back on the soft earth and looked up at the endless sky. Tears rolled down her cheeks and blurred her vision as she gazed upwards. She felt the ground beneath her back, she felt her legs, then, felt the ground give way beneath her like an endless sponge. She had been lying here for as long as she could remember, from when she guessed the secret, from when she realized what was happening to her, from when she understood it’s huge implications on her short life.
She was in the very center of a round bowl, a place where the earth was soft beyond measure. She had found her way there after many wanderings, many escapes and many pilgrimages. As she lay on the earth she felt herself sinking and rising at once. She felt her body dissolve and give way to something much greater and older. She felt her very cells reorganizing and making something new without her. This was no surprise now, it had become who she was, is, and will be forever.
As she lay there and as she sunk and rose at once she heard this voice, “Welcome Nadia, just let yourself fall, rise, and fall, and surrender. We will take beyond perfect care of you here and forever more.” She did not know if she was still crying, still lost in her life. She did not know any longer if the pain she had been carrying like a huge burden was still there or where it had gone. She felt animals around her taking her pain, wolves, bears, eagles, owls, deer all seemed to be eating what remained of her pain and of her body as she floated away from it, to where she not knew.
In space, she was on Delos, an archeological site in the Greek Cycladic islands. She was lying where she had wandered, at first aimlessly, in the blurred world of her endless tears of suffering. It had all been taken from her and in her loss she had set forth on her journey, not easy in these times. Her sufferings had been endless, not even defined anymore, they were epic. In her suffering visions of pain, sorrow, and fear, some days she was forced to help burn babies in ritual fires, some days she was raped and violated with violence, some days it was only in the cold of alienated loneliness and separation from all. What were these visions that had never stopped, were they memories, dreams? Nadia did not know the answer to this question, but the visions were hers and they had made her life a hell on earth. Lately, the sufferings all swirled and arrived and became one and separated as if she was many women in many lives. She had no idea what this all meant but she knew her life had slowly turned into endless unbearable pain.
Next to her lay the map. She had found this strange map on the train as she wandered south in Italy trying to leave her pain behind her. She was on the train heading towards Sicily for reasons she could not imagine and through her tears was was staring out of the window at the passing countryside. A stranger was sitting in the aisle seat next to her. He had not spoken a word to her or even made eye contact. She could see that he was reading a typed document and underlining occasionally as he read. He seemed nervous and anxious. As he worked, h e did not look at her or speak. Suddenly, in a jump like a grasshopper, he got up from his seat and left. He practically disappeared in front of her eyes like a magic trick. When he left, she looked where he had been and she found a folded piece of paper on the seat. She picked it up. It felt strange to the touch, almost warm and wet. She slowly opened it and saw it was some kind of map. On the top of the paper , it said, “Sacred temples on the ancient site of Delos” and below the title was a hand drawn map of areas and squares, with no labels. Instead, there were small pictures on each site like geometric shapes that looked like someone had drawn them from old dreams. (Enclose jpg of map)
When Nadia arrived
in Bari she got off the train. She went to a small hotel near the sea. To her,
the town was jumbled and had small curvy streets leading to unknown places up
hills. The sea was down below the hotel and she saw large boats moored in the
port. The hotel had a computer in the lobby and she looked up Delos on the
internet. She discovered that Delos was in Greece, in the Cycladic islands, almost
directly across the Aegean sea and then across Greece from where she was now.
She saw dots on the internet site about Delos showing ferry routes leading from
Bari directly to Western Greece. Before
she went to bed she stared at the map and found herself getting sleepy and
drifting off. In her pre sleep visionary state, she saw a very bright light,
she was inside this light and it felt comforting and cleansing. She felt a
gentle wind blowing right through her taking away what needed to leave. For the
first time in her short life she felt and saw her suffering and pain and her
frightening images drifting away like clouds in the sky. In her half visions, she
opened her eyes and saw ancient marble streets, she saw people walking in
strange clothes, she saw dancers and she heard exotic music. She started to see
herself there too and then she woke for a moment and in a flash, decided to go
to Delos.
Chapter 2
How you came to be my baby
It was the magical time of dawn. The wonderful moist air swirled in colors and music around her. Leto woke up in her soft bed of clouds and opened her eyes. She was in her sanctuary of course, her parents were not in with her in her sacred chamber. She heard the angelic singing of prayers, she saw the flying spirit women swirling around her and she felt their usual eternal love.
Leto was the daughter of one of the first ones to awaken from the dream. She knew this, she had been told the story as she fell asleep when the soft darkness arrived and also when she woke up as the first light came. She was told this story as the world became more dense, as more beings were created, as the non time increased it’s non pace. Her mother would sing her this story in non words, it was sung before music, before songs, in visions and she understood it’s meaning perfectly. The story always changed like the opening light and the closing darkness. It was the same and also different each time her mother sung it to her. Sometimes her father would chant it to her too, and then it was a different story all together or was different stories even coming from him. Later, she understood that there were many many different lovely versions of this flying story, like beautiful flowers, they bloomed and dried with the first dew of love. Her mother would sing to her, “My beautiful daughter, my joy, my dream, my breath, I will sing to you in non words the song of how you came to be. You came to be from love of course” Then her mother Phoebe would laugh her musical laugh, the first notes ever sung, and little stars, animals, and plants, would be born from her laughter and her endless joy. “This was in the non beginning of time time of course my beautiful girl, so here we go together. Here is the song of you and how you came to be my baby.. First…there was empty chaos. Chaos is our parent, chaos begat us, we were all born from HER. And in your father’s stories, he says, the one chaos was surrounded by another ocean chaos, you know. We all come from this wonderful mix of all and none, of everything that would be mixed with everything that was not yet. If you close your eyes my little girl, you can go back, go back to chaos, for you are made from it. Inside each of your stars is chaos, the blessing of chaos is always there to fill you from everywhere. Then, my beautiful little girl, the story of our parents starts to fly all every non where because after chaos was movement. The first act of chaos was to shape shift into the first of the goddesses, your grandmother Eurynome. And then, but of course you know what happened from it’s echo’s your body, Eurynome created love. Of course my star girl, what else could have happened? When you close your eyes, it is all you ever see, saw, and will see. When you see chaos turning into your great grandmother and then into love, you see yourself. And then. Chaos made the first two, Gaia, your grandmother Mother Earth, and Uranus, your grand father father Sky (and your father always says, not to forget your grand uncle Tartarus, the wonderful father underworld).” At this point Leto would start to jump up and down with excitement and joy and wait in bated breath for the next wonderful part of the story of her life. Then, her beautiful mother would sing and paint the visions and blow them into her, “ Your grandmother beautiful Gaia and and your grandfather strong Uranus saw each other from far. From way in the up and further in the down he glimpsed her all around him, her beauty was overwhelming, her smell reached him even as far up and down as he was. Her vibrations shook him to his being and he understood he had to be as one with her. She felt him above her suddenly and her world changed in the same non moment. Mother earth was no longer the same, she felt his power, his energy his light, his covering protection, his generation. Of course my little one, Love had come around the the both of them at once and non once, as he- she always does, and they fell deeply in love with each other and with the before and the after. They became one and then more than one and made sweet love with thunder and lightning and rain and flying ones and then… Gaia become full with me, my beauty and full with your father and with your uncles and aunts and together from love they made our whole family. When I grew up, your father and I fell in love. He was my brother, I was his sister, and we were one and separate and came together as one again. From love, I became full and then gave birth to you and your brothers and sisters. So, my beautiful little girl, you are made from the perfect emptiness chaos by the beyond power of perfect love, the impassioned lovemaking of grandmother earth and grandfather sky and then by me, your mother, the goddess of the radiant oracle and your father god of the sky from beyond perfect love.”
Leto knew this
story in every magical part of her non body. She felt the emptiness of chaos,
she tasted the love born next, she was moved by the passion and she herself
even as a little girl yearned in each breath to love and join sky and earth for
herself. But. She was only a little girl so she played with light, her voice
was music, her body was growing more beautiful by the non moment and she lay on
the soft earth, her mother’ s body and breathed in it all she felt what she
thought was endless joy.
Chapter 3
The big bird appears
Harve stood up like a shot from his seat on the train and quickly started to move. He realized suddenly that he was not OK at all. He had been working on his research about Delos, the archeological site. He had pages and pages of files of Delos’s houses, it’s statues, it’s roof tiles, it’s architecture, all organized in neat order and was, in his usual manner, plodding through it. But this time to his great surprise he found himself trying his hardest to find the pattern that tied the disparate data all together. Of course, he knew, as an archeology professor, he was one the the greatest scholars of Delos who ever lived, he knew there was no pattern, it was all data only and there was no story, it was all random data that it was his job to collate, and he would. So on the train had been working as he usually worked. He had been arranging the files of his researchers on red ceramic roof tiles in one folder and arranging the files of clay perfume bottles in another and so forth and so on. But something was terribly wrong. He knew this in his body. He kept turning and twisting, he kept staring out the window. He could not concentrate and became obsessed by finding the secret, the answer, the theme, the deeper meaning behind all this data. Somewhere, his organized mind started to come apart and to move and vibrate.
He had spent years in the best French schools studying archeology, studying architecture, learning ancient Greek so he could read what was below the statues and read and translate the poems about Delos by the ancient Greek poets and he had painstakingly learned modern Greek so he could speak to the Greek workers. He had read the works of all the archeologists before him who had worked in Delos for the hundreds of years since Louis IX became obsessed by the sun god and sent French archeologist to Delos, the birthplace of the god of the sun, to find the secret of the sun god and bring it back to him in France. He had read the papers of the young and old archeologist scholars working now. With hard work, he had become one the the leaders in the French School’s research in Delos, and was now going to Delos for his yearly research and leadership. He had just been at an international conference on archeology in Italy and had just listened with criticism to hundreds of papers on roof tiles, perfume bottles and marble stones and was tired. Before the conference he had just broken up with his partner of more than 10 years and now he found himself beginning to drink more than he liked to drink and all this endless research was getting less and less pleasurable and more and more tiresome along with his whole empty life.
So, with all this
behind him, on the train, in the midst
of his obsessive organization, he found himself daydreaming. His mind wandered
from the exact size and count of ceramic roof tiles to the secret meaning of it all,
again and again. He took out the maps of Delos he had just finished. They
showed the buildings, the streets, the temples. He stared absent mindedly at
the first map, the general map of the whole site and suddenly he felt faint. The
map started to vibrate and he could begin to see colors forming shapes over the
paths. He quickly looked away, he looked out of the window. A young woman was
sitting next to him next the the window. There was something strange about her
too. She was vibrating and changing colors. He looked past her quickly so she would
disappear into the moving Italian countryside. Then, outside the window he saw
a huge shape. It looked like a giant bird with black wings, but was made of
light. It moved with the train. It stared directly at him. He knew who and what
it was and did not want to know at all. In one second this vision made him terrified
and afraid of everything. He gathered his papers quickly, stood up suddenly and
walked away from this apparition as quickly as he could. Maybe by leaving, it
would disappear, it would stop bothering him and he could find some peace and
get back to his old life past.
Chapter 4
Mom, the radiant one.
Leto’s mother Phoebe was so powerful, so radiant, so intuitive that she was the mother of these faculties on earth forever more. Phoebe was the daughter of mother earth herself after all and could see out of the eyes of her powerful mother. She was the eyes of mother earth and as the eyes became the mother of oracular power forever. She could see back and forth in non time, she could see over and under in non space, she knew the truths unknown and never known in non thinking, she knew the past, future and present. She knew how to see radiance inside peace and knew how everything would be.
She also was unbelievably beautiful. She was beauty before beauty was born. She was woman before there was women, she was feminine before there were feminine and masculine characteristics on people. She was a formable force in the world born first.
Phoebe was the moon, she was the radiance light of the moon and the moon was her. She controlled the oceans, she controlled emotion and she could make darkness light. She was the light in the dark, the secret revealed in the obscurity, the light that changed life. And, she was the mother of Leto, the grandmother of Artemis and Apollo, the sacred twins, goddess of the moon, god of the sun and god of oracles.
Phoebe was in fact the first oracle on earth. She was the first moon goddess on earth, she was one of the first women goddesses on earth. She was in this way a formidable mother. She had 2 daughters by her brother Coeus, god of the bright wisdom of the day, Leto, oracle of the night and Asteria, oracle of the full bright day.
Chapter 5
The white dress.
Nadia awoke with a start, did not remember where she was, and even for moments, who she was. She was maybe not awake, maybe still dreaming, or in the half awake state of woman oracles. She felt her body stretch of it’s own accord under her. She felt strength she had never felt, felt suppleness that was unknown to her pain racked, before self. What was going on she thought, what was happening to me? Then, she heard a voice, a voice of a woman, “Wake up, beautiful woman, wake up to your life, it’s time.” Startled again, she looked around the small room she was in. There was only the thin bed, a small window and mirror. No woman to be seen. Ummm. She stood up very slowly like she was standing up from a dream. She danced slightly and moved as a dreamer dancing as she slowly got out of bed. When she was fully awake she became herself again. She remembered now, the day before. She remembered the map, Delos, and how good she felt yesterday in her vision. She went downstairs and asked the man in the lobby where the ferries to Greece left from and where she could buy tickets. He asked her exactly where she was going and made a phone call for her. He told her the boat she needed left in several hours, she had plenty of time to wander down to the port and buy her tickets. She left the hotel and started walking down to the port. The curvy steep streets went downhill and around each curve she glimpsed the huge ferries sitting in the harbor. As she walked she passed lines of huge semi trucks, cars with roof racks full of suitcases and bags, motorcycles with people and backpacks, and campers all going to the ferry.
On the way, she was attracted to a window of a small shop. The window looked like it was from another time. it was dark and had statues of figures dressed in clothes from the past. There was what looked like a ancient Greek statue of a woman. This statue was dressed in an elegant white ancient Greek dress. Nadia was drawn into the strange small shop but walked in with hesitantly with trepidation. It was dark and musty, it’s one aisle was narrow and cramped between tall racks of old clothes. She felt herself pulled directly to the back of the store and there was another white dress, like the one in the window, hanging on the back wall. An old woman came up to her and spoke to her in Italian. Nadia told her she spoke only English. The woman smiled and watched her. Nadia asked in English if she could take the dress down and try it. The woman nodded and went over to the wall and took the dress carefully in her hands. She stroked it several times before taking it off the wall. When she touched it Nadia could see the white dress’s boundaries blurring, then some colored lights come from it, and dark shapes that looked like bats flew out of it. The woman looked deeply into Nadia’s eyes and stroked the dress. The woman said in English, “You saw?” Nadia nodded as if in a dream. The woman continued, “The dress is yours. A special gift from her to you.” She took the dress down off the wall carefully and walked slowly to Nadia and put it over her like to look like she was wearing it. The dress seemed to move like an animal making itself comfortable until it covered Nadia perfectly. She stood there in the semi darkness with the dress on. As she stood there, she left. She began to travel, first in space, then in time. As she voyaged, she closed her eyes and opened them at once. She started to see mountains, rivers, soft tropical foliage and then she abruptly awakened and found herself back in the shop. The woman looked at her and smiled. “From this moment, you will see things differently in your life and be in a new reality.” Nadia asked if she could put the dress on. The woman directed her to a closet in the back of the shop. It was a dark space with a small window up in one side towards the ceiling. Out of the window Nadia could see a church steeple with a cross on top of it and the blue sky and softly blowing white clouds. She took off her Jeans and sweater and put on the white dress. Again she could seem to feel the dress moving to make itself comfortable on her body. It adjusted itself slowly and deliberately until it fit her perfectly. It even seemed to get smaller and tighter in places to fit the curves of her young lithe body. When it was finished, it stopped. She looked out of the window again, the only light in the small closet, and this time saw an eagle flying from one side to the other and then circling and landing on the steeple. She came out of the dressing room and the woman looked at her. “It is done.” , she said. “You can leave now for Greece.”
Nadia walked down the crocked streets, down stairways that curved like a huge serpent with beautiful views of the sea, down past ancient buildings, elegant old doorways, and finally she arrived at the port. At the office she did as the hotel clerk had told her, she bought a ticket to Patras Greece, deck class. The ticket agent told her that this would mean she would sleep on the deck or in a lounge chair, it was much cheaper than a cabin. She boarded the huge ferry and took the elevator up to the top deck. There, many young people were already camped in the large flat area on top of the boat. People had blankets, sleeping bags, small cooking gear, piles of clothes. They had made small comfortable camps on the deck and were awaiting their journey. There were families with young children, men and woman with backpacks and gear. People were dressed informally like they were going hiking. Some were reading, some looking at their phones. It was a soft happy scene of peace and pleasure. It was people on holiday, having fun, relaxing, going to Greece with thousands like them, for summer holiday.
She found an empty
space, put down her gear and made her camp. As she did this she became tired
and then exhausted. Even though it was early in the day and she had slept the
night before she was drained. She put down her backpack and found her sleeping
pad. She lay down on the deck and took out a soft fleece sweater for a pillow.
She put all this neatly on the deck, lay down and fell fast asleep.
Chapter 6
In the golden age.
The paradise Leto lived in was Hyperborea in it’s golden age. The non space that was her non home was called Hyperborea in the myths of people who came later, the non time that was her non lifetime people later called the golden age. In the many myths that tried to explain our past, Hyperborea was a place that was in the before, in mystical time, in mythical time. It was kind of sort of maybe out of time and space. In the Myths, after her grandmother Gaia, the mother earth, made soil and made the beginning of places, from her songs and dreams, she made the most beautiful place ever dreamed of, Hyperborea, for her children to make love and have babies. Hyperborea was a warm, tropical land of flower, scents and ambrosia. It had tropical forests, ancient plants not seen since. It had stones that were just awakening and still spoke, it had flowers that sung as they breathed. It had animals that could speak and fly and change shapes. It had colored lights that flickered in the night like the most beautiful paintings ever made. The air in Hyperborea smelled of flowers and moisture. The sky changed colors every moment, the winds, if you could call them winds, were like kisses, the water like a lover’s vaginal fluid, the soil soft like the inside of your mouth.
In after times, historians, philosophers, poets and mythologists wrote tomes about where Hyperborea was in relation to modern earth that followed . The word Hyperborea means beyond (Hyper) the Boreas (north wind), so they usually place it in the far north. But of course this made no sense since it was so warm. They placed it over the mountains of the southern countries and each county said it was their ancient land before the ice ages. England, Russia-Siberia, China, Germany all say they were Hyperborea in ancient times. The Celts claim Hyperborea as their own, the English say Stonehenge was actually an ancient Hyperborean temple. Some say Atlantis was Hyperborea and Shambala was Hyperborea. Pindar the Greek poet was probably more perspicacious to say it was unreachable by normal means. The only way to get there from Greece was by flying on a magic swan, you could not travel there by walking or horseback or ship. But.. interesting enough, Greeks went there and Hyperboreans came to Greece. Magical Greeks could fly by swan or other means, Hyperboreans could likewise come in their own way and later on this exchange of humans and Hyperborean was critical to all mythology and history of Greece.
The animals that lived in Hyperborea were not like animals now. The beings, like our Leto, were not humans. They were called by mythologists, Titans, they were the first beings, they were giants with supreme powers. They could fly, shape shift, tell the future and the past. They were one with all around them, they were what was and what was to be. They were the first. The animals too were about seeing, feeling, and being. They remembered the past and future too, they could fly and they each carried a special energy that was particular to their being. They could speak without words, communicate with each other and with the stones, plants and with the Titans.
Life in Hyperborea was far beyond perfect. There was no illness, no wars, no suffering. The beings lived long long lives hundreds of thousands of years, and when they died, they went to sleep in a dream. There was no money, no ownership of objects, no work. All the food they needed was around them in abundance. There was no jealously, since there were no objects. There was no law since there was no crime. There was no power, no hierarchy of wealth of position, no society of production and poverty.
In Hyperborea there was no word for art- for all was art. All was song, dance, poetry, and painting. Art was the way the gods communicated with the titans who lived there and later with the first peoples. Life in Hyperborea was completely spiritual. Hyperboreans could go into a spiritual consciousness and be one with all, they could be everywhere at once, they could know the past and future like it was the present. They could talk and communicate with spirits, ancestors, the earth, gods, animals plants stones all before and after them. They could shape shift and become any animal plant or human. Because of all these characteristics, Modern authors write that “The normal life of Hyperborean would later become then basis of most Shamanic practices and magic ceremonies and is still used today by sorcerers, magicians, shamans, mediums and psychics.”
Interesting enough,
many cultures of humans in the afterwards tell the same story of a golden age.
Myths tell the history of a people’s
world taking place in several different ages. For the Native Americans, it is the
first world to the fifth world. For the Hindu it is the 4 Yugas or ages, and
even for the the bible it is the
kingdoms of Nebruknaza’s dreams. And, in each of their stories/ memories the
first age is the purest and it goes downhill from there, the present age is
always a mess.
Chapter 7
The huge woman appears
Fred was a man traveling alone. On the top camping deck of the ferry from Bari to Patras, he set up his sleeping area with great care. He put his sleeping mat on the ground carefully feeling for wind, for sun, for moisture. He sniffed as he found his place, he walked around in small circles with his hand out and his palm facing down feeling for energy. He half closed his eyes and scanned the deck and finally , like a dog turning and sitting he settled down. He had not looked around him at people, at the other campsites, at the bar or the swimming pool or the sea beyond. He was not looking at physical details, he was looking at energy. After he put down his sleeping pad, he opened his backpack and took out several small plastic animals and carefully placed them outside the pad. He put a small eagle on one corner, a bear on another, a lion on the third corner and a turtle on the last. He looked at the four animals and smiled half to himself half to them and sat in a meditation lotus pose in the center. He was tall, thin, had a beard and long hair. He looked like many other young travelers on the deck but he also looked completely different. He radiated a seriousness of purpose, a ancient agelessness and wisdom that was not usual on this tourist filled deck.
Fred’s work was photographing animals. He wandered all over the earth taking photos of wild animals that no one else could take because no other photographer could feel the animals and had the patience to wait. Fred was also deeply religious and meditated every day and he was studying shamanism. This was natural since shamanism was about animal spirits and speaking and listening to them. As he traveled, he found he was passionately interested in how indigenous peoples who were one with animals changed their beliefs to believe in gods. The transition from animism to gods and goddesses was a mystery to him that he could not unravel. For him, the world as he knew it was still about animals and animal power and that’s all. Even as he sat in meditation on his prayer rug/sleeping mat he saw a vision that dominated his life over and over again. He did not remember anymore where he first saw it, maybe in Canada photographing eagles, or maybe where a Native American woman had done a sweat with him introducing him to animal spirits , but it was certainly in the center of his young life. In his meditation he would see a huge spinning wheel in the sky. From his travels in Montana and Calgary he knew this was a medicine wheel, an ancient power circle. And he saw it form from nothing , from empty space as it were as if it was a crystal being born. Then.. he saw a being, huge, formless and expanding and contracting with each breath. The being then split into two, the two beings slowly separated into a woman and a man, then kissed and made love. Then after passionate lovemaking his four animals appeared. Umm. Nowhere in his shamanic studies did he read about this story of one like it. He read about medicine wheels worldwide, about sacred circles, about creation myths but never this story of a man and woman making love inside and around one.
Why was he going to Greece this summer? He asked himself that on the mat, in meditation, in his sacred space he had created to travel to Greece. Greece was not a place he had been interested in, he did not know much about it’s history or mythology yet he found himself on this ferry heading to the unknown. As far as he knew there were not many wild animals in Greece, they had all been killed long ago, and there in fact was not even much wilderness. His girlfriend was back in Providence. She did not come on the trip. She had a job that she could not leave and even though it was summer she stayed home to work. His relationship with her had become difficult. She constantly was anxious and she worked all the time but he still loved her and stayed with her. One day, vacation loomed in front of him like a temptress so he did a meditation and small ceremony. He made a prayer to his animals to tell him where to go on holiday to make meaning in his life. He got an idea in the meditation. He spun his old globe from his childhood, closed his eyes and put his finger down. He opened his eyes and his finger was on Greece. He did not like that at all, but as someone studying shamanism he knew trust was important and he kind of decided to trust the meditation and go to Greece.
Now, he looked around him. Only now was he
orienting himself to where he actually was in physical space. He saw he was on
a large ferry on the sea. He saw the people camping, now he saw a bar, the
swimming pool in the distance, the railings of the deck, and the sea stretching
away from him like infinite bowl. And he saw a young woman in a white dress
fast asleep on a mat across the deck from his. She attracted his attention
immediately. Everyone else on the deck was dressed in informal camping clothes.
She was in a white gown. But this was not the reason he was staring at her now.
She was radiating light. Umm. He could almost not even look at her she was so
bright. And beyond that she was covered with beings, as she breathed, almost
imperceptibly, she turned into different beings, into animals like the ones in
his medicine wheel and then into women. He had never seen anything like this or
imagined it could exist and now he was spell bound. He could not take his eyes
off of her yet at the same time could not look at her so, he did what he knew,
he did both at once. And as he drifted to non space and non time, between
looking at her and not looking at her, he saw something astounding. She had
turned into a huge beautiful woman whose power was undeniable and pure and then,…this
huge woman turned back and forth into a wolf.
Chapter 8
Discovers his penis is like lightning
Zeus lay in the soft earth of the mountain cave protected, safe and warm. He nursed from a wolf mother and pushed his head hard into her soft belly as he took her delicious milk. The sacred bees buzzed around baby and wolf mother and landed to drop sweet honey in the milk for this special baby. He grew quickly and as a child wandered around Hyperborea when he was young. He loved talking to all the animals who were his first teachers. This was because of his remarkable childhood in the cave. Zeus never forgot the wolf mother nursing him like it was her cub, the sacred bees feeding him honey, the huge shadows the bees made when they flew over him and most of all, the scent of their bee woman sex.
Zeus was handsome strong and ambitious. He was powerful and the honey and bees nectars had turned him into the consummate lover. The constant years of buzzing had made his vibration energy huge, as he radiated power, confidence, and the energy of life from his wolf mother. Half wolf, half man, from an early age he loved mountains. When he was old enough to walk, he left the cave and climbed higher and higher with the wolves as he grew. Finally, he could reach the top of the mountain and this became his favorite place to stay. There, bees could buzz him from below and above. The wolves left him there in all weather and he learned to love the thunder and lightning in huge storms the most.
One day an eagle saw him and he saw her. The eagle circled him from above for hours and he spun his head and turned his eyes following her. She circled lower and lower and he put out his arm and she landed on it. She stood looking in his eyes and she spoke to him. “You are the god of lightning and thunder for the beings below. The Lightning spirit and the thunder spirit will listen to you and you can direct them to act with your will. I will be with you always as your animal guide and I will help you fly in between the prayers.” As a young man he had no idea what this meant. He did not know about prayers, he did not know about animal guides and he just knew he was a boy who loved mountains and animals.
As he grew he also found that he loved women. For him women were his other half. It was that simple for him. He was sky, he was up, he was lightning… and women of course were earth, were down, were receptacles and he was created to join with them, like the first sky joined the first mother earth, to create babies. This was very simple. His mother was after all mother earth, his father was after all father sky. They had made the babies who were his brothers and sisters but more than that, were for him to love and make the joining of sky and earth that made babies just as it had been done before and before. This was in his body, mind, and spirit, it was how he was made and what he was made for.
So, from this
mixture of his birth, his body, and his upbringing, as a young man, Zeus was
pure sex mixed with lightning and power. He had found that joining was done
with sex and thus, sex was his supreme pleasure. Joining was where all physicality
disappeared and only love, his great grandmother, was left and besides, wonderful babies came of this. This sexual
energy mixed with lightning and thunder and eagles and wolves and bees was allot.
Women felt him before they saw him. They felt him in their bodies because it
woke up their own animal and their own element earth and their own pure wildness.
So, women at once fell in love and avoided him in a mixture that was like the
fear of lightning and of wild animals and the attraction to pure energy and
Chapter 9
Falls in love beyond herself
She woke up very slowly in the midst of powerful dreams and visions that were not at all who she was before. The new world reality predicted by the strange woman in the small shop was now taking place more quickly than she knew. It was as if she could see two realities now. There was the reality of the ferry going to Greece, she remembered this, and there was now the new reality of she as a much larger much more embodied being. With her second eyes she could see far in the past to a land she did not recognize at all and see far in the future to another place that was new and see who she was beginning to become. The two realities fit together perfectly but were not at all the same. They did not feel the same, taste the same, smell the same. She knew the two ways were different states of consciousness.
She looked around her on the deck of the ferry. She saw the many people camping, reading, reading and messaging on their phones, talking to each other. She saw the sea. With her second sight, in the sea she saw the sea creatures. She saw dolphins, she saw whales, she saw all manner of fish, octopuses, squid and eels. Then, she saw mermaids and finally she saw a huge woman hovering over sea like a goddess and a huge man like a god of the sea. Finally, she saw the sea itself as a spirit and then, she saw only pure and perfect emptiness. She was shocked beyond measure. With one set of eyes she saw the railing and the blue water of the Aegean on a marvelous clear warm day. With her second sight she saw animals, spirits, goddess and god like beings and she did not know what. Then, she looked at the deck. With one sight she saw campers, families, sleeping mats, the bar, the swimming pool, the jumble of people and gear that was going to Greece on holiday. With the other eye she saw a beautiful man looking at her. He was not a man, he was godlike, his beauty was not of this time or space at all. He was so huge, so powerful, so gentle at the same time. He was not from this place she knew, he was traveling and he was looking at her into her eyes from not this space and time. She knew this faster than immediately.
The very center of
the being, the place between the two sights, then left her and went to him and
merged with his center in one moment and turned into pure energy. Now, Nadia
had been in love before in her life. Nadia was not looking for a boyfriend or
lover or for sex now. She was traveling to Greece, to Delos to try to find the
balm that healed her in a short vision and she hoped would heal her
woundedness, take away her suffering from endless time. She was on a journey of
healing, not a journey for a boyfriend. When she had been in love before it had
been complicated. She never knew if he was the right one, there was always
something wrong, the lovers were violent, crazy, to straight , boring, and her
love turned into judgment and even though she continued with the relationships
until they ended in violence or sadness or pain she knew it was love but it was
not what she wanted or was meant for. The past had been love as confusion and pain. Now, there was something totally
different, something beyond form into energy, something pure and overwhelming.
Chapter 10
She finds her clitoris
It was time. Leto knew it was time. She had become too beautiful to hold apart and now mother earth started to vibrate within her with passion and desire. She was after all daughter of the oracle of mother earth and now she was the new oracle of mother earth. She thought mother earth’s thoughts, felt mother earth’s emotions, her body was only mother earth in another smaller more compact form. Her arms were like tree branches, her head like a fruit, her eyes like ponds reflecting the moon, her ears like the music they heard. Her body was like a field ready to spring out flowers, her breasts hills of unfulfilled nourishment, her nipples flowers beyond honey bees dreams, her vagina was becoming the spring of fertility. As all this emerged from her head to her feet it was too tempting to resist for even gods. She knew love from watching her mother and father, from watching out of the eyes of mother earth and father sky. She felt in her eyes the way her mother looked at her father. She felt in her heart the way her mother’s heart beat when he was near. She felt in her whole body the excitement her body felt when he flashed and yearned at her with passion unbridled.
Leto wandered amongst the ferns, the palms, she smelled the heady aroma of the perfume of the flowers and as she inhaled she felt her body change. What had been asleep below now awakened to the odor of orchid perfumes never before inhaled. She walked slowly through the exuberantly blooming flowers and they spoke to her. “Smell the odor of our bodies, lovely one. We are beyond compare. Look deeply into the center of our bodies, into the pink and purple colors, the extravagant softness of our petals. Feel deeply the the soft tiny hairs on our skin, look deeper into the intense colors of our being, down down into the part of us in the center that vibrates with mothers’ kiss.” And as she heard the words of the orchid flowers, the immaculate songs of their heart beat she felt her vagina swell and felt the song go directly to the small swelling above her opening that soon would become the center of her physical non being.
As the orchids, the full moisture, the smells beyond earth’s memory came up into her nose she swelled below, her clitoris swelled and swelled and it spoke to her. “ I am the center of your being now beautiful Leto, oracle of mother earth, voice of the flowers, mother to be of the sun and the moon on earth. I am what pulls, I am what pushes, I am what moves and all you have seen, felt, been, all flows down to into me to make me strong and beyond beautiful.
And she put her hand down into her diaphanous gown and for the first time touched the center of her being, that which focused the beam of feminine sexual energy of her mother, mother earth, grandmother, mother earth, the first goddess, that which came out of chaos to become the Divine Feminine on earth.
As her hand touched her swelling, she saw what she was to do and who she was for the first time. The path in front of her was not what she had ever seen or imagined before in her short long non life of moisture warmth and comfort. She could begin to see a path fraught with danger, with suffering with challenges beyond her magical land. Her oracle nature was showing her her own future and it was clearly beyond this perfect place in the golden age.
And as she touched
herself, she began to glimpse what she was to do. She took her hand out of her
gown and lightly touched an orchid. She put her graceful thin fingers down into
the orchid flower and took out magical yellow and purple pollen. She put her finger
on her clitoris swelling and rubbed the pollen into her depths. As she did this
she saw the face of her eternal lover, she felt his kiss and attracted him to
her as certainly as she existed and did not exist in the non place.
Chapter 11
Sees who she is
As he opened his eyes, he looked at her again. She was still there. she was still in her white gown and at once she was still the huge women/wolf he had seen in his vision. He stood up and went to her. He realized that she could see him coming. She was staring at him right in his eyes. His eyes merged with hers and they were beyond one now. It was that simple. She had sucked him into her being and he found himself moving towards her imperceptibly closer with each step slower and slower until time stopped and his movement was not in time anymore.
Then he was sitting next to her on her sleeping mat. Then he was touching her hand. Then too much happened to quickly for him to isolate events anymore. He opened his mouth and it was on hers. He put out his tongue and it was moving around her tongue in her mouth. He opened his eyes and they were locked into her eyes and past her eyes into her soul center and further into somewhere where there were bees and wolves and flowers.
He opened his real eyes and was sitting next to a young women in a white gown on a sleeping mat on a ferry going to Greece from Italy. She was looking at him with a dazed look like she was sleepy or in a trance. He said, “ I recognize you.” He saw her look up at him and she said nothing. “Are you going to Greece?, he asked her trying to start a conversation or anything to keep himself with her. She still did not speak. Now, she was laying down on her back. Her arms were outspread like she was a bird or bee. Her feet were touching each other. The gown draped her like a diaphanous membrane of an insects wings. He could see her body under it like the gown was not there. He looked at her arms out, her face, her breasts, her hips and the area between her legs. He could see a dark shadow there calling him, calling him.
She still did not speak. She reached over with one hand and picked up a piece of paper. It was folded and wrinkled and looked old. She handed it to him wordlessly. She was looking up at the sky, not at him. She was clearly in some sort of a trance. He opened the paper and saw it was some kind of map. On the top it said “Sacred Sites Of Delos.” Below were squares for building, paths marked with Greek letters. Strange shapes next to each square.
She started talking to him. “ I found this map on the train. I was heading to nowhere. I picked it up and now it is changing my life. I can feel this in my body. Now things are not what they were before.” He listened and the words were like mysterious music he did not understand. But he knew as she knew that his life was changing too and it would never be the same again. She continued, “When I looked up Delos on the internet that night in my hotel, I went into a dream. In the dream I saw a bright white light and people walking in white gowns and felt my suffering being taken from me by animals. So, I decided to go to Delos and see what was there for me. I know there is a secret hidden there that I am supposed to find.” She was not ordinary in any way. She was not making small talk at all. She went directly to the point where they were now. She continued, “ I was looking around the ferry deck before you came to me. I have two sights now. I see the ordinary world and I see another that I am not familiar with as an overlay. When I looked at you… I saw that you saw who I was. I understood in my body that you saw the light I had seen and in that moment.. I merged with you.” What she said was incredibly simple direct and made no sense. It was the mirror of what he had felt. He felt drawn to her, did not know why, saw the vision of a woman of power surrounded by beings and now she was telling him she saw a similar vision.
She was telling him
that she merged with him. He looked into her eyes. He saw himself kissing her
deeply. He saw his head become her head in a turn, like two vortexes becoming
one. He shook himself like a bear coming out of the water to shake off this
vision. He looked at her and knew they were one now. He said, “ I am going to
Greece because I spun a globe and Greece
came up. I don’t know why I am going to Greece at all. I want to travel with
you to Delos. I want more than anything to go together on this journey to find
the woman of light and her secrets” She looked up at him and said, “ I will
bring my camp over to yours. From this moment we are one. We will travel as one
being, as star lovers, as two children lovers finding themselves.” He stood up
and went back to his sleeping pad and small animal medicine wheel and sat down
and rejoiced.
Chapter 12
Finds his map
He was on the ferry to Greece going to Delos to work. He tried to erase the memory of the huge black winged bird, the train ride, the break up with his lover, the sterility of his tiresome life. He went to his cabin and took out all his papers and spread them on his bed. He took his files of roof tiles, porticos and perfume bottles and arranged them neatly in piles. He found his maps and put them in order on the end of his bed. He looked out of the small window at the sea. The azure blue slid along past the ship like time moving, like honey flowing, like a dream being formed inside him. He quickly looked back at his work and understood something was wrong. Where was the main map, the first map with the paths that began the journey in Delos? He lifted all the papers, looked tediously in each pile, and after a while understood it was not there. That map was crucial. It had taken him months of planning, thought, research, gps correlations to make it and now it was lost.
He tried to reconstruct the events leading to the loss of the map. He was on the train, he was sitting next to a really strange young woman who was vibrating or something, he looked out of the window and saw the apparition. He jumped up and then it all goes blank. What would he do now? He left his cabin and started to wander around the huge ferry aimlessly. He went to the reception and asked them if they found any papers. He went to the area when he boarded the ferry next to the elevators. Of course he realized he would not find the map randomly in the ferry like this. But still, he went floor to floor just walking, getting more and more depressed.
He found himself now in another world. He was on the top deck where young people were camping. This place was fundamentally different than the rest of the boat. Here was life, people were happy, talking, singing, and lounging in the sun. He walked fascinated by the change in energy here, looked at people, at the families with young children, the young men playing guitars, the food spread out on blankets with wine and bread. He felt different here, younger more optimistic more himself. He felt feelings he had not felt since he was young, since he was the age of these young people in the sun, looking at young boys like him, full and alive.
Then, he saw the young women in the white gown. His jaw dropped and he stopped abruptly and stood still. She was moving around on her sleeping mat. She wore a gown he recognized immediately from his research on Delos. It was a rare find. He recognized it from drawings on ceramic jars of dancing women and goddesses. The women was going through her pack. He stared at her and could not move. It was as if his body was paralyzed and frozen in time. time slowed and became syrup like. In slow motion her beautiful hand moved to her pack. She reached down under a scarf the light became brighter around her. She put her hand under the scarf and took out his map. But now, the map was different. The paper looked older more wrinkled, it was a darker color. She took the map out and started to put it in her pack. It looked like she was packing her things to leave.
He was unfrozen now, it was like he woke up from a dream. He walked over to her and stopped next to her. He spoke. “ That’s my map. Where did you get that?” He was abrupt and not even polite, rare for him, but he was not in control of himself. She looked up dreamlike. He was standing with the sun behind him. She could not see him clearly. She just saw a figure that looked to her like a huge black bird with outstretched wings. She covered the map quickly with her scarf. “Give me my map back.” He said firmly.
She looked up into the sun and saw this strange bird and said, “Why would a huge bird want a map?” He was stunned. She saw him, she saw the bird. She was dressed in a gown of a goddess from ancient Delos. What was happening to him? She continued, “ This map is mine now. It is my directions to find the secret of Delos and find who I am and who my lover is. I need the map. It had been given to me by HER, it’s not yours anymore.” He was stunned again, now even more so. He could not speak. He sat down next to her and put his head in his hands and just started crying. Clearly his life now was all coming apart. The whole structure he had created with all the tedious work was now unraveling, so, he cried softly to himself, he did not care how he looked or what was happening around him.
Finally he stopped.
Somehow he came back, but was not the same Harve. “I can help you,” He said.
“You don’t know what this map is. I apparently don’t either. I know it’s
details, what the squares and symbols are but I don’t know what they mean.
Before, I never cared, now, it’s all I care about. You don’t know anything
about Delos but you know somehow that the map is a treasure map to a secret and
you are inside it. We can be partners and find this secret together. You need
me, I need you. I am an archeologist who is an expert on Delos. You are a young
women who is somehow deeply involved in this story. We will help each other.”
chapter 13
Love at first sight in the cave
Leto stood up and started walking towards the cave. Since she was a little girl, the cave had been her favorite place in Hyperborea. It was half way up the sacred mountain. It was older than the mountain itself. Her mother told her about it when she was the little dream girl just being formed. Phoebe had told her, “My beautiful little dream. I will take you to the star cave now. It is the place where Hyperborea was born when my mother Gaia made the first land. Gaia took star stuff and hurled it downward and it landed perfectly as a ancient stone. Then, (she laughed her golden musical bell laugh), she moved her beautiful arms and made a spell circle and made the cave, and then she made Hyperborea and then she kept going and made earth and the places beyond the wind. One day my beautiful little girl, you will visit the places beyond the wind and you will have much to do there that will not be as easy as life here. There, you will find a cave that is the twin of this one so you must learn as a little girl how to find the cave, what it is like and what you can do there.”
Then, her mother took her across the orchid forest, up past the lakes of pink and purple aromatic flowers, up the crooked path past the stone people’s resting places, to a place on the side of the magic mountain. There tucked secretly into the hill were two huge stone people kissing in love. The huge rocks leaned against each other in an infinite kiss. Under them, between their legs, was an opening only big enough for them to crawl through. Inside was a chamber filled with pure white purple light. The top was open, the steep back was a hill side full of orchids, flowers of all kinds, roses. The smell in the cave was overwhelming. In the center of the cave was the star stone. It glowed like a ember of an eternal fire, a cool red blue purple color that was not of this earth. The star stone gives the cave it’s smell of pure exuberant energy. Your grandmother was so happy with this star stone. When she hurled it from her baby lovers stars, she did it in a pirouette, a dance of ecstasy for of course she knew all to come and all that had been and all that was inside the rest. Come my beautiful little girl, sit on the star stone. Feel it in your body, in all your bodies. Feel the stars, the star beings, feel what you are and how you were made by HER.
Leto walked out of the tropical forest of ferns an orchid into the plain of wildflowers and jasmine vines and baby grapes. She crossed the fields of yellow and purple and started climbing the mountain. The huge boulders stone people chanted to her as she walked danced up the mountain. The birds circled in expectation, the eagles, the cocks, the wild turkeys the falcons all flew over her in tighter and tighter circles until she was surrounded in cloud of wild birds. The bears, wolves, and lions followed her and led the way of course until it was like a parade leading upwards. She had to find her way around the stone gods, around the plants goddesses around the animals nest and homes and finally she reached the natural shelf the cave stood on.
In front of the cave was the altar her grandmother earth had dreamed for ceremony and prayer. She circled it with her animals below, her birds above three times. Once for the before, once for the now, and once for the to be. She placed flowers she had been picking on her dance up the mountain on the altar and called her animals to arrange in the four directions around her. Then and only then she entered the cave. She walked through the guardian pillars her grandmother had dreamt there to protect the sanctuary and entered the dark cave. She looked at the far wall ablaze with light and flowers and the altar on it in the wall. She loved this place, as a little girl she would climb up the side, between the rocks and strand on the altar naked with her arms outspread like the goddess she was. Here, she truly knew herself and was most herself. It was the power place of Hyperborea for her. She looked at the star stone altar. The rock glowed it’s strange blue red light and let off an odor of lightning and electricity. It was always like the star stone had fallen now and just landed and she could see smoke from it’s entry to earth and see the dust where it landed.
Then, she felt something in her body. Something was tugging at her vagina and rubbing it for her without her touching it. something was shooting up her spine rising like a fire from the bottom, getting hotter and hotter and then when it reached the top of her head shooting out everywhere in a vortex of light. She looked around the cave for the source of this energy. She was young and still did not knew about such things. And she saw sitting on one of the benches on the side of the cave, the most beautiful creature she has ever imagined. He was a man, but not a man. He was a god but far beyond a god. He was an animal, or no, many animals at once. Lightning came from his eyes, thunder from his mouth. His skin was like orchids flowers, he smelled of something she had never known but hungered with desire for her all non life.
She looked at him and knew instantly that her whole existence was new and never would be the same again. In a flash she could see time disappear and there was only the endless now surrounded by an energy she could not identify. This new energy filled her from her toes to the top of her head with heat and with vibrations and with song and music and with colors beyond imagination and with the knowledge of all that had been and would be is is at once like an explosion. And within her body all her cells glowed and lit up but mostly her vagina throbbed, the clitoris swelled immediately to many times is normal size and she was wet like the river below her with ambrosia she had never known.
She heard a voice, “It is time. He is here. Your other half is here to meet your other half. He will enter you and you will be beyond complete and you will travel to the beginning and then before and you will see how it was, is and will be. Afterwards all will be possible for you and for him.”
He stood up, he
walked towards her. She gasped, he could move, she dreamed him, but he moved.
He is a dream she imagined. He walked up to her and looked her in her eyes and
far beyond her eyes to her soul and far beyond her soul to her essence and far
beyond her essence to her void and vortex of being. There, he entered and
vibrated and she was filled with life beyond measure and time.
Chapter 14
Falls in love for the first and last time
Since he was raised in a cave, he returned there at crucial moments in his non life. His non mythic mystic life was moving faster than he knew as if by a primal force or forces. He was dominated by the sky, by nature, by sex and later by power. It was as if huge forces far beyond his control did it all to him and he always had the strength and power to manifest the reality that the two, destiny and inner strength, produced. Born handsome and powerful, son of father sky and mother earth he only grew and grew in his power and his life force. But, he could not love. Sex was one thing for him, it was the natural expression of making more. Zeus from the time he matured was a father of all. He produced. When he had sex with a woman, babies flowed out of her like stars being born in the beginning of time. Merging with women was the way to make forms, was physical creation. Merging was the primal act of Zeus, merging and being one, and changing into. Merging with the sky was the way he made lightning and thunder. Merging with women, the way he made gods, goddesses, and babies, merging with animals was the way he was all at once, and merging with time and space was the way he could be on oracle. As a magical being, he could shape shift, go back and forward in time, turn into any stone, plant, animal, being. He could change the weather, bring rain and huge storms and this power only later turned political when he become king.
But this was all later, we are in the Zeus now, beyond time beyond king, and beyond power here. We are interested in Zeus as lover only. Zeus had been married twice and had already made many, many, gods and goddesses. As father, THE FATHER SKY, his destiny was to populate and he was certainly doing that. But, he could not stick with these wives, the marriages did not last. His first marriage with Metis, the goddess of wisdom and cunning seemed to be about learning tricks to figure out ways to get around impossible destiny’s situations and to get women. Metis taught him to see the future understand it and to solve it’s puzzles by tricks. His second marriage with Themis goddess of tradition and law taught him about how an oracle could foretell order and social structure. This marriage like his others was practical training on how to be a father, how to rule, and being a king. Themis taught Zeus the laws of fate, she explained to him how destiny works, what rules it obeys and how to fit seamlessly into it’s manifestation.
But both the marriages were over, Zeus was a man now, and he found himself in his baby cave again searching for something more. For Zeus had a heart. Remember, he was raised in the cave by nymphs, by bees, and by wolves. The nymphs nursed him with honey from bee priestesses, with milk from wolves and goat until he was so sensual and sexual that he radiated feminine essence as much as any goddess. So in the cave of his honey nursing he lay. He lay on the stone where he had been nursed, in his non time dreams he drunk the milk of his nymph bee mothers, he felt their sharp hairs, their wings covering with with a diaphanous membrane of beyond love, he could never forget this and never get it from his wives it seemed to him. Wives were practical teachers of life. his nymph bee wolves filled his body with milk honey and beyond erotic nipple dreaming.
Zeus was dreaming. In his dream he saw the hairy feathered creatures flying. He saw them fly to him, pick him up and carry him to the top of the mountain. There, he was handed a lightning bolt by the sky above and told to put it where it belonged. Then he woke up. He opened his eyes very slowly. He saw he was in his cave, on his stone baby bed. He saw a huge radiant light he had never seen before filling the cave. He searched for the source. Then he gasped. And a gasp for Zeus was a large act creating thunder and lightning and moving air beyond. He saw a beautiful woman standing in the cave surrounded by white yellow purple light changing colors like a rainbow. He could see directly into her center. He could see her connection to the earth, to mother, he could see that she was daughter of mother earth and father sky. He could see that she was going to have his twins. At this vision, he stopped. He walked over to her and picked her up and kissed her on the lips with his great Zeusian passion. Then, he stopped. This was not what he wanted. He stopped the kiss and looked her in the eyes. He looked beyond her eyes to her heart and soul and center. He looked beyond her eyes to her parents, grandparents, then the beginning of it all. He could see that his woman carried the seeds of the beginning of the now and of the will be and the seeds were the same seeds he carried.
Of all the lovers,
wives, Zeus had been with, none were like this woman at all. She was the
clearest connection to who he is that he had ever experienced. She was his
other side, what separated from him when he was created. She was what he needed
to be whole and to be seen and to be understood beneath the thunder and
lightning into who what he was. He was father, she was mother. He was
lightning, she was the receptacle the earth waiting to be impregnated. She was
also his lover. He could see that immediately with his whole body. She was is
to be the great love of this entire life. she would be the one he would love
from before the beginning to time to after the end of time. no matter how many
women, men, animals he would have, she would be the center of the love story.
He could see that she was love beyond sex. She was love beyond physical matter.
Together they would bring love itself to life on earth and the universe and it
would spread everywhere.
Chapter 15
Falling inside love
She did not like
this strange man who claimed the map was his but she understood the validity of
his claim on her. He made the map , he drew it, he knew some things about it
but for some reason she could not understand that she knew the map was now hers
and hers alone. She remembered looking at the map in the hotel and how it felt
warm and older and how she almost seemed to see paths on the map that were not
drawn. She told the man she needed to move now and would speak to him later. He
seemed like he was in some kind of daze, maybe he’s on drugs she thought or
sick. He stood up and looked at her a long time before he left. She then put
all her small amount of gear in her pack and carried it to where she saw Fred’s
camp. He was sitting in the center of his sleeping pad. She could see he had
made some king of sculpture or something around the pad and he seemed to be
meditating in the center. She felt drawn to him like he was a magnet and she was
metal filings, she was pulled and even her steps seemed easier. As Nadia walked
towards him she again felt her boundaries loosen and her edges spread out. It
was as if the world expanded to where she was no longer separate being. And as
she got closer to him, it all merged until she and he and the sleeping pad and
packs were one energy source in the center of the world. She became dizzy as
she felt these unfamiliar sensations of oneness. She put he pack next to his on
the edge and walked right into the center of the sleeping pad. This felt to her
like she was walking to the center of an immense energy field that was dots
energy and warmth. Dizzy again she sat down abruptly facing him. She followed
his lead and sat in a lotus position their knees touching. Her eyes closed and
she saw herself drifting towards him. It was not her body but an even more real
more beautiful body of a larger spirit woman. She too was dressed in the white
gown and golden sandals, she floated weightlessly until she was touching him with her body. Then, the two bodies
merged as one and she was overwhelmed with a feeling she had never had before
in her short life. there was a warmth, a tingling, a buzzing, she felt herself
leaving rather than staying in her being and she felt connected to all all all
creatures in the universe. She could see out of his eyes. She could feel his
body. She knew his whole life and lives before. And with this, she became
larger and larger until she was the universe and then she disappeared and
became the cause, the dreamer of the universe and then knew that she was now
pure love.
Chapter 16
Inside love forever
He looked deeply into her eyes and far beyond her eyes beyond time. She was now in his small camp on their spirit ship, on their sacred voyage of the gods to the temple. He knew this in the center of his being. She was sitting opposite him on the sleeping mat in lotus position echoing his with knees touching. He could feel his energy moving around his body in a circle through his chakras and then through the knees into her body in the echo circle and then back. The two circles made a figure 8 an infinity sign. The energy moved in the figure 8 around and around like serpents intertwined. Each time the energy moved from him to her it became more intense and clearer and more infinite.
He could feel his chakras expanding and their colors becoming brighter. His lower chakra was now as hot as a fire. He could see clearly that her lower chakra was becoming hotter and hotter and that she was beginning to feel excitement through her whole body. He closed his eyes. He had studied Yoga and done some tantric exercises but this was far beyond what had ever happened to him. Suddenly a vision appeared in his whole being. He saw yab-yum, the two eternal lovers in lotus sitting making love forever. The man was inside the woman, the woman cradled and accepted the man’s organ and they stayed like that for eternity.
In his consciousness he knew that the two of them had done this before in other lifetimes. This was not the way he thought normally. It was a new consciousness being born as he was one with this woman. It was as if his merge with her gave him new eyes and a completely new consciousness.
As Yab-yum the eternal lovers intertwined as one forever he saw. There was a lifetime where they just looked in each other’s eyes. There were many lifetimes where they touched just one finger. There were more than many lifetimes where they kissed only their lips touching. There were more than many lifetimes with a passionate kiss, his tongue insider her mouth, his and her energy rising as one. And there were the ecstatic lifetimes where they made love, where they were inside each other for the whole life, and another life and yet another inside love.
He opened his eyes
and looked around him. He was still on a ferry going to Greece, now with a
young woman. There were people camping on the deck of a boat. Families and
children and couples and single people. The sea shone beyond the railing with
the reflection of the sun. the sky was cloudless and clear and opening. She
opened her eyes at the same time. and said to him, “Did you see us intertwined
and making love?” “Yes”, he said to her.
She said, “We are inside the same dream now Spirit Lover. You are my Spirit
Lover, I don’t know what that means but the words come to me over and over. We
are lovers from before the beginning of time to after the end of time. We will
be lovers forever.”
Chapter 17
Nadia and Fred
Begin their life as lovers
She moved from lotus position and came over him completely like a blanket. She kissed him deeply putting her tongue deep inside his mouth. She put her arms around him and took his hand and put it on her breast and then down to her vagina. She moved his hand under her white gown and put it on her thigh. She started to breathe heavily, to move on him undulating and slithery like a serpent moving.
He kissed her
deeply responding to her passion. He put his arms around her and pulled her to
him. He felt her breast on his body her legs coming around him. His passion
rose, he became hard. When she moved his hand to her breast he moved it gently
and touched her nipple which had become hard. He caressed her breast and wanted
so much to suck the nipple. His sexual energy rose. He had girlfriends before
but never had passion rising so easily and full as this. It was as if their sex
was before time and after time for him with her. When she moved his hand under
her dress and put it on her thigh he moved it up slowly towards her vagina. He
felt her muscular thighs, the small hairs and slid a finger up into her. She
was completely wet his finger went into her moistness and upside her.
He took her hand and put it on his crotch. He felt her squeeze his penis and move her hand over it like she was pulling his soul out of him to her. They looked into each other’s eyes and stopped. “We must find somewhere to make love”. She said, we can’t go on here on deck in daylight with everyone around us. And indeed, they saw people looking at them, they were attracting attention.
She said, “We are Spirit Lovers now. My passion for you is overwhelming. I can’t stop it and don’t want to. All my previous life is gone. It is here now only making love to you. I can see with my second sight something of what is happening and will happen. We are going to Greece. We are going to Delos with my map to find the secret of who we are, what we are doing and why we are here together on the earth now. I don’t see the answer now. I will see it more and more as we make love. I can see that lovemaking is our window to the answer.”
They got up together and started looking for an isolated place to make love. They searched the crowed deck and there was no place hidden here. They went to the swimming pool below and looked around them. They went into the changing rooms and found small closet like rooms to change clothes. They went inside one and he kissed her deeply and put his hands under her gown and lifted her up to him by her bottom. She pulled down his shorts and underwear pulled up her gown and he came inside her wetness in one moment of passion beyond time, before time, after time. He looked directly in her eyes and she in his. He moved slowly inside her as he felt his passion rise, she moved slowly and more aggressively on him like he was the sky and she was the earth.
As their passion rose, as they felt the energy rising inside them toward climax they both had the same vision. Their bodies disappeared. They disappeared. There was only light a bright white yellow purple light that enveloped them completely. She turned into a huge woman and he into a huge man. She turned into a fleeting shape of the earth and he into a moving shape as the sky. Then, in a clap of thunder, the sky came over the earth, the earth opening itself to the sky. All around them lightning flashed, thunder exploded, and earth became fertile and moist and wetter and wetter, the sky came deeper and deeper inside the earth and then.. silence. And then the both saw the twins. The babies came up out of the earth like flowers, budding. She took the babies and put them to her breasts and the vision ended.
They kissed, and held each other in each other’s arms. They could not let each other go. They were one now. They both knew this and could not separate from each other. Their lovemaking had been wonderful, like a storm releasing itself from the atmospheric tension before. The lovemaking had been like a long awaited explosion of deeply held desire and attraction even though they had only know each other in this lifetime for minutes. The lovemaking was also, they both understood, unworldly. Something had happened that was beyond this physical world into another world of dreams, visions, mystical reality and energy all together different from the physical world they lived in before.
They held hands and left the cubicle changing room. The smell of the chorine and pool, the moisture of the water evaporating surrounded them as they left the dark wet area and went outdoors. There, the sun shone brightly, the air was fresh, the sea breezes and wind from the boat’s movement was strong and powerful. But it did not wake them up, it put them deeper in a trance. They walked together hand in hard, to the sleeping mat and lay down side by side and kissed again.
She said to him,” I had a vision when we made love. I saw myself as a huge woman surrounded by light. I saw you as a huge man surrounded by light. I saw the two giant figures making love like we were making love. Their movements were out movements, we moved together like dancers in harmony. Then.. I saw the giants change. I changed into mother earth, you changed into father sky and we continued to make love. Then there was lightning, and thunder and then a wonderful pregnant silence and then I gave birth to twins and nursed them immediately. I know I am pregnant by you with twins right now.”
He said to her, “ I
saw the same vision exactly at the same moment. It is clear that we vision
together as one seer. I was the other half of this vision and shared it as we
made love and as they made love and as the earth and sky made love. I too know
you are pregnant with my twins. I see that you will have these babies and they
will be sacred babies who will change the world.”
Chapter 18
Leto and Zeus
When the beautiful male creature came over to her and kissed her in one kiss he took her heart away. She had been sucked out of her body out of her whole existence as a goddess as a young woman, as alone, as a daughter right into a new life as a lover. This male creature, whatever he was, had pulled her into him and into lover’s consciousness like a bee was pulled to a flower or the wind to her mother.
When he stopped his kiss her whole body yearned with passionate desire beyond her imagination to kiss more deeply. When he then looked into her eyes she entered his eyes went directly into his head and then into his being and then went everywhere in his body around and around until he was filled with her.
She did not know she could do that of course. This was her first time with a lover, her first time with these sensations feeling energy, it was all new to her and at the same time she knew this perfectly from every cell in her non body. She just left her beautiful female body and went into his eyes and flew slid moved inside him. After she moved down to his toes, and around up his legs she came to his penis and she simple shook like a wolf coming out of the water. His penis enlarged, his eyes twirled in his head and he went wild.
All this happened in a non second. From the kiss, to the eyes to the wolf shaking was in a time that was so non time that time went backwards. She came out of him and became larger and larger and wetter and wetter and she became moisture and flowers, and orchids and animals and plants and stones and got hotter and hotter until she was on fire. She was now much larger than her was, she was overwhelmingly large and she enveloped him completely.
Then, in response to her he became large too. Like on cue, in a dance, he became thunder , lightning, went over her, became power and force and energy. And then, the two energies, earth and sky joined. It happened so quickly that neither of them saw it or felt it. Leto sucked him into her he entered her vagina lightning enters whole earth exploded inside her went everywhere in the universe at once one with her before time after time and now.
It was the most passionate lovemaking that had ever taken place. It made all the lovers Zeus had had look pale, it’s energy was so intense that it created new worlds, and it changed him completely. He was no longer married, he was no longer with order, tradition, law, he was a wild creature exploding, creating, and being whole. He had found the other half, found what he was made for, and was born as the half of the Spirit Lovers.
And she was now a woman. As she woke from this sacred lovemaking, her woman’s vagina was wet , full, open, it was all she felt in her body, all her energy was in this sacred portal, this place of attraction, this place of much more she would learn.
And as Leto now, as her sacred woman goddess, she pulled him to her, kissed him passionately and reached down and stroked his penis and pulled him inside her again and again and again. She was insatiable, he filled her and exploded into her, filled her again and their titan bodies were covered with moisture the fluids from them mixed and made the rivers of the world, flowed to the seas, made sea creatures and bore the world.
She said to him, “ Who are you beautiful creature? What form of being are you? I am the daughter and grand daughter of mother earth. And what are you?” and he said, “ I am the son a king and of a sister mother earth , we are cousins, family. I am him who moves, him who creates, him who fathers.
But now I know that together we are the Spirit Lovers on earth, their breath inside their passionate kiss to create the future. Within and from our deepest passion will come the twins who will change the world. You are pregnant now my love, my deepest love, my twin, my spirit half, the most passionate and intense lover of my life.. with our sacred twins. The speech was not like Zeus at all. It in fact did not come from him but from her into him which was their life together.
She said to him. I feel the babies the sacred twins with me. I am not a virgin anymore or child anymore and I now a mother to be. My role is done. I am your most passionate lover, the mother of your powerful and sacred twins. It is our destiny, our role, our future and our life together my love.
She she looked at he who changed her life forever and in a flash she changed into a wolf, and then a cock, and then an orchid blooming and then her woman over and over until the changes were so fast that all he could see was one woman of all. He he taking her cue as an echo changed into lightning and thunder and a wolf too, and bees, and and eagle, and the sky whole opening and a man and it all changed so fast that all she could see was his man of it all.
They kissed again,
the kiss that went on from the before the beginning of time to after the end of
time. and in the very center of their kiss they both heard this voice, “In the
center of you kiss my lovers, in the center of your climax in lovemaking my
lovers I am. I am LOVE, created before the worlds were born, First created
after chaos turned to non chaos. Then I was. I am HER LOVE and you are my
children and I love you both.
Chapter 19
Speaks to you
Leto and Zeus lay together and kissed deeply and disappeared. Nadia and Fred lay together as lovers and disappeared. In the non moment of their non disappearance this is what the four lovers heard simultaneously.
SHE speaks, “ I am HER. I am the first kiss. I am your first kiss. I am the energy in the before. I am the energy of what you were before. I am what there is when there is not. I am what you have when there is not. I am what all existence flows from. I am what your whole existence flows from. I am what remains when it all disappears. I am what you have when it all disappears.
I am what you find when you take it all apart. I am what you see between breaths, I am what you feel when all thought and judgment evaporates and you are out of time and space. I am what you enter when you leave. I am where you land when you fall.
I am what you are in your ecstatic non moments of orgasm, I am what you are when you and your lover become beyond one into the ONE. I am where you fall when you fall IN Love. I am who you are when you are in love. I am what you see in your lover. I am what you feel when you enter your lover, when you orgasm, and when you kiss afterwards in ecstasy. All this comes from my kiss.
I am what heals, I am your healing. I am what is transformed, I am the transformation. I am what is taken away, I am where it will go. I am the kiss you sing in your most beautiful songs. I am the spinning and whirling you dance in your most ecstatic dance. I am words in your poems that open your lover’s heart. I am the vibrating images that you paint and sculpt that change the world. I am what your prayer brings the world in ceremony. Your most inspirited music, dance, poems, sculpture, and ceremony are my kiss.
I kiss you as your opening. I kiss you as the portal to the before, the now, and the after as one. My kiss is what is beyond your deepest desire, beyond your fullest happiness, beyond your joy, beyond your eternal peace.
I am with you always. I am HER LOVE for you and your lover as one.”
The four lovers
heard this voice in the center of their HER kiss and and knew what was, is, and
will be forever.
Chapter 20
Leto in love, Leto inside love, Leto as love, Leto as herself, bright full and pregnant. This time in Hyperborea was the non time in her life. it was the non time where she was so in love that in her life was only love, only before, only love now, and only love everlasting. When she woke in the morning she yearned for his kiss, for his touch, for his eyes. In the morning, with the Hyperborea sun, the endless days and nights, the timeless perfection of the beyond place. Her every yearning and desire was more than fulfilled. Here in Hyperborea now, she had no responsibilities, nothing to do, no babies to take care of, no problems to solve. She had only to reach over to him and make love.
Here was a the time of endless lovemaking, lovemaking so deep and profound it surpassed her imagination, her dreams, her thoughts, and her body. In her first moment of awakening in the morning she would put out her hand and touch his face. She would feel his beard, then she would lean over him and lightly kiss his lips. He would stay asleep in his deep powerful kingly sleep but she would feel her vagina getting wet and feel the throbbing inside her leading to HER directly and she would hear HER voice. “My beauty, my essence, my soul, my spirit. I will make love to him now using your body and mine. Let go completely, surrender to me to HER, to HIM now. “ And Leto would feel herself shape shift into HER and then feel her body move without her volition, move seamlessly and effortlessly in lovemaking beyond form but fully with form. This lovemaking was body being spirit, it was physical being beyond spiritual, it was the way the world was created.
In this morning she felt her body move to him. She slid down in the bed and lightly touched the tip of his penis with her lips. She slid her mouth down over him and her mouth became larger and larger until she had his whole body in her mouth. Then he was inside Her kiss. With her magic dust she put him to sleep and then slid down over him and put him up inside her. She was completely wet and he slid up into her and became huge. She let him come up into her until he filled her vagina, and then filled her uterus and then her body and then her mouth and then when he exploded in passion the universe. Only then would she wake him up taking off her magic spell, and look into his eyes and say good morning. He would be amazed for in his most powerful dreams he had just made love to HER, she who made the world, and he would only on waking remember and rejoice.
Each time was different, one time SHE would have Leto make love as HER, the next as a wolf, the next as the earth soil, the next as an eagle. Another time SHE would have Leto make love as Leto’s mother, the next time as Leto’s grandmother, the next time as her daughter to come. Each lovemaking was a spiritual act of worship. I was an act of seeing him as the god, the king, the beautiful man he was and celebrating it with her body given to HER fully.
After lovemaking she would take him to her favorite places, to her spring to bathe. She would take off her diaphanous gowns and step lightly into the warm water, she would do this slowly so he could watch her body enter the magical waters and be renewed. She would call the nymphs of the spring to them to bathe them and love them. She would call the goddess of water , of earth, to love them. Each moment of her life with him here in Hyperborea was a ceremony calling in the goddesses and gods and celebrating their creative love.
He would come into the water slowly, his beautiful body huge and powerful, he would be relaxed here, at ease, and in the water she would kiss him and love him again. Then, she would go to a small meadow in a forest of ferns, palms and orchid. She would make an area on the softness moss and lay him there and then make love again. She would call the animals to be with them, the birds to sing, the tigers to lick them, serpents to come around their wrists and bracelets and around her thin ankles and anklets.
And sometimes it was his turn to make love to her. He would come to her and pick her up like she was as light as a bird’s feather. He would get larger and larger. Sometimes he would make love as thunder and lightning. He would get so large he would come over her completely and envelop her in winds and rain, he would kiss her lips and she would feel the lightning going into her whole body filling her with life. when he entered her she felt the power of mountains of the sky fill her completely. For this lovemaking she would be receptive. She would become the earth, the soil, there ground, she would open herself so furiously like an earthquake and suck him inside her and in the moment of union of merging they would be earth and sky as one again like in the before time.
But mostly, this
time in Hyperborea for Leto was a time of dreaming. Between passionate spirit
guided lovemaking were dreams of babies, dreams, of the sun and the moon,
dreams of strange islands, of ceremony. She would dream of flying over lands
she did not recognize. She would dream of darker things too. Of attacks and
battles, of escapes and of cunning.
Chapter 21
This time in Hyperborea is the happiest time in his life. Before endless battles, power and the politics of the king of gods, before exotic love affairs and before his third marriage to come, this was Zeus’s time out of time. in fact, it was the only time in Zeus’s life that he was at peace, in love, and totally free.
Here, the god of lightning was made love to by the earth, in a paradise of beauty and grace. Never had he imagined life could be like this, never had he experienced anything remotely resembling this reality in his non existence. Far from war, deception, constant battles and love affairs, far from excitement and suffering was this sweet place of contentment safety and peace.
As the king of gods, he had and would have lovers beyond measure. He would make love as almost everything, as humans, as animals, as supernatural beings. And, he learned it all from Leto on Hyperborea in this magical time. This wild shape shifting lover who was given to him as a gift was she who could make love as anything. He would be sleeping, and she would be the first goddess to overwhelm him beyond his knowledge or dreams.
And his divine masculine power was made much stronger here, in fact it was discovered. Zeus had thought before Hyperborea and his lover Leto, that making love was physical. He had thought that physical love was about about sex only. For him, it had been about mounting or taking his lover and squirting babies into her and ending and leaving. His two wives of course had been different. One was justice, one was earth as soil, and both were balance and teachers for him of divine feminine energy, but both were not about lovemaking, that was for sure.
Here in Hyperborea, when Leto was with him, or near him or in his mind, or on Hyperborea with him anywhere, he became erect. Just her voice would make his penis swell. The sight of her would raise his cone of power and energy so fast and so high it would be like the first time every time. and when she would arouse him and he would turn into the lightning lover, that would be beyond his understanding. She was actually rising his lightning and making his thunder louder and making him stronger and more who he was as Zeus, god of the sky in storms.
From this sacred encounter, he could see that it took HER to make HIM. It was when she saw him as HIM that he became HIM. SHE created HIM after all and now made him stronger and stronger.
One day, after
bathing in the nymph spring and making love as nymphs and satyrs he looked into
her eyes and said, “Leto my eternal lover beyond time. Leto who will be the
mother of the sun and the moon, of oracles beyond measure, I will love you
forever as the love of my life. I will love you no matter where you will be and
no matter what will happen to us.” He heard the words come out of his mouth and
did not know from where they came or why they were coming now in this beyond
perfect moment. “Leto, the love of my life, my life will take me on paths that
are beyond my control, they are controlled by destiny and by HIM. You will
always be able to hear my voice, feel my kiss and touch, access my power.” As
he said this, tears came to his eyes and to hers and they both knew their time
was getting short here in this Hyperborean paradise.
Chapter 22
Making love with the twins
After making love in full passion and desire in the changing room, and laying together in the sun on deck sharing the vision, Fred went directly to reception and took a cabin for them to make more love. They looked in each other’s eyes and knew they only wanted to make love, to smell each other, to roll in their body fluids forever. They carried their gear from the top deck to the elevator going down and found their small cabin in the very front of the ship. They opened to door and were delighted by what they saw. The cabin had two big windows facing the sea and they could see the sea moving under them like a magic carpet. On each side of the cabin was a small single bed. Between the small child like beds was a table under the window, behind in the small entry hall was the bathroom with a shower. It was like a lover’s paradise, like a secret love nest in a soul ship traveling to heaven.
Here, they had privacy, they had a love nest forever out of time. They put their knapsacks down and jumped into each other’s arms. She lay down on one bed and he lay next to her. She looked into his eyes and looked further and deeper in them and saw with her second sight an ancient temple of marble, clouds swirling above it as if in rapid motion. And in the temple was a wooden statue of a woman and with a shock she saw it was herself. There was no doubt in her mind, she recognized herself. The statue was crude, it was abstract, it had a smooth surface like it had been rubbed and rubbed by thousands of hands. Then, her second sight showed her more. There were women lined up at the temple dressed in the same kind of gown that she was wearing. They sat on a marble bench outside the temple and talked softly to each other. Then one by one they entered the marble building and walked up the the wooded statue and kneeled, made a prayer and rubbed the statue and quietly left. Some left gifts, jewelry, flowers, or small metal squares with babies on them.
She opened her eyes and saw where she was. She was in her lovers arms in a cabin on a ship in the sea. The sun shone into their small cabin and lit up the face of her lover. He was absolutely beautiful she was spell bound and could not look away. He bent over her and kissed her deeply. She swallowed him whole waking up to her rising passion. He lifted her dress and slid his hand up her thigh to her vagina. She was wet and open for him again immediately. She pulled down his pants and took out his penis and put it in her quickly. It slid into her and filled her completely and more. It went up inside her whole body to her mouth and in one moment they became one again. She disappeared and he disappeared and there was only HER kiss and time and space disappeared and they were in the great before together as one.
They made love over and over again for the whole day, the whole night and the next day until the ferry arrived in Greece. It was the most lovemaking she had ever done by far. It was as if she was taking the twins inside her and feeding them their love as sacred fluids. It was as if she was making love with her twins, to her twins, with the new babies swimming in perfect love. They were being formed in love, grown in love and bathed in their love fluids. Her, their, lovemaking was completely changed by the twins. It was much deeper and fuller, less sexual and more cosmic and intense. He was disappearing and they were getting larger. The imperceptible motion was subtle but real, the energy was changing already in their lovemaking. They were not making love to have sex at all. They were not making love as lovers, they were making love to make something beyond themselves, beyond their lives, beyond.
This time in the
cabin was the happiest time of Nadia’s short life. It was time filled with
love, filled with meaning and purpose. It was a portal to the past and to the
future. Her life had gone from being lost to being found. Without doing
anything, one day had changed her life to a life filled with destiny. She had
no idea what was happening. She took it on blind trust and simply did what had
to be done next. She followed her body and her desire and her visions and her
second sight and it had led her here, to this man inside her now, these babies
inside her now and this journey she was embarking on today.
Chapter 23
Fred entered with beautiful Nadia a new world of spiritual love, and for the first time in his life, sexual fulfillment. All the sexual hunger of his lifetime, all the times he yearned and surged and was not totally fulfilled were now fulfilled beyond his dreams. Each time he made love, it was another part of his fulfillment, each time she came over him, sucked on his penis and put him inside her he released and let go and healed. She healed his sexuality in one night and one day.
And more than that, this was the first time he was in love. He had loved women before but this was the fist time he was inside love. The love was all around him and he was inside it. It flowed from him to her and he felt it flow from her to him. He had fallen into love so deeply there was now nothing else in his existence except Nadia, his love for her, their wild sex and the mystery of the whole story. For this woman was a huge mystery beyond imagination. Where did she come from? Why was he with her? What was Delos and her map? And why did he fall in love in one second from across deck of a ferry? Why was he on the ferry in the first place? Why was he going to Greece and then on a ferry and then falling in love across a deck and then making love and her saying she is pregnant and is part of a journey to an archeological site.
He could not help but think that there was destiny involved. The story was so improbable and rich and spiritual that the spiritual part of him was awake completely. He was feeling trust, love, light, oneness, and some kind of purpose to his life that he knew would come to him but he had no idea what it was. He was a photographer, he took pictures of the world of nature around him, of animals in situations that moved him. He photographed nature’s lovemaking, births, loss, ecstasy. He did not know anything about archeology or Greece. She had told him together they would find out who they were, she would help find find out who he was. And he could vision with this woman, they saw out of the same eyes, they both saw the huge man and huge woman and the twins. This had never happened to him before and he could not imagine even now that it happened at all.
And now, she was sucking on his penis her vagina on his face. She was screaming in ecstasy as he licked her clitoris. It was very physical and at the same time not. She turned around, got on all fours and he entered her from behind. She pulled him to her, pulled his body to her and put her hand behind her and made her tighter. He came in and out. She cried, “Faster, harder, more, deeper” and screamed in ecstasy as he made love to her. And then, as his passion rose, as he felt his orgasm coming she came in a wild screaming ecstatic contraction and fluid came out of her vagina flooding the bed and bathing him. And at that moment he was gone. He saw the lovers in the bed below, he saw the ship below him. He saw the sea below, and then the land masses and then the earth, and then the stars and then heard this voice, “You are born in this sacred lovemaking as a star being. You are a man of the stars, you time on earth is short compared to your time with us. I am your spirit guide. I am here to love you and be with you for your whole life.” And he saw a huge bird, black wings spread out, it disappeared and he opened his eyes and was lying of top of a beautiful young woman on a ferry in the sun on the way to Greece.
Chapter 24
He begins to see feel and know
The ferry was arriving in Patras Greece. It was morning. They had been on the boat from the afternoon of the previous day. Harve had not seen the young woman or man since he talked to them on the sleeping mat the day before. He still wanted his map and was worried that she had lied to him and sneaked away. He went up to the top camping deck again and walked around looking for them. They were no where to be seen. He realized he did not even know her name or where she was going or her plans. He had become emotional and even cried which was completely unlike him, and had not organized a plan with any details.
He went to his cabin and packed up his papers, luggage and went into the hall to the elevators to go down to the exit and leave the ferry. As he opened the door he saw the young woman coming out of a cabin at the end of the hall with a tall young man. They both were carrying packs and were obviously leaving the ferry. He waited until they reached him. He said, “ Remember me? I am the man who made the map you stole.” He was different now, aggressive business like and not even friendly. The young woman looked at him like she had never seen him before then smiled. “Oh yes, I remember you now. You are an archeologist who knows about Delos. You told me we could work together to find the meaning of my treasure map, yes?” She remembered now that he was a bird and she had been in her white gown when they met. For some reason that had made him start crying.
“Yes, she said, I remember you and our conversation together. You had said we could work together to find the secret of the map, OK, here I am, here is the map”, she pointed at her pack”, “And now it’s time to begin our working partnership”.
Harve thought , what do I do now? Should I try to steal the map back. Should I call security on the ship or call the Greek police when I get off. Instead, Harve heard himself say, “I am going to Athens for a night , and then to Mykonos and Delos tomorrow. I will take you with me and we will begin our work together.” The words just came out of his mouth like something or someone had put them there. This frightened him, he was back to his lost child self, his abandoned man self, and all his aggressively was now gone in a flash.
They went down the black glass elevator towards the exit. The elevator was filled with people with luggage, young people with backpacks, families with children, all going to Greece for each of their own reasons. They were going down to the garages to get in their cars. They were going down to the bus to get to Athens. Harve looked at the woman as they went down the elevator. She was dressed in the ceremonial Greek white gown like she was yesterday. But she looked completely different. She looked older and much more beautiful. He noticed that she was full and beyond sexual now. She was radiating the energy of mother earth. He could almost smell the earth on her, smell flowers and moist soil. Then he looked at the young man who was with her now. He was tall and strikingly handsome. He had a beard and long hair and a powerful presence. He too looked almost wildly sexual, he was carrying an energy of sex and power that Harve knew well. Harve was attracted to him deeply and felt himself getting hard as he looked at this young god. In a daydream Harve imagined touching his penis and making love to him. This thought shocked him. It was usual for him to daydream when he saw beautiful men but this daydream was deeper and more powerful. It was as though the man was more than a normal man.
Harve led them towards the bus to Athens. He introduced himself. He said, “ I am Harve Pinchon. Like I told you yesterday, I am an archeologist who works at the French school. I study and do research on Delos and have done this for many years. I will be going to Delos tomorrow to work on excavations in the temple of Leto.” Nadia said, “ My name is Nadia the this is Fred. We met yesterday and now we are lovers. He will go with me and work with me on my map. I know that it is our destiny to work together to find the secret of the map, of who we are and much more.
Harve told them to buy tickets and he would meet them on the bus. He got all his luggage together and started walking to the bus stop. He saw the couple behind him out of the corner of his eye. They stopped and kissed deeply. In a flash Harve saw them turn into the small sculpture of lovers in the Museum of Delos that he had studied extensively. He had found when it was made, had a theory of who made it, but had no idea what it meant or what it was for. As his eyes crossed and he saw what was almost a reflection of the statue now merged with the physical bodies of Nadia and Fred a wave of energy came over him and he had a flash of understanding of the statue for the first time. He could not put it in words but he felt it in his body. This made him relax deeply. He though he was glimpsing what was happening to him and would would happen to them together in Delos. But this was new territory for him, feeling and trusting his body as a way to know, and it was obvious to him that Nadia and Fred were the portal to this new way of knowing.
The bus ride was three hours. It took them through the country side along the sea. It passed small villages on the sea to the left and mountain on the other side to the right. The road was crowded with huge trucks that had come off the ferry from Italy and were now taking all manner of things to Greece. There were also long lines of cars, Greek cars coming home, cars with foreign license plates from France, Germany, Italy. The cars will filled with families, with young people, with couples. Many of them had roof racks with suitcases pilled up like gypsies carrying their belongings.
On the bus with the shaking and bouncing Harve fell into a deep sleep. In the sleep he had a dream. He was in Delos in ancient times. The temples were not destroyed, they were marble buildings that were painted garish colors. There were young women dancers leading a procession to a temple. People were carrying offerings, and chanting. He woke up with a start. He remembered the dream exactly which was rare for him. He knew of course from his scholarship who the dancers were and what the procession was but he only knew this from reading and study. He had never seen it. Now, in the dream it was becoming real like an image appearing slowly though the fog as the fog cleared. This was the first time this had ever happened to him. He had never dreamt of Delos even after all the years of study. He had never actually been there in his body and his imagination even after all his research and writings.
In Athens, they took a taxi to his hotel. I was a small hotel in Monastaraki that was frequented by archeologists and students, it was simple, inexpensive and friendly. As they walked in they saw groups of students sitting in the lobby talking. They went to the reception desk and Harve spoke to the man behind it in fast Greek. He greeted the clerk by name and was happy to see him. He got Nadia and Fred a room. He told the clerk that the young couple were friends working at the French school in Delos with him.
Then he said to Nadia, “, I have business with the French school in Athens and I am busy all afternoon. We need to go the ferry very early tomorrow morning, the boat leaves Piraeus at 7:30 in the morning. I will meet you in the lobby at 6:30. It’s early in the day now so you have the rest of the day in Athens. This hotel has a wonderful location, it’s near the acropolis, the museums and the Agora. You can walk around, find a taverna to eat, or do what you want.”
Harve watched them
go to the elevator with their backpacks. The looked like all the students he
had taught over the years in the French School. But he knew they were
different. In her white gown she was more than a student. With his almost godly
presence he was more too and as a couple he could see they were even more than
they were separately.
Chapter 25
A gypsy woman and her gifts
They opened the door to their room, ran to the bed and made love. After all , they had not made in about 4 hours, this was too long for the new lovers. Happiness again, a room, alone, privacy and each other’s bodies and so much more. As she took off her clothes she felt Athens. She felt it’s chaos and that alone drove her back to dreams undiscovered. She felt it’s oriental nature, it’s temples and the goddesses and animals. She did not know anything about Athens or Greece but her body knew things that were secret. In the bed she lay on her back and put out her arms. They instantly became wings and went far out in the small room. She could see him take of his clothes. He was so beautiful beyond anything she had seen in this lifetime. She looked at him through large eyes moving from side to side and he came over her. He kissed her mouth and she bit him drawing blood from his lower lip. She put her wings over him and closed them covering him completely. His arms became wings too, his eyes as wide as hers. He bit her lip and the blood mixed. Her fingers became claws, she scratched his back from the top to the bottom and make deep strait lines that turned red immediately. Then she knew, they were owl lovers. Each had turned into a owl and they were making owl love. She turned over and he came over her from behind. He put his wings over her whole body and bit her neck with his sharp beak. She through her head back turned it completely around and bit his neck back. He came into her in this frenzy in the wild fast flapping of wings, claws, beak, he came in orgasm and she followed shaking her tail as she came. She threw him off her her and flew to another branch. She could feel the fertilization of her eggs inside her, hear the baby owls cooing, see the forest around her and she closed her huge round eyes and fell asleep.
When she awakened he was looking at her deeply . He did not look away even for a second. “Did you see it?, “she said. “ We made love as owls. That was wild!” “I saw it” , he said. “I saw it and I felt it.” That is all they said, they did not speak more of it in this moment.
They got dressed and decided to go for a walk and explore the area. Out of the hotel it was immediately chaos. Gypsy street vendors were selling all manner of things, copper pots, old plates, old clothes. Buildings were falling down and supported by scaffolds and braces. Graffiti was everywhere and murals covered many walls with garish color. The street was filled with people. Gypsies, migrants, Greek men smoking and drinking coffee from samovars. This was not the place where they came from or knew.
They walked down small crooked alleys past small shops selling strange collections of things. They past shops selling sponges, spices, brooms, CD’s birds, old prints. they passed old men playing a game of some sort on the ground, coffee shops with people drinking coffee and eating sweets. They reached an open square filled with antique shops on the outside and people with wares spread out on the ground in the center. Old women sat on the ground on blankets surrounded by old plates with paintings on them, old patterned crystal glasses, old clothes, silverware, old Greek objects they did not recognize. In one corner was an old truck covered with objects. A gypsy woman was standing next to it.
The woman looked at Nadia. Nadia looked into her deep dark eyes. The woman was wearing colorful long skirts, had wrinkles over her face, had scarves wrapped around her and was covered with beads. The woman called to Nadia. “Come here lady, I have something for you. Come here lady!” Nadia drew away and then without meaning too, walked directly to the woman. The woman took out an old flat drum with tambourine metal rings on the side. She held it out to Nadia. “This is for you. This is yours. I have been keeping it for you, hiding it from the others. I give this to you now.” Nadia asked how much it cost. The old woman looked at Nadia deeply and said again, “ I am giving this to you. It is yours to reclaim. I have been holding it for you..oh, I forgot, and there is this too.” And the woman took out a scarf that was obviously very old. It was almost transparent, it was so thin. It was like a veil more than a scarf. “And finally, there is this.” She reached into a leather bag she was holding around her neck. She took out some feathers. Nadia could see it was a bird’s wing. It looked dirty and maybe even rotten. It had a bead ring around the base that acted as a handle.”
The old gypsy woman took the drum and put it in Nadia’s right hand. She took the wing and put it in Nadia’s left hand, the took the veil scarf and put it over Nadia’s head. Nadia tried to pull away as the woman dressed her. Her body was frozen, she could not move. She felt full of energy and alive and was vibrating. The woman said put you arm over your veil and turn slightly to one side. Nadia followed her instruction exactly. “Stop” said the woman when Nadia reached a certain pose.
At this moment,
Nadia froze and could not move. She left her body and saw a woman below her.
The woman looked like an ancient temple dancer she had seen on ceramics
somewhere, maybe a museum or book. At the time, she did not notice it and now
she was it. she rose and rose and opened
her eyes. She was in a marble temple, she was playing the drum, dancing and
singing. There was no time, it was forever.
Chapter 26
A gypsy woman gives him gifts too
He watched his love Nadia put on the veil and watched the gypsy woman slowly move her little by little until she reached this pose she was in now. Then, he saw her disappear and reappear as a temple dancer in ancient times. Her face was the same, her body the same but everything around her as different. There was an air of mystery, there was power and energy. There were things around her in the air, spirits? Beings? There were animals in the sky and he could see that she was connected to the stars.
He tried to give the old woman some money. She would not take it. She said, “I am not selling these things. These things are hers. They belong to her, I was asked to keep them for her, and to give them to her when she arrived. I have been expecting her. She is here. I gave them to her. My role is finished here. There is no money to be exchanged. I am returning something she left behind that I have been entrusted to keep.”
They both walked away. Neither of them knew what to say. They were stunned and beyond words. They started to walk through the rest of the flea market. There were more antiques, more plates and glasses and silver ware, more gypsies. It made them dizzy. This reality was like a dream manifest from destiny in the the physical world.
Then they saw something that was shocking. There was an animal skin lying over some old trunks. Fred instantly knew what it was. It was a wolf. It had been skinned and tanned and now looked like it was alive. The wolf spoke to him, “ Fred, you are supposed to take me with you. I am your protector, your spirit animal. Take me now.” Fred asked the man how much this cost. The man said 1000 euros. Fred and Nadia started to walk away. The man followed them. “500 Euros”, he said. They walked on. “250Euros”, he said. They walked further away. The man ran after them. “100 Euros” he said. Fred turned and said, “What is this? What is the story of this?” The man said, “ I don’t know anything about it. An old woman came to me this morning and asked if I could try to sell it for her. She told me she would take,” and he stopped. Fred and Nadia walked away. As they walked and looked at more cups and plates and clothing and antiques she said to him. “ You know that is yours, you are supposed to buy that. It is for us. I am sure of that.” They turned around, went back and bought it from the man. He put it in a large plastic bag. It was heavy and bulky. Neither of them had any idea what this was about. Together, they were learning that trust was a key element in the magical story that was emerging, that had swirled around them capturing both their young lives. Trust in what was actually happening, trust in the unknown, trust in inner voices and body feelings was something essential for the story to be written.
They went back to the hotel and put the wolf skin and the drum, veil and wing in their room. They went out again and took the map the hotel clerk had given them with their key and started walking to the acropolis. It was only a short walk and they were drawn to it like a bee to the center of an aromatic soft flower.
Chapter 27
Nadia and Fred
The owl of Athena speaks
They climbed the steps of the acropolis in the late afternoon sun. it was still hot, and there were crowds of people walking with them. It was the place to be for tourists in Athens, and there were many groups of Asians with cameras, groups of school children with teachers, families, and young people with backpacks like them. All the people walked slowly in the sun, up the marble steps towards this iconic monument. It felt to them like some kind of a procession in ancient times. They bought tickets and were given an map with explanations of the site. They entered the monument and climbed and climbed up the steep worn marble steps. Now, they clearly felt the throngs that had gone before them, felt the processions of the past, heard the music, saw the dancers. At the top they saw the huge temple. It’s columns in lines towered over the crowd. The porticos elegantly crowned the temple, the ancient sculptures were barely visible on the top. The whole building was being restored. Cranes and building equipment were everywhere but this actually made the structure more impressive. The construction put a timelessness on the ancient batiment, it was now and then at once. They could see that just the reconstruction was an enormous work, they could also see what the building was like thousands of years ago.
They went to the old Acropolis museum on the corner of the site. In front of the door on a high pedestal was a marble sculpture of an owl. The owl just looked down at them and seemed to smile. “Thank you, spirit lovers for making love in my body she said. That has not happened for a long long time. I welcome you to my home, I called you here in the center of your lovemaking. Open your eyes here my babies and look.”
They were amazed, what is this? Who is she. They went back to the huge columned structure. It shown orange in the last rays of the sun. Dogs slept in front of it, cats behind. It was protected now by animal spirits, they could see that. They read the old scratched plaque on a stand in front of the building. The rays of the sun hit them in the face. He looked at Nadia. Her face was deep orange. Her gown glowed. Again he could see her dancing and could see the twin babies within her spinning in joy in this place. It was as if they knew what was happening to them even if their mother and father did not.
A plaque in front of the Acropolis read, “The greatest and finest sanctuary of ancient Athens, dedicated primarily to its patron, the goddess Athena, dominates the center of the modern city from the rocky crag known as the Acropolis. The most celebrated myths of ancient Athens, its greatest religious festivals, earliest cults and several decisive events in the city’s history are all connected to this sacred precinct.
The owl is the bird sacred to Athena, goddess of wisdom. As her companion, Owl perched on her shoulder and revealed unseen truths to her. It had the ability to light up her blind side, enabling her to speak the whole truth. Owl was the guardian of Acropolis. It is the traditional attribute of seers, symbolizing their gift of second sight, exercised by their interpretation of omens.”
Fred looked into Nadia’s eyes. He remembered their making love as owls. She had done this to him. Now they were in the huge temple of the owl goddess it seemed. They looked into the darkness of the building in reconstruction. They could see scaffolds, marble tools, pieces of marble laying everywhere. She looked into the darkness and her eyes crossed and time slowed and her second sight began to show her what was really there, revealing the unseen truths to her, as the plaque said. She saw a huge marble sculpture of Athena standing on a platform in the back of the building. The sculpture spoke to her. “I am Athena, goddess of wisdom. I come to you now. One of my sacred animals is the owl. She visited you today already and spoke to you more deeply than I can as my woman incarnation. I can change in my owl, or rather, my owl can change in my woman. She comes to you today for wisdom. I give you wisdom of the owl. You will need wisdom the for journey ahead of you. It is fraught with beauty, with love, with power, and with danger. I will always be with you , when you need wisdom to make decisions about what to do, I will arrive perch on your right hand and speak to you as owl goddess.”
Fred looked at her.
Of course, he had seen and heard the same thing. They shared visions now. He
took out his camera and photographed the building. He took a photo of Nadia in
front of it. he took another photo of the owl sculpture in front of the Museum.
He felt a need to document what was happening to them. This was the beginning
of that work. He did not know why he was doing it, but he could see his new.
work was now opening to him.
Chapter 28
It was 6:00 in the morning. Harve was in the dining room of the hotel. The other tables were filled with young students and their teachers. They were talking French, laughing and playing with each other like grown children. He knew one of the teachers from lectures he had given and waved to him. He went to the buffet table and took a piece of bread, some marmalade and butter and a cup of coffee, a French breakfast. He went back to his table and waited for the strange young couple to come down. His suitcases were already in the lobby, the taxi was arranged to take them to Piraeus port to catch the ferry to Mykonos, the island next to Delos.
He could feel Delos calling him. This was new. He had been inside of Delos intellectually but in fact had never felt her, heard her, or really been involved in any other way than in his logical thinking mind. Now he felt the island like a magnetic pull, like something alive and vibrating. Umm, he thought, what is this. He closed his eyes for a moment, he was not in the least sleepy, but he drifted into a dream. He saw a woman in a white gown. She was alone. She was gesturing to him with a hand to come to her. He walked over to her. He opening his eyes and saw they were on Delos, in front of the temple of Leto. The woman gestured again, “Come here, she was saying, come to me and I will show you something, I will tell you a secret. You need to come to me now.” He opening his eyes and saw the young couple arrive in the doorway framed by the first rays of the sun. With the sun behind them they looked like a god and goddess. She was wearing the white gown, and now had a diaphanous scarf around her head. He was wearing an animal skin and looked like an ancient king. Harve thought he was still dreaming and then they walked into the room, out of the sun, and they were ordinary again. They walked to his table and said good morning. They went and got huge amounts of food. They took fried eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, coffee and sat at his table.
He explained to them that they would take a taxi to the ferry and then take the ferry to Mykonos the next island to Delos and then go to Delos later in the day on a small boat. They told him that they had their packs together and were ready to go. They looked at him quizzically. He looked strange they thought, not normal, not the way he looked even yesterday.
They finished breakfast, the taxi arrived and they loaded the backpacks and suitcases into the back. They then were taken to Piraeus. They drove though half dark dirty streets with abandoned buildings on each side, with graffiti painted everywhere, with homeless people on both sides of the road sleeping. It was like a journey to the underworld. This went on for about a half hour then they reached the port. The taxi took them to the back of a huge blue ferry. People were arriving by taxi and in cars. Huge trucks arrived and lined up behind the ferry with the trailers full of building materials, bricks, and bags of cement. Cars towing boats lined up. Old cars with roof racks full of furniture, new range rovers with beautiful women, dogs and children all lined up to go into the huge boat. Harve told Nadia to wait with the baggage and told Fred to come with him to buy tickets. They walked to the ticket booth and bought 3 tickets to Mykonos and came back to the boat. They carried their bags in and went up the escalator to the first deck. Harve found a table with 3 chairs around it and put down his gear. Fred put the knapsacks behind it and they sat down.
Harve said, I will sit here and work. You can go outside or walk around the boat, what you want. Harve could see that they looked more normal now. She was in the white gown as usual, but was not wearing a veil. He no longer had a skin on him, he had put it somewhere he guessed, they looked almost like any young couple going the the Cycladic islands for a holiday. But they weren’t at all. He knew that. He felt that in his bones. They weren’t at all like that.
He took out his papers, his maps, his files of ceramic roof tiles. He laid them on the table in front of him mechanically. He had practically lost interest in them. He put the maps in order. The first map was missing of course. She kept it. The second was the map of the temples, the sacred way leading to the sacred lake and lions and museum. The third map was to the temple of Aphrodite and Hermes going up the mountain to temple of Isis, the fourth was the map of the town with it’s houses and theater and up to the mountain top. The fifth map was to the hospital and the portal to the next island, Rhenia. As Harve looked at these 4 remaining maps something strange happened. He got dizzy again, it was happening more and more he realized, and he saw the maps come alive. They actually moved and rearranged themselves in a new pattern. They started now with the map of the sacred lake. And then the map of the temples, then Aphrodite and the mountain, then the town. They seemed quite happy in this new arrangement and sat peacefully on the table and now he was at ease too, much calmer more relaxed and at home.
So the new journey
was starting at the path to the sacred lake. Why? He would find out he thought,
just then, Delos spoke to him, “Welcome Harve to your new life on my living
body. I call you to me now in a new way. You will learn who I am, what I am
doing, the dangers I face and have faced and I will give you a problem to
Chapter 29
Leaves Leto and finds another lover
Zeus woke up disturbed. Something was really not right. He was laying next to his lover and love of his life in Hyperborea, next the spring of nymphs in beauty beyond reckoning. He was covered with ferns above, the palms gently waved in the soft breeze. He heard the bees buzzing around him, a sure sign of love and divine feminine power he knew. Heard the bees and felt the other animals around him and was at perfect peace but something was not right. He looked at his lover beyond beautiful next to him. One of her beautiful legs was over his, she was on her back with the dappled sun over her. Her breasts were standing up strait on her chest, nipples still erect from his touch. He loved her far beyond himself into a place where he wished he could remain forever.
But, he heard a voice. “You must come to Olympus. You must leave Hyperborea and come down to earth, come to the mountain where you rule the gods and goddess. That is who you are, that is your work now. This time of peace and love is over for you.” “Who was that?, he asked, what voice is telling me, king of the gods, god of lighting and thunder what to do?” “We are your brothers, god of the sea, and god of the underworld. It’s time to come home. We have a mess here. All the gods don’t know what do to. There earth is lonely for you. Your time as child lovers is over. Come home now, we call you.”
Zeus leaned over Leto and kissed her lips. He said to her, “I have to go to earth now. Our time here is over. As I said to you. I will love you forever. No matter what happens to me, you will be my love. I will always come and protect you and keep you safe. But I must leave now. I will kiss your lips so you remember the taste but I will not make love to you again. I know your life will continue, and the babies within you will save the world. Be brave my love.”
He flew up into the air on his cart pulled by swans, he rose spinning into the clouds that formed around him as he rose, he sent thunderbolts crashing down on earth, lightning turned the soft sunny morning into a screaming tempest and the sky opened and he was gone from her.
He landed with a bang in the same storm on earth. He landed on the top of mount Olympus, his earthly home. He was met by his brothers and gazed at the other gods and goddesses moving around on the sacred mountain top. Hyperborea drifted away like a dream, vanishing like a butterfly on the breeze in paradise. Now he had to rule, he had to make order, fight battles, kill and vanquish, after all, this was earth, the place of endless war, suffering, pain and retribution. The forces of light and darkness battled endlessly in this place. There was no peace and no harmony, only the endless war and he was the king of it all.
He walked across the fields on the mountain top and saw his family. Since he lad left, things had changed. Gods and goddesses were different already, and he to was different. His eyes were new, he saw things in a new way and yet was here on earth, his old self again, he felt that immediately as he looked at fellow gods and goddesses with judgment, power, and cunning.
Then, he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her beauty was beyond overwhelming, it was goddessly. In fact, she was not a woman, she was the queen of goddesses, he saw that immediately. All his past disappeared and he had to have this woman now. He walked up to her, he stood up tall and shot his lightning up into the air. She did not blink, she walked on ignoring him completely. She was so powerful, like an earth goddess, their mother. He now saw to his disbelief that this goddess was Hera his sister. When he left, she was a teenager, awkward and now she was the most beautiful of the goddesses.
He said, “I know who you are goddess. You are my sister Hera, I am your brother Zeus, King of the gods. You are to be my queen.” He did not know where this came from , but he knew it was true. She was to be his wife and he knew this deep inside him. He loved her now in a completely different way than he had loved anyone before. She turned to him and ignored him and walked off, like he was not there. He had had this happen to him before and he was never put off by it. He looked at her as she departed and knew he would have her as his next wife. He watched her from afar to learn what she loved. He saw her go to her place and pet the small birds that lived there. He saw her love for these birds and knew this was the way to her heart.
He turned himself
into a rain soaked cuckoo, shape shifting as he went into this form and he flew
onto her arm. He watched her heart
soften at the bedraggled wet bird that
suddenly came to her. He, as bird,
rubbed his tail on her arm. He flew down from her hand to her chest snuggled
his head into her gown. He slowly put his head between her breasts and rubbed
them softly. He rubbed his head against a nipple and felt it get hard. He saw
and felt her become sexually excited by this bird. She closed her eyes as the
bird licked her nipple and bit it lightly. As he did this and felt her
respond, he slowly turned into his man
and sucked on her nipple slowly at first. The rest of him turned into his man
and under her gown became hard and entered her wet vagina and began to move.
Before she realized what was happening, he was making love to her in a sweet
loving way that she could not now refuse. He felt her kiss him on his lips as
his head slowly appeared. He saw her look into his eyes with surprise and felt her fall in love with him deeply, all her resistance
overcome by his beauty power and majesty.
Chapter 30
She was an ancient earth goddess, when Zeus appeared again, she was already worshipped far and wide and mother earth. Temples to her predated those to Zeus and to her other brothers and sister gods, she was very old. As she became more and more beautiful she began to see herself as more than a goddess of mother earth, now she was becoming a mother goddess on the earth. This transformation was slow and even. As she saw gods and goddesses around her have children she began to want children too. But who to marry? She also saw herself on mount Olympus as a wife. This she knew, from the time she was young, one part of her earth goddess spirit saw she was goddess of mother and goddess of the wife on earth.
In fact, she did not know what being wife meant. Who does, she thought? What woman understands what a wife is, what a mother is when they are young, when they are girls growing. And it was more confusing of course for Hera. She was raised by the sea and the earth. She was nursed by the seasons. She was child of mother earth and was raised by mother earth, so even god and goddess relationships were a puzzle for her. These feelings were not hers, and this fact that she was raised by the earth, with seasons hot and very cold, with storms that could come in a minute a destroy the land, with oceans that could become raging and impossible, and not by gods or humans, would dominate her life because it made her susceptible to spells, violence and jealously.
As she grew to be a beautiful woman, maybe the most beautiful goddess ever born, she wanted to be mother/wife more than she knew. But.. there was no suitor for her. It was of course in those time kind of OK to marry family and those were all there was, because there was only the Titans then, her brothers and sisters, no people, but she was not in love with anyone she knew. One day she woke up feeling strange. A voice inside her said, “It’s today my dear. It’s today.” What is, she thought? And then, she saw against the sun the most beautiful man. She did not recognize him, he was something fantastic. She knew it was him. Then, she recognized her brother Zeus. She knew he was king of the gods, she also knew well that he had seven lovers before her, that he was attracted to women and did not hesitate to take who he wanted, as the most handsome god, immediately. She was not about to have him.
He came up to here and against her will she fell immediately in love. It was so deep, that she just could not control it, can anyone she thought? He came over to her and she could see he fell in love too. This made her happy beyond imagination but also totally confused and angry. He came over to her and told her he wanted her to be his queen. That was that, in one moment, he made the situation clear. Queen meant marriage. That meant babies, and motherhood and wife hood and that was what she wanted, didn’t she?
But she could not do it. It was her brother with many lovers, she had heard that the last one was not even from earth, so it was out. So she told him, no way, she walked away even though her whole being and all she knew and heard said, yes. “You can’t go against all”, she thought. But she did anyway.
She walked to her aviary to look at her collection of birds. She loved birds, especially peacocks. Her collection of peacocks was extraordinary and she loved going into the aviary and petting them, preening their feathers and just being with this bird energy. It always made her feel in her body, like she was real. In the aviary she saw a strange thing. A bedraggled cuckoo, wet from the nights rain was lying on it’s side on a nest. She ran to it and picked it up. It felt strange and almost human to her touch. Her heart went out to this injured bird. It was the way to her heart and she opening her heart. She took the wet cuckoo and put it into her gown on her breast. This made her feel warm and to her surprise sexually excited. The cuckoo seemed to be pressing against her to keep warm, but it was more than that. It was pushing between her breast into her chest, into her heart.
This opened her heart more and more and she felt deep love and connection to all around her enter her. She had never felt like this. The cuckoo was putting something into her, she could feel this. Then, the cuckoo did an even stranger thing. It slid by itself to one on her nipples and started rubbing it’s wet head on her. She immediate became erect and closed her eyes and drifted off into a trance. In her trance she saw a bright light, a man, and connections from him going everywhere in the universe. The cuckoo continued. It started licking her nipple and sucking on it and then bit it. an electric shock came up into her body. Her vagina got wet immediately and she swooned.
What followed was half in dream, half in reality, half in mystical swirling passion. The cuckoo became instantly larger and was over her whole body. Then something soft came into her vagina and the next thing that was happening was she was making love. She came onto the thing inside her, come onto it and moved back and forth, side by side and she opened her eyes and was looking in the eyes of her brother Zeus who was now kissing her lips passionately.
By now she was lost. This was just the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to her in all her life. She was in love totally, one with him totally and all resistance and logical thought was now gone and she was his eternal lover and wife. All her feelings of wanting to be a mother, wanting children were now fulfilled in a kiss.
She looked into his eyes. She said, “I will be your wife. We will be married forever. I will be your last wife, no more will come. I can see that. And I can also see your last girl friend, the spirit woman. She is pregnant. I will stop her from having those babies no matter what I do.”
Hera had become
extraordinarily angry in one second. She had gone from being in love to being
jealous beyond measure and her vengeance now had no bounds. This part of her
was total new. She had never been married, never been a wife, and she still was
not, but even now the jealously burned within her. Maybe she thought, this was
part of being a wife.
Chapter 31
He hears her speak
The ferry arrived in the first of it’s stops, Andros. This island was the home of many wealthy ship owners. It backed into the port and many expensive cars left the boat. All the new Range Rovers, new BMW’s and Mercedes. All filled with beautiful women, blond haired children and dogs. Some towing expensive rubber boats with huge outboard motors. The next stop of the huge ferry was Tinos. This was the island of the miracle healing church of the Virgin Mary. Here, women in black, pilgrims got off the ferry to visit the church and pray for a miracle. Lines of old black dressed women, young women with scarves and tight dresses, an occasional Greek Orthodox priest all got off the pray to Virgin Mary. Finally, now, the ferry was on it’s way to it’s last stop, Mykonos. On the way, it passed Delos on the right of the boat. Delos always looked so small to him at first and then overwhelming large, like it grew in visionary space in from of his eyes. Usually Harve continued working until they reached port, then sat down in a café for coffee and then went to Delos.
But now, he stood on deck, looking at Delos, or rather beyond Delos to the soul of Delos. To his surprise and shock it was now completely clear to him that Delos was alive. It was not an island in the sense of being a piece of land in the sea, it was now some kind of spirit island floating in space like a spirit bird. And again, Delos talked directly to him. “ Harve . I am happy to have you here again. But this visit will not be like any of your others. Your eyes will not be open to things you saw before, they will be open to what I show you. I will speak to you on Delos. What you need to do now, is listen. You need to listen to me, to Nadia, to the gods and goddesses who live on my body. That is all, thank you for coming, it’s time.”
He was standing on the deck on the right side of the ferry looking at Delos when Nadia and Fred arrived. They saw him there and came up to him. He pointed to the small bare uninhabited island he was looking at and said, “Nadia, that is Delos. That is where we are going today. That is the place that your map describes.”
They looked at this island. It had almost no buildings on it, no houses, no town, no cars, no city. From the ferry it looked abandoned and almost empty. It was like a barren rock in the sea.
They arrived in Mykonos in the midst of chaos. Hundreds of people lined up to get off the ferry. Young beautiful people with backpacks ran off. Gay couples holding hands and dressed in elegant clothes walked together towards the exit. The lines of cars came next. Expensive jeeps, land rovers, sport cars rolled off the boat with young people driving, dressed in designer clothes. The port was filled with small vans with the names of hotels painted on the side. Young people held up signs with hotel , beach, camping names on them. The beautiful young people from the ferry ran to them in excitement. You could feel the sexual energy, the holiday vacation mood. Here on this island it was the time to play.
Harve led them to a small boat at the end of the port. This boat would take them to the old town where the ferry from Delos departed. They got on the little boat and it took the 15 minute short trip to Mykonos town. As they approached, they could see the old town spread out before them like a banquet. It’s white buildings went gently up the hill, it’s old architecture was harmoniously seemly in beauty. Small cafes went all along the harbor front and there were no cars or traffic. Any occasional small motor scooter trucks drove by with vegetables, suitcases for people, wine and water cases to service this town without roads or car access.
They found a café and sat down and ordered coffee. Harve told them that the next boat to Delos was for workers only, it left in an hour. Until then, they could rest, or walk around, they needed to meet at the small ferry directly across from where they sat at 2 PM. He told them that there was a small museum on the other side of the port they could visit if they wanted to. He would go and visit a friend and meet them on the ferry to Delos.
Harve wandered the curvy streets of Mykonos. Around him were tourists from cruse boats, mostly elderly people walking slowly looking at the expensive jewelry, designer clothes. He walked to an old house on a back street. He knocked and the door opened. An older woman in black opened to door and smiled broadly at him. “Elena”, he said, “I am happy to see you” and he kissed each of her cheeks softly. She looked deeply at him, into his eyes. “You are different”, she said, “You look like something has opened your eyes finally.” He said nothing. She continued, “So Delos has finally talked to you my old friend. You never heard what I was saying about her, but I can easily see that you have heard something now. What did she say to you, Harve? You have studied Delos all your adult life and never learned anything about her. For me, it’s been a wonder. I speak to her every day, sometimes for hours. She is my friend, my teacher, my lover really. And she is now in a battle my friend. She was awakened and is fighting for her life again, like she did thousands of years ago. It’s the same enemy again, always the same she says from before she was born, to after she will die.” He closed his eyes and listened. He saw, a vision. He saw the day Delos was destroyed. It came quickly and disappeared as fast as it came. It was a flash really, not an intact vision. It stood his hair up on end, it was bloody and fast and brutal. So this was happening again he thought , how could this be? He left her, his time was short, and went to the boat. Nadia and Fred were already waiting on the small pier. The little passenger ferry was being loaded with boxes. Food, with tools, small appliances, gardening tools, were being carried aboard by several people. He came up to the ferry. Everyone greeted him by name. “Kali mera, ti kanes pedi mou.” He told the captain that Nadia and Fred were his assistants in Delos for a while. They boarded the boat and he took them down into the cabin. He told them you will get enough sun on Delos even though it’s beautiful, you don’t want to sit in the sun now.
The boat slowly left Mykonos and headed across the turquoise blue sea. It was a beautiful day, small waves, not much wind. They watched Mykonos slide past them, it’s white house going up the hills like mushrooms. They could see the development, the hotels, the small apartments, they could see people on the beaches swimming in the afternoon heat.
The boat arrived in Delos after the short 30 minute trip. It landed at a pier and people came to take the boxes off and put them in a trailer behind a little tractor. Harve greeted everyone with kisses and pats on the shoulder. They were obviously happy to see him, his role here was solid and he was coming to work. He introduced Nadia and Fred as his new assistants and they walked towards small pink buildings on the shore. They could see the ruins now. The marble stones gleamed in the afternoon sun, almost blinded them with white light.
They went up to the small pink house which the French School of Archeology had occupied for hundreds of years. He greeted the cook, the manager in Greek and introduced Nadia and Fred. They were shown their small simple bedrooms, he showed them where the toilet was and where the showers were. He told them that they would be served 3 meals a day, that the other archeologists there all spoke French and maybe some English and .. that they should not speak of what they were doing or why they were with him at all. He told them the French School was very secretive, private and elite. It was the place where the best archeologists in France came to work. They came for a short time, two or three weeks a year. They studied one small characteristic of Delos, for example roof tiles or perfume bottles. Did their excavations and wrote in the library. They talked of their research and were not interested in anything else.
In fact, Harve had
no idea what was happening around him now. He had heard Delos speak to him. He
had had strange experiences with this woman and with in fact everything around
him that forced him to be doing what he was doing now. But he had no idea what
was going to happen tomorrow or in the next minute.
Chapter 32
She spoke
Delos spoke, “ Welcome fair travelers to my body. I call you to me for a grand work. I call you to me to discover my secret, hidden for 3 thousand years behind a veil of mystery. It is time now. It is time for you to discover my secret and to let me change the world.
For I am the world changer. I am she who creates balance, she who makes visions, she who births the new order to come. Once before I was on that path. I was the most beautiful place on god’s earth. I was covered with flowers. On my body the arts flourished. Beautiful dancers welcomed sacred pilgrims to my body. Musicians sung my praise and told my story. The worlds greatest poets told my story in verse and in theater. The worlds greatest sculptors made statues of the gods that were as beautiful as they were.
It is time for you to discover my secret and tell my story to the world. It is time for the new order, for balance to return. It is time for the sacred arts to join with the material vision and create beauty and peace.
And I know well my enemies. I have felt them stab my body, burn me, torture me and for thousands of years I have rested in meditation until now. Now I awaken and act again to change the earth.
The woman traveler will see, feel and understand the story of my birth in her body. The man traveler will tell the story and you will give them the vision to understand what is happening. And you, will be their servant, guide and seer. I have picked this team after thousands of years and now it is time to act. Don’t be afraid. Trust my sacred words. It is my story, but it is also the story of the gods entrusted to my birth, to my splendor and to my power.
Before them, I was
a barren rock created out of love and sacrifice. Only seals and birds rested on
my body then. Before Leto and her love story I was floating not anchored to the
earth. I was the place where stars came to earth, and that I still am. I was
the portal to the far always paradise, and that I still am. And now, it’s time
to act.
Chapter 33
My boyfriend left me
Leto was psychic. Leto could shape shift. Leto could fly. Leto could be in more than one place at once. Leto had magic powers, she could move things at a distance. She knew the future and the past and the present. She was an oracle.
And now, Leto was not happy at all. She understood well that her lover had left her. In fact, she knew that he went to earth and knew that he found a new lover and was going to get married. How did she know these things? More than that, how could she not know. Zeus had even told her, not directly but hinted at the fact he might not see her for a while and they would not be exactly the same as Spirit Lovers.
Meanwhile her pregnancy continued and this was wonderful for her. Her belly was getting larger day by day. She felt the twins within her growing. She could see who they were and she could speak to them. She knew their lives and who they would become and saw her role in all of this clearly. But, no one else knew or saw these things, only Leto. After all, Leto is the heroine, the Spirit Lover, almost the author of this narrative, and most importantly the mover, the cause, of it all.
After all it’s Leto’s doing that Zeus fell in love with her. She trapped him in her paradise. It is her doing that she is pregnant now with her twins. And it will be her doing that the earth will change. Leto is the woman who holds balance, love, the arts, and the future.
But meanwhile Leto is raising her magic babies in peace harmony and incredible beauty. Each day she wakes up and rubs her belly with aromatic oils from the orchids and the flowers. She stretches and walks to the spring of the nymph and bathes gently in the cool clear water. All around her nymphs play, sing to her and sing to her babies to be. Everyone on Hyperborea can feel her babies. And each has their own theory of who they are and who they will be.
After her spring bath and concert, Leto walks up into this hills to look down on Hyperborea. She shows her two babies the valleys below, the tropical forests, the springs and rivers. She say, “Beautiful babies of mine. I want you to look and see where you came from so you never forget this. I want you to learn balance harmony and love in this place. I want you to see plants and animals in harmony, water in harmony, air in harmony and feel the perfect love that is here.”
Then she walks back down to her palace and eats her breakfast of plants and grains and of course honey from the bees that circle her endless and circle her belly forever.
And then only then speaks to the babies. Leto knew from the instant there were conceived that they were twins. And she knew they were the sacred twins who would change the earth. First, there was her little girl. Leto taught her from the first quickening, independence and respect for herself. Leto knew she was raising sacred twin and so from the first dream she treated them as sacred beings. She taught her beautiful daughter to be beauty, how to be beautiful, she taught her the arts by doing them every day. She sung to them, she had the nymphs satyrs sing to them with their lyre. She taught them dance. she danced around her world in Hyperborea each step a ballet dance and each turn a twirl. She recited poetry to them, told then in verse who they were, would be and what they would do. And she drew, painted, sculpted clay from the warm moist earth into the beautiful beings her babies are and would become. Each clay sculpture was a scene from their life to be, the little girl with a bear and deer, the little boy with a bow and arrows. This time consciously making her babies from her dreams and visions was one on the happiest times of her life.
And when the babies were getting larger, and moving more often Leto decided it was time to name them. She went up to the mountain top into the cave where she had met Zeus and she sat on the sacred stone there they had been dropped from the stars. She asked the stone what were the name of her babies. Then, she closed her eyes and looked at the little girl growing within. She saw the girl rolling and playing inside her. She saw the girl in a forest next to a spring playing with deer and bears. She saw her girl running wild with no man and no husband. The little girl was beautiful beyond imagination. She heart the name, Artemis, art for the arts, arktoi for bear, she knew then name meant most holy one of nature.
Then she looked at her little boy growing within. She saw her little boy to be as an archer with a bow, as a healer, as an oracle, as a musician. He was much different from the little girl. She heard the name Apollo meaning purification and power, the name of the god of oracular power healing music and balance.
Then she had an
important profound vision. She saw the little girl with the moon and the little
boy with the sun. she knew now she would birth the goddess of the moon and god
of the sun and that balance of female and male, of darkness and light would be
what would heal the world below.
Chapter 34
Welcome home
Nadia went to sleep in the little bedroom in Delos for the first time. The room was simple, only two cot like beds, a small window, a dresser. It was like the room of a nun in a monastery. And like nuns, she was in one bed and Fred in the other. She had eaten dinner with the archeologists and Harve. The archeologists had spoken French and she did not understand much of it. she knew that her high school French was not really useful in the real world. She was exhausted from all of this and lay in the bed and fell asleep immediately.
And immediately she was in a dream. She was sitting in a temple. It was marble and white and brilliant. There were columns and each side and a portico on the top. In the center was a statue of her. In the dream she walked up to it and stroked it’s gown. The gown was the same as the gown she had worn since she bought it. the statue was alive. It moved and spoke to her. It was like she was two, one looking and one speaking. “Welcome to your temple. You have lived here before as me. I am you, you are me. You are goddess Leto in the place, Nadia in this place as one. Tomorrow, I will tell you some of your story. You will learn it slowly as you live here and visit me each day. This is my place. This whole island is mine, I made it and am still making it as you speak to me and I speak to you. You will slowly learn the story of your life, why you are here and what you will do. It will not be easy, it’s not an easy story, our story together Leto/Nadia. In this place, we are. This place is from our dream. It is ours.”
In the night, Fred came to her bed and slept with her. She was half awake when he kissed her lips and then slid down and kissed her breasts and belly and then her vagina. She felt him put his tongue up inside her and lick her. In her half awake half dreaming state she was still Leto in the temple and Nadia in the room, and her lover was coming to her in a dream. While he made love to her, her visions and dreaming became more intense rather than less. As Leto , she saw her lover as a beautiful huge god visiting her from afar in visionary space. He was not there, but he was there, like a virtual love in virtual space. She felt his lovemaking become more intense as he got more and more excited by her. She took him into her with power. She sucked him inside her with forces far beyond her control of knowledge. It was as if the goddess was sucking her god into her, and now they were making love in the bodies of Nadia and Fred.
Morning came, the brilliant sun, the brightest light on earth filled their small room, lighting up what had been in darkness. She opened her eyes and saw the little room, Fred in bed with her asleep. She got up and walked out on the small stone terrace. It seemed she was the only one awake. She looked down at Delos. The marble columns, the marble paths, the stones were red in the sunrise light. With her eyes slightly crossed she saw the city alive. She saw the streets full of people in ancient Greek dress. She was shop owners opening small stalls with fish, meat, vegetables. She saw ships arriving in the port with sails and people rowing. She saw the temples gleaming in the first rays of the morning sun, the gods and goddesses awakening too another day in Delos.
They ate breakfast and again the endless French. No one spoke to them in English which was a good thing. Harve had told them they were secret here and their mission was secret and they should not talk to anyone. He told then that he would tell everyone they did not speak French and were helping him with photographic documentation and temple ceremony. That was true.
After breakfast , Harve asked Nadia to bring her map. She carried it and he took them into the site. He went to back to the port where the ferry had landed and then they walked up to a small square with a round portico in the center. He asked her to spread the map on the platform of the portico. She opened the map and it fluttered in the light breeze and then settled down. Since Nadia had it, the map had changed a lot. Some lines were now in a three dimension like color of yellow. Some were in red and some in blue. The map seemed to be moving and speaking like it was alive. They put the map down on the portico and by itself it shifted to another position. The yellow line vibrating in the early morning sun now pointed to the left and went on and off like a blinker.
She said, we go that way. We follow the map, she is telling us what to do now. Nadia now clearly had two sights. She had the sight of her present earth woman, Nadia and the sight of someone, someone’s else. She did not wonder or care about this, it was just there, like the sun, moon, or stars. She picked up the map and started walking in the direction it showed in flashing yellow. Now, it was more like a gps phone than a paper map, it moved with her, with the route, it changed as she moved and it spoke to her.
“You are passing the temples now,” the map said, “Keep walking strait. Now, turn right, now turn left. Now, sit down on the bench to your right in the shade. Now, lie down on the white marble bench. She lay down in the shade of the white marble stone wall. She closed her eyes. Suddenly she was in a completely different world. The bench was now in front of a large temple, not a pile of marble stones. There were people in the route walking and talking to each other in an animated way. The whole place was alive and full of activity.
Then she heard the
voice. “I am Leto. You are in my temple. I will be your guide to the secrets of
this island because I made it happen here. Delos is my work. So, look around
you, this island was made for me to have my babies. This island Delos, was the
place my twins, goddess of the moon and god of the sun were born and… Now as
you walk here, as you stay here, you will see out of my eyes.”
Chapter 35
Delos 101
Harve followed Nadia down the sacred way of the temples, past the piles of flashing white marble stones. Of course, he knew this place perfectly in geography, he knew what each building was used for, the history of each building, what they looked like kind of and also knew a little of what life was like 2000 years ago. He followed Nadia past the temples to the temple of Leto where she suddenly stopped and lay down on the bench that surrounding the temple. He watched her lay there in what looked to him like a trance. Then she sat up suddenly and looked at him.
“Tell me the story of Leto please”, she said to Harve. “OK, we can sit in the wonderful shade on this bench and I will tell you both stories of what happened here. Leto was the mother of the god of the sun, Apollo and the goddess of the moon, Artemis. The father, Zeus, king of the gods was married to Hera, the mother earth goddess. When Hera found out about Leto’s pregnancy, she became intensely jealous in a rage. She put a spell on Leto that said she could not give birth on land or sea and she endeavored to stop the labor if she managed to give birth at all. Hera did not want the children of her husband with a lover to be born at all.
So, Leto wandered the earth looking for a place to birth her twins. She found Delos, a barren island and Zeus and his brother Poseidon, god of the sea anchored it to the sea bottom so it was not floating anymore. Leto went into labor and could not deliver because Hera kept the goddess of childbirth prisoner on mount Olympus. The childbirth goddess was freed and then, Leto gave birth to Artemis first, and then Apollo here on Delos. The reason Delos became a sacred island and had all the temples and pilgrims was because it was the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis.”
Nadia listened to this story. She somehow knew it already and knew much more than he was telling her. She could after all see out of Leto’s eyes now. She saw much more than this brief story had told.
Harve asked her why she came to the temple of Leto, it was not particularly interesting or important he said. Nadia looked at him and did not answer. He could not figure out what she was thinking. Ok he thought, “I am here with this woman and man. What is this really about? She won’t even talk to me, explain what she is thinking about all of this.?
He sat down next to
Nadia who was laying on her back with her eyes closed still, obviously deep in
a trance. He put one hand on her leg and one on the white cool marble bench. He
heard this voice. “Harve. This is your journey now. I have brought you here to
my temple as well as Nadia. I will begin to speak to her directly and you will
hear my conversation to her if you quiet you mind and listen. I will tell you
the story of Delos, I know you think you know, it, you know the facts, but not
the emotions, the meaning, the purpose of the story. I will hold that for last. You have a job to do here
and it’s not about describing roof tiles at conferences. It is about saving the
world. That is what I am about , what I always was about and what you will do
now. So listen Harve, listen to the eternal conversation out of time that will
take place in the next days. Watch carefully what is happening around you. And watch out for what
is happening to behind you.”
Chapter 36
Born as one being
Leto began, “ Nadia, welcome to my body, my love, my life. I am making one organism now. When I speak, you will hear me. When I speak Harve will hear me. When you speak I will hear you. We are one organism with one purpose. You will learn the purpose slowly slowly as you hear our one story and feel it in your bones mind and spirit. Welcome to our being. I have seen out of your eyes and now you will see out of mine. I have chosen you to be the other half of our magical creature. Thank you for listening to me.
I will tell you story now of how Delos came to be, and you will learn what it is for, and what you will do for it soon. Patience my beauty, my child, my lover, myself. There is much that came before that you will remember as you sleep and dream in Delos each night. You will remember my life in Hyperborea the magic paradise. You will remember my falling in love with Zeus just as you remember you falling in love with Fred. They are echoes of the same kiss from HER you know. As each time you kiss him in passion and each time he sees you in passion it is me seeing my lover Zeus and Zeus seeing me and Leto. You will remember the non moment I became pregnant with the sacred twins just as you remember the non moment your sacred twin were given to you in your dream.
But now we enter the next chapter where we need to be one organism, Leto/Nadia. (with Harve listening) and Fred and Zeus too and mostly Delos. As you know, the twins are growing. As they grow, I am still in Hyperborea which is good for you. For as I am there, you can see the paradise, the palms ferns orchids springs soft rain, the mountains covered with forests, the rivers flowing multicolored with light and love. And my babies are growing wonderfully. I sing and dance to then each day, can you feel it my beauty? They turn and kiss as baby lovers, as the two becoming one, as darkness and light, as our future.
So my beauty, with my magic powers I will now do a ceremony. When I clap my hands, you will know everything about my life like you have lived it, I will know everything about your life like I lived it. there will be no difference. My whole story, that has been told you will feel now take inside and be. (a clap is heard. It creates a shaking of the earth, a flash of light, and it’s done).
So, let me tell you
now about my sister about Asteria.”
Chapter 37
Her noble sacrifice
Asteria woke up from a dream. She was covered in sweat and was panting from fear. The dream was frightening, she was being pursued chased mercilessly across the sky and sea.
Asteria was the loving sister of Leto. She was like Leto a Titan goddess born from Koios god of the sky and Phoebe goddess of the earth who were first born from mother earth and father sky themselves as the first beings. Their father Koios spoke as the oracle of the sky. He could know always that sky was thinking and he was the messenger of sky. Their mother Phoebe was the oracle of mother earth. She could see the secrets mother carried deep in her darkness and tell them to others.
As little girls Leto and Asteria would play endlessly as the two who were one. It was always as if their life was one, each playing a role in one story. Asteria was born first, the elder sister. And as the special sisters on a mission, the first born Asteria was the oracle of darkness. She was the oracle of night dreams, prophetic night dreams, reading the stars, (Astrology) and necromancy, communicating with the dead. Leto was the oracle of light, oracle of the daydream and vision, oracle of the sun and the living.
As opposite sisters they made one oracle whose eyes were always open. As one, they could see in the night and in the day so nothing was secret from them ever. So when Asteria had a dream in the night, Leto knew it in the day. And after this dream of perusal work Asteria up, Leto talked to her.
“I think our time of peace is ending dear sister. In the brightness of the day I see many things that are going to happen to us. We are two sides of HER kiss. And life will not be easy for us. Together we will make the new world but not without pain and suffering.”
Asteria said, “It is my time to leave Hyperborea for the land down. I will live on Olympus with the gods born after us. And there it will happen.”
And it happened more quickly than they could imagine. Asteria on Olympus was glimpsed by Zeus, king of the gods. Zeus fell in love with her in one breath and started to pursuit. We was so in love he did not know what to do. For after all Zeus was love manifest as sex, true, but he was love. Asteria knew somehow this was not to happen, and she knew that her destiny was not be a lover or wife of this god. He started to pursue her, just like her dream. She ran and realized she could not escape. He was magically faster than anyone in the universe, she felt this.
So she turned into a quail to fly away, it all happened so fast, there was really no thinking, only magical movement shape changing like the most ancient dances. And as fast as she was quail flying up and up Zeus was eagle, faster more vicious, a predator. It seems Zeus could not give up this role as love predator, it was his nature.
Then, it happened. Asteria knew what destiny called her to do, she understood her role. She threw herself into the sea below. down down down thousands of feet spinning flying down, whirling in a vortex, the eagle fast behind her tying to make love as they fell.
Eagles make love falling in free fall from the top of their spirals and when Zeus saw Asteria falling he did what his eagle does. But eagles pull out and pull up the moment before they hit ground. Asteria did not do this. She fell like a diving sea eagle into the sea. Zeus pulled up at the last minute and escaped.
In the sea she dove
and went down. Zeus called his brother Poseidon god of the sea and told him to
get Asteria for him. The brothers often acted as a team to chase women, it was
not an exceptional request. Poseidon then chased the quail under water in the
sea relentlessly so Asteria shape shifted again. This time she turned into
magical floating island which they called Asteria after her bravery. That
island became what is now… Delos.
Chapter 38
The Leto/ Nadia being
Sees the curse
Leto saw her sister throw herself into the sea in broad daylight escaping her ex lover Zeus. Somehow none of this surprised her at all. After all Leto was oracle of the clear light of day, she could see clearly what was happening around her and see her part in this. This was no time to grieve, to be jealous or self indulgent. Her role here was not as the jilted lover but as the mother to be. Very different roles, she knew.
And at the same time, Leto saw a vision. She saw Hera, the new wife of Zeus on mount Olympus seething with anger and vengeance and hate. Hera had become obsessively jealous. This emotion was not normal for her, as mother earth she had never had it, as wife it was her. She watched Hera as Hera fumed and stomped all over Olympus and seethed and stomped. She was not attractive in her rage. Leto could read Hera’s thoughts, she knew that somehow, she did not know how.. umm. Hera found out about Zeus’s ex girlfriend , her, Leto and found out she was pregnant with the twins and now was on a tear to stop the birth from happening on earth. Leto knew and had known that she would have to go down to have her babies, they were not to be born in Hyperborea but on earth so she knew immediately this was dangerous.
She watched Hera each day. Hera was making plans. The babies grew. Hera was making plans. It was happening reality forming anew with these actors in the magic theater.
Then Hera had her idea. She would put a spell on Leto and the twins. Hera closed her eyes, and vowed that the twins could not be born on earth or on sea. That did it , it was done.
Leto watched this from afar as the twins grew. She knew she needed to start to make plans to have these babies safely. She was in fact a practical woman as well as a magician. She was after all grand daughter of mother earth. So she planned her journey. She would leave Hyperborea and wander the earth looking for a place that was not land or sea, find it, and give birth there.
Nadia heard this
song about Leto, about her sister Asteria, about Hera with wonder. This was the
world she had entered. And of course, she was pregnant with twins, she knew
this in her heart. She could see she was the living echo of Leto on earth now.
What she wondered would happen to her now that she was pregnant? Leto read her
thoughts immediately and responded to her. You are not alone. You have allot of
beings around you ready to help when the time comes, remember that.
Chapter 40
The voice of darkness
The Yacht of doom
The huge yacht was moored right outside Delos harbor in the channel between Delos and Rhenia. It was not a normal yacht, it’s design was more like a huge submarine afloat above the surface or a battleship. It was huge, it’s profile ugly and it was painted a dull grey comaphlage like color. It had a large structure in the back of the boat that raised above the others like a haunting tower.
The man on the boat was not happy at all. He was not young, not old, not tall, not short. He shape did not hold well, he could be seen and not seen like he was ephemeral, but not in a good way. Of course, he had been here before, on this god forsaken isle. Some thousands of years before he had been given the task of destroying this place and he had done an exemplary job. That is why, he thought he was sent here again. But he was not sure now what made this mission necessary in this moment of time.
For certainly there was much else on earth now that he was concerned with, his organization was busy everywhere making war, destruction, chaos and taking the world to it’s end as they know it. For years now, he had been concerned with the material realm, with money, international control of banks, of global corporations. He had been sent to capitals of Europe, the mid east, Asia to take over the financial systems with puppet leaders in his control. The plans of the organization were timeless and were working out well, they all thought.
Europe was falling apart with the refugees and wars in the middle east which they had started to split the world into enemy camps. The financial structure was about to fall apart due to austerity imposed by corrupt leader in their control who controlled the banks. Tyrants and dictators were now winning all over the earth do to fear of terrorism planting by media controlled by the organization. All this was very easy for them to do. Much easier than this old story in Delos, fixed he thought, thousands of years ago in wonderful blood bath of rape, pillage, killing and fire.
With joy he
remembered the day he destroyed Delos, killed 30,000 or maybe 50,000 or maybe
120,000 helpless people until the white marble streets actually ran red with rivers
of fresh blood. And now, it seemed he was here again. He had not received his
assignment, that was to come. He was just sent there on the control yacht to
get ready to act. This had happened thousands of years ago years before the
destruction of Delos when the organization had seen what was happening in Delos
and knew they needed to destroy it quickly and clearly. They could not let a
place exist where balance harmony and love were what was happening. They could
not let a power place exist that had art, music, dance, ceremony, poetry,
theatre. They could not let a place exist with temples to worship women, healing,
dreams. They knew this place was effecting the world and making their
diabolical apocalyptic plans slow down so the destroyed it. It was not hard for
Delos herself had helped a lot. In Delos, materialism, slave trading banks,
hedge funds had grown past it’s spiritual beginnings, big business and money grew by itself with not
so much help from the organization at first, and then allot of help near the
end. Delos had fallen due to the beginning seeds of it’s own hubris, arrogance and love of fame and
fortune. Now, as a ruin with nothing left he could not see what danger it posed
to the organization. But, orders were orders, and here he was, awaiting the
next message about what he needed to do here.
Chapter 41
Leto/Nadia being
The voice of the one kiss
Nadia’s whole existence on earth was now nothing less than completely different. She now had a strange story of Leto, Delos, her twins, a family she previously knew nothing about. She was now moving in time. she now had a second sight and now even more a second ear. She could hear Leto, Harve some, her family, Asteria, and what she knew now far eclipsed all she had learned before in her short life on earth this time.
She did not really have time to absorb or process this new story of her life, arriving as it did magically. It was so real to her now, so more real than the rest of her existence in fact, that she was living in flashes as Nadia, as Leto, as something far greater and that’s what challenged her now. In the middle of her new story, she heard yet another voice, this time deeper and more profound. The voice came into silence into open space and with great peace and joy.
“Nadia, slow it all down, let it slow down like honey flowing on a cool morning. Let time slow, for with your moving backwards and forwards in time by love, when it moves fast enough it stops. Let space disappear my lovely baby, for when you move fast enough through space it to evaporates like my breath on a cold night around the fire.
Now my baby you will go back further than you have before. You will leave Nadia in Delos with Fred, you will leave the story of the train, the map, the ferries. You will then leave Leto behind too. Leave this beautiful sister with her story of lovers, of twins leave it behind like a cloud floating away in the breeze.
And Now you will come to me. To my one kiss, to my oneness. To the great before when Leto was not born, when you were not born, when forms were not born. You will come directly to oneness before chaos, to the loving kiss that created it all and still creates it all. My baby who I love, this is the only truth. This is what remains when it all disappears, when all intransigence stops and there is only love and perfect peace.
So. My lovely baby who
I love more than my breath. No matter what happens to you from now on in the
story, remember what I tell you now. There is only love, oneness peace
everlasting, all else is an illusion, all else changes evaporates and
disappears. So instead of worrying, being anxious, trying to solve problems,
take all temporary things away and go directly to my kiss which is all that is
Chapter 42
The Leto/Nadia being
Leaving Hyperborea
Leto prepared for her leaving Hyperborea. She said goodbye to the rocks, the plants, and the animals she loved. She kissed the quartz crystals, the orchids, the springs and the deer, the bear, the wolf, all the animals that followed her everywhere in this ancient paradise.
She went up to the cave where she had met Zeus and did a ceremony there. She took out her drum, given to her by the nymph goddesses, she took out her small bag that she wore around her neck with crystals, stones, bones, feathers, of her most revered stone plant and animal friends. Then she took out four small sculptures she had had her whole life. Her mother had given them to her when she was a little girl. They were carvings, crude and primitive out of hard crystal stone. Leto could never imagine how they were made. The stones seemed impossible to carve. Her mother Phoebe goddess of the earth had told her. “These stones were not from here. They are star stones, like the big stone in your cave. They were given to us by star beings. Keep them with you and keep them safe. One day it will be time to leave them. You will know that day.” The day had come. Leto went over the big rock with a flat top in the center of the cave. It was the star stone her mother had talked about. Leto took out the first stone, an eagle and put it in on top of the the star stone on the east. She took out the second stone a lion, and put it in the south, she took out the third stone, a bear, and put it in the west and took out the last stone a turtle and put it in the north. When she finished she said a prayer. Grandmothers, grandfathers, of the four directions. Thank you for being with me my whole life. thank you for keeping me alive and keeping me well. Thank you for being with me in earth breath in a good way. Grandmothers and grandfathers of the four directions of time and space. Come to me now. Help me on my journey, on my path. Help and protect me and my twins to lead their paths in a good way. Thank you.” And she drummed and sang and danced around the star stone. Star being came down into the cave and sung to her, “ Our beautiful daughter, Leto goddess of the light visions. Go in peace and safety. We will protect you, guide you and take care of you. You path is set from the stars, my beautiful baby. Go in peace.”
Leto left the cave and went down to the flat ground below. she went to a meadow that was cleared of trees. She put down what she carried and she was now wearing only her gown and veil. She stood there in the center of the meadow and waiting. Soon there was a far away noise, like a whirling that had not been heard before on Hyperborea. It was a sound of swirling, of a vortex, and it got closer and closer. As it approached it got darker and darker, like the sun was being blocked. This too had never been seen on Hyperborea. Hyperborea was a land of eternal good weather, of sun and brightness. The water from the plants came from springs below the ground, here storms did not exist.
But one existed
now. It came from far far away in the land of the earth where Leto was now
headed. It came for her and would leave with her. The storm arrived slowly
slowly from everywhere at once. It came as darkness and a noise and something
never seen before on Hyperborea moving air. Before, the air had been soft
moving like a cats feet, gently and calming, this movement was roaring spinning
and moved trees, earth and birds. The stones, plants, animals were amazed by
this and took cover the best they could. Animals went into caves and burrows,
plants held on the to each other and sent energy down to their roots. Stones
lay low on the earth. The roaring spinning got closer and thankfully was in a
small area. It protected the stones plants and animals of this land and came
directly for Leto alone. The roaring picked her up gently but firmly put her
into it’s center and rose straight up in the air like a funnel vortex. It rose
and rose until it could not be seen by her animal friends. They cried when she
left. They could see her going slowly slowly and this magical roaring creature.
Chapter 43
The live wind
Boreas was the god of the north wind. He was the son of the starry one, titan Astraios, god of stars, planets, astrology and oracular power and his wife Eos, beautiful goddess of dawn who brought the light to earth from the darkness each morning Boreas had beautiful purple wings, loved horses and shape shifted with them, on earth he was a god of the cold winter winds.
Of course you notice his name, Boreas and Hyperborea are connected as all are connected by the golden thread of HER kiss. For Hyperborea was indeed, the land hyper, beyond, Boreas, the cold winter north wind. And Boreas himself did not visit Hyperborea, he left this place beyond his purple icy touch, a place of eternal spring peace and harmony. But on earth, the place of Boreas, he ruled supreme in the sky’s, moving air with his breath, with his wings until it created storms of cold winter beyond measure.
This Boreas was more than the god of winter winds. As a shape shifter with horses he sneaked up on fertile mares at night who had their backs to the north and impregnated them with the fastest horses ever born. He fell in love easily and took the king of Athens’ daughter Oreithyia,
mountain gale, as his wife one day and bore her many children, including the goddess of snow, and twins with purple wings. He loved beautiful woman, was a lover supreme and served his grandmother earth ambrosia for lovers in a cup when she visited him.
Boreas was called to get Leto from Hyperborea and bring her back to earth. He had never been to Hyperborea and was not interested in going there, but he was asked from the highest levels, Zeus, to get her, bring her back, and .. take care of her. Now, asking the purple winged one, the wind, to take care of your ex girlfriend is very noble and caring of Zeus, but after all Leto was the love of his life, would always be and the twins were important to all of the gods, titans and the earth. So..
Boreas spun to Hyperborea,
made the first storm in a place where there was no word for wind, and took her
to earth. Now, where to put her? He had no instructions for this. So. He asked
Leto where she wanted to be dropped off.
Chapter 44
Leto/Nadia being
The place to have the twins speaks
Leto flew through the heavens on Boreas’s back. As a purple winged horse he flew, curving, diving, dancing, down from Hyperborea back to the lovely enchanted Greek islands, his home. On his magic isle, he lived in a cave on a mountain top, he blew from the high peaks of the dry mountains to all the Mediterranean sea, through the whole Aegean Sea. He blew from the far north where he picked up his cold air and flew back south, over and over again, swirling, whirling, singing, blowing ships everywhere. Leto flew on his back as a wolf, her wolf protected her, she was a wolf blowing on the cold wind, coming to a new land, with power.
As Leto got closer and closer to earth, she heard more and more of Hera’s curse, she felt more and more Hera’s hatred and vengeance for her and her twins to come. The powerful curse of this earth goddess filled with vengeance and hatred was in the very air, between it molecules, in the energy field of earth. By the time they reached the Greek islands Leto understood her problem. Hera’s curse had said, Leto could not give birth on land or on sea. So, now, for Leto, it was like a riddle given to an oracle. “Where would you give birth on earth, if you were prohibited to give birth on land or on sea? So, Leto got off on the first island and tried out the situation. it was Crete. When she arrived on Crete the whole island trembled and feared. The isle knew the curse of Hera and was terrified of Leto giving birth there, and Hera as mother earth goddess, then, destroying the island, killing the plants, stopping the crops, causing earthquakes, mudslides and devastation. Leto then tried, Athens with the same result and then wandered to the isles of Aegina and Euboea, to Aigai and Peiresiai and Peparethos near the sea, to Threikios, Athos and Pelion’s then to Threikios, Samos Ida, Skyros Phokaia, and Autokane, Lemnos and Lesbos, Khios, Mimas Korykos, Klaros, Aisagia, Samos, Miletos, Kos, Knidos, Karpathos and finally to the Cyclades, the sacred circle of islands to Naxos and Paros and rocky lastly Rhenaia. On each isle it was the same. The island would tremble with fear she would feel true terror and then a shut door for her to birth her babies.
Leto was beginning to understand earth now. She understood it was much different from Hyperborea. Instead of peace, love, balance, and harmony, earth had curses, threats of destruction, fear and trembling. She felt that something had happened in this place already that was the beginning of a profound split between balance and fear, love and fear, peace and fear.
So, Leto sat on Rhenia, a small, completely bare, rocky island and tried to figure out her riddle. She understood immediately that thinking would not work. She never used thinking on Hyperborea anyway and was not good it, whatever it was anyway. So like on Hyperborea she listened. The wind, a completely new sound to her blew over the rocky barren isle. The sun, here harsh and sharp burned her beautiful soft skin. The smells of the flowers and earth, albeit totally different than from her homeland, brought her to her senses. She heard, “ Sister..” It was her lovely Asteria, gone from her and lost. In the turmoil of her love, her pregnancy, the urgency of her departure, she had lost her lifelong sister, the goddess of night visions, the oracle of prophetic dreams. “Leto my loving sister. I have died for you. I have thrown myself in the sea as a quail to avoid having sex with your lover Zeus and turned into an island. I have made the place where you are to give birth. I saw in my night dreams, that my beautiful sister Leto was destined to birth her sacred twins on the body of her sister, her twin opposite. The day oracle was destined to birth on the body of the night oracle. We are one, we will always be one. I will always be with you, so come, birth on in with me. Look across the small channel, like a river on Hyperborea, look.”
And Leto looked across the channel from Rhenia and saw the isle of Asteria, she who falls from the stars, next called, Ortygia, quail island, and finally named Adelos.
Now, the island Asteria was floating aimlessly in the sea. And as a floating island, it was neither land or sea. Asteria said, “With my love, and with HER kiss, we will now anchor Asteria to give you a solid birthplace for your twins”. And Asteria asked Zeus to ask his brother Poseidon, god of the sea, to anchor Adelos to the sea bottom with chains of diamonds and fix it for his lover Leto.
So Leto flew across the channel on Boreas’s purple wings and spoke to the isle of Adelos. By now, after visiting so many islands and learning what fear was, Leto was different. She now knew the ways of earth and could speak the language of fear and love, which was on earth a language of money and power rather than her native tongue of kisses and orchids. “Adelos, she said, you are a wonderful isle. If you will allow me to have my twins on you, I will make you rich and famous. Now, you are poor and unknown. You have few goats, no crops, few animals and flowers. No one seeks you out to visit and bring gifts. You must be very lonely and sad, you look sad my Adelos. So I will birth the goddess of the moon, the god of the sun on your body. When I do, people will come from far and wide to shower you with money and gifts, you will be the most known isle, an isle of sacred prayer, ceremony, dance, song, poetry, and wealth beyond measure.”
And Adelos responded, “Yes my beautiful one, the most beautiful creature ever to arrive on my barren shores. I am in love with you immediately as we all are. I will let you birth here, but.. I am full of fear. I fear your son, the sun god will see me after birth, and scorn my barren face, and leave me immediately for a richer isle.”
Leto said to him, “Adelos, I promise you, a temple of riches will be built to HIM here and HER here and this place will be a place of peace balance harmony and love and you will remain rich and famous for eons.”
So, the bargain was made, Adelos accepted Leto as the mother of the island. He allowed her to come to birth here, and in one moment Adelos the magic hidden floating one, body of Asteria her beautiful sister, became Delos the visible grounded solid one, the body of earth.
And Hera watched this from afar. She heard the
story of Asteria diving into the sea to avoid her husband’s advances. The story
made her feel sorry for this cousin of hers and her fate and her sacrifice. So
Hera relented for a moment and lifted the curse, and let Delos be the place
where Leto would labor.
Chapter 45
Wakes up
Harve had studied Delos all his adult life, he knew the stories, he read Homer and Herodotus, and all the poet bards in ancient Greek and knew well how Leto searched for a place to birth her babies, but.. he never understood the story in his body. He never made the link between the myth and life now, He never understood that Delos meant something. That Delos was alive. And as he listened to Leto speak, his view of Delos changed completely in one moment.
As he walked, for the first time, he felt in each cell of his body that he was now walking on the body of Asteria who gave herself to her sister. He was walking and sleeping on beautiful body of the the prophet of night dreams. Suddenly, he could feel her undulating breathing, he knew that she was still alive as Asteria. He could feel her love for Leto, he could feel her sending powerful energy up into his body right now. She was taking the energy of her falling from the stars in destiny and mystic purpose, and sending it up into him to fill him with his own mystic purpose and magical destiny.
And sitting on the temple of Leto, on the bench of white marble that he had measured and drawn many times, he knew it’s exact size in centimeters, it age, he knew the theories where the marble was quarried, now this bench told him the story of the woman who actually made this island. The bench told him how the whole story of Delos was Leto’s doing. It told him that Delos was the story of a love between sky and earth, a place of union for balance. And he could also now see the seeds of ruin planted from the very beginning that caused Delos’ destruction, fear, fame, fortune, earthly fear. He could see and feel Delos’ yearning for materialism and money that would eventually be it’s downfall.
Harve thought of his life, he thought of the boyfriend who left him, why he left. He thought of fights they had, no not fights, just cold separations, times of no words. Moments of emptiness like measuring benches for centimeters instead of understanding what that the bench was for, that it was for the inner knowing of divine feminine energy, passion and love and balance in life.
He remembered their last visit in Paris. John had cried in their apartment about how empty their lives had become. He cried about how the love they once had had, the passion was gone. How Harve’s obsessive studies had closed him like his ancient texts. How the joy they had both felt, as students, had slowly left. John was still beautiful, still an artist. The man Harve had fallen in love with was still there, but Harve wasn’t. John had tried everything to wake his lover but he could see Harve was falling deeper and deeper into a deadly sleep.
Now in one day, Harve had woken up, no, Delos and Nadia had woke him up, no Asteria had woke him up, no all as one had woke him up. He knew now, he was in the right place in the right time. He would call John on skype later, he thought, and try to talk. Maybe john would answer and they could at least share something now.
For Harve, Leto had only been important as the
mother of the twins that were worshipped on Delos. Now, he saw she was mother
of Delos and of the whole story here. And he could see too, it was a woman’s
story, and he was not a women in his body. He heard a voice, “Harve, it’s a men’s
story too. You will hear the story of Apollo, of Dionysus of course, of all the
penis’s you have been avoiding on Delos all these years, of erections, beautiful
boys, open your eyes, the story is for you too!”
Chapter 46
Nadia/Leto being
Nadia was now the new Nadia, before this, she was a women recovering from pain. All her life was pain, pains she could not even imagine or define. There was the pain of sexual abuse, of her alcoholic controlling father, of her brother’s suicide. The pain of her boyfriend who rapes and threw her off a balcony and broke her back when she was a teenager. Before, she was living as a survivor, a survivor of race riots in her school where she was beaten by black woman, of all the wars and violence of her homeland, of her difficult life.
Yet somehow… she had survived. There was also her visions. She had had a life of visions of HER. From the time she was a little girl in Sicily, she roamed the country side around her father’s air force base with herds of other children, jumping from rocks, running on beaches, hiding in caves. One day in a cave on the rocks, by herself, she had her first vision, She was about ten years old, lanky, long legged, thin. No one loved her, she was teased by other kids, rejected by her mother, pursued by her father ignored by her brother, and now alone in the cave she saw the figure. A huge woman in light appeared to her. Floating in the air, radiating light and energy. The woman spoke, “I am with you. I love you. Do no have fear.” This vision propelled her life, it took her through the teasing, the suffering, the rape, the abuse. Each time something painful would happen to her, she saw the woman, heard her voice, and knew she was safe cared for and something wonderful.
So, in a way, all this was home. It was the woman
coming back, but now in her whole life, not just in the visions. Somehow the
time had come.
Chapter 47
Leto was on Delos to give birth to her sacred twins, the babies she had sung to in her visions for months and months. She already loved these babies to come more than she had ever loved anything before. For her, they were something completely different. For her, they arrived in her beautiful body from somewhere out of her understanding of her life on Hyperborea. She knew they were a gift, but from who she dreamed. Were they from her parents, goddess of the earth and god of the sky? Where they from her grandparents, the first goddess of the earth and god of the sky? Were they from her great grandmother she who started it all or even from Chaos, before all was?
She lay on the soft earth on Delos, and went back into her sacred dreams. She was next to a sacred lake, she saw a palm tree on an island in the middle. The lake shone in the late afternoon sun. flocks of magical birds landed on the island and called her. They spoke to her. “Leto beautiful one, this island with the palm is the place for you to birth your goddess and god. Watch us.” And the huge white cranes landed on the small island and started their dance of courtship. They undulated, twisted, moves their head back and forth. They came towards each other and away seductively. They touched and not touched.
As she saw this ancient earth dance, she felt her passion rising and felt her vagina getting wet again. She had not felt this since Zeus left her. She had been concentrating on her babies and now felt passion and love again entering her body from afar. It seemed to her that the very stars were sending her cosmic love and were sending it directly to her clitoris, to her sex, to excite her and get her ready for her sacred twins journey.
And then, the surprise. Zeus the love of her life called to her. “Leto my love, Leto the love of my life. I will come to you, on the back of the swan chariot, I will come to you and we will make love and prepare your body for childbirth, goddess birth, god birth my beauty.”
And she looked up, and saw a chariot of swans and riding was her lover and she swooned and fell to the soft earth. She lay there on her back, the water of the sacred lake lapping softly next to her body. She undid her white gown, opened it for him seductively and opened her legs and waited. She could feel her twins rolling within her as she did this. She could feel them hugging each other inside her, she could feel the boy touching the little girl feel them beginning to come closer to each other in the warm fluid of her love.
Zeus’ chariot landed next to her and he descended from it. he picked her up and put her in the chariot and took her to the island in the center of the sacred lake. They landed in the center of the circle of cranes making love. He picked her up like she weighed nothing and put her down on the soft boughs the cranes had placed as nests to be. The boughs were covered with soft leaves, with feather down plucked in passion from their lovers, with flowers pulled softly from the plants that bore them.
He put her on her back again, and opened her legs and began to lick her vagina. His tongue turned to the tongue of the most ancient serpent, it forked and was flexible and could lick her up into her far until he could lick his twins and then up into her whole body where he could lick her from inside. He licked the inside of her breasts and got them ready to nurse with celestial milk. He licked the outside of her womb to make it flexible and soft. He licked the inside her her mouth and inside of her eyes.
As he did this she had the most wonderful feelings of oneness and peace. She could see his infinite love with each licking of his tongue, she could feel his passion rising as he licked her vagina over and over again, licking her whole being, her sacred babies, the earth before them, the sky and the earth.
He mounted her as himself. He did not need any subterfuge or shape shifting or convincing that he had become used to in his life as a father seductor. Here, he was at home. This place where he was about to enter was his birthright, his original home, his center. She opened her legs to him widely. Then, she turned over and went onto all fours. Her belly was now so large, it was right before her childbirth, that she could not have him on top of her even if her could turn into a feather light being. On all fours, her belly hung down was comfortable for her, it even felt ecstatic as the twins were suspended in space in a bubble of protection and grace.
She spread her legs apart widely and her vagina opened like the cave they met in. In her last weeks of pregnancy her vagina was always swollen and wet, it was after all the opening to the doorway that would become the passage of transformation for her twins. He entered her easily and grew to fit her opening. She was so wet, so hot with her swollen opening, that he was carried away immediately.
He came into her like the god he was, like the
father of her twins, like thunder, like the sky, he filled her from everywhere
with his love, with the love from the sky, with the passion of his lightning,
and when he came, the sky exploded and she went into labor instantly with the
first twin.
Chapter 48
Nadia saw Zeus arrive on Delos. As she lay on the marble bench at the temple of Leto, as she felt Leto and was Leto and heard Leto’s voice as song, she looked up and saw a god arrive. He flew to her on 12 swans and landed on her body and kissed her deeply. Just then, she looked up out of her Nadia woman and saw Fred over her looking down at her.
She said, let’s go, there is a place I need to take you now. They stood up suddenly and she started walking away from the port. She turned suddenly and went into a break in the small low stone wall that was surrounding a large area of greenery. This area was rare in Delos, it was like a forest of jungle. In her double mind now, it reminded Nadia of Hyperborea and of the meadow behind her house when she was a little girl. The two meadows undulated and went back and forth. In one moment she was a little girl running with friends in the country, in another she was in Hyperborea lying on the soft earth, her mother and grandmother.
She walked down a small path into the jungle. It was soft sand and the plants grew high on each side. She knew exactly where she was going, she walked ahead with complete confidence and knowledge. Fred followed her with difficulty she was walking so fast and deliberately. She turned left at a fork and then right at the next fork. Now they were deep in the small forest, jungle. They could not be seen by anyone. Harve had been daydreaming and did not even see them leave.
Ahead she saw her destination, a palm tree in an open area. She went up to the palm tree and touched it with her hands. As she felt it’s rough bark she had a vision. She saw Leto hugging the palm tree, squatting, and giving birth to the first twin, a little girl. But then she rewinded and saw what came before. The huge god arrived on a swan and landed on Leto.
As she began to see this vision, she grabbed Fred and pulled him onto her and lay down on the soft sand earth. She opened her legs and pulled him on top of her. She pulled down his pants and put him inside her. She was wet, swollen from her early pregnancy, and in a total passion vision. This vision of Zeus making love to Leto and starting her labor was unbelievably sexy and arousing to Nadia. She got wild. She pulled Fred into her like he was being sucked into a vortex of ancient power far beyond who they were on earth now.
He was aroused now too, he kissed her face , then breasts and became more and more excited and then left his body and saw himself as a huge man strong and powerful, as the father of the twins and the father of something more.
He came in an explosion and at that moment she saw her babies being born too, and he saw it too, and then lay exhausted on the sand next to the palm, eyes closed, breathing heavily, in a state of pure heavenly visions.
In that moment, they were surrounded by 12 swans. The white birds flew in a clockwise circle around them. They heard her voice. “Nadia, Fred, thank you for your ceremonial lovemaking. You have brought us back to earth to begin the new order. This is the ceremonial birth of peace, harmony and balance on earth. Your twins will be born here on this spot. Your new lives will start here. And it all will start here. Your lovemaking is the ceremony to begin and feed the new order. We are.”
They lay together on the sand. They could feel the DNA in their bodies rearranging. They were being recreated as new creatures, new beings, beings of light and healing power. It was simple and marvelous. The new bodies were being built as they lay on the soft sand in the sacred lake.
They heard a voice, “ I am doing it. I am rearranging you DNA and making you new creatures on earth. I am the earth, mother earth, the soil, the island itself. I am beyond Leto, beyond you Nadia and Fred, beyond Zeus. I am what is really happening here. I am the sacred ceremonial center of mother earth. I am ready to awaken, to heal, the transform, to create the new order. Thank you for doing sacred ceremony on my body. When you make love, we are one, your body Nadia, your body Fred, your body Leto, your body Zeus become part of mother earth, part of the star beings, part of the great one. Thank you.”
They stood up very slowly and looked around them. They saw the palm tree, the jungle that protected them so they could make love. They saw circling swans flying around the sacred lake circle. They saw her twins rolling inside her growing fast now, like seeds. Nadia walked out of the lake on the path they came in on. Harve was standing next to the temple of Leto, clearly looking for them. “You disappeared”, he said. She said to him, “Come Harve, there is something I need to show you.”
He followed them back into the sacred lake on the path. Again she turned left at the first fork, right at the second one and they reached the palm tree in the center. Harve did not say a word. He waited for her. She said, “Harve, lie on the soft earth on your back and close your eyes now. He lay down on his back, closed his eyes and immediately felt very strange. It was as though he were falling, the ground was now not substantial, it was like a cloud and he was floating on it in endless space. As he floated, he could feel his body changing. He felt like all the cells were vibrating at once, like something was being changed. Nadia said, “Harve. Mother earth is rearranging your DNA now. You will be made into a new being. Just relax and feel the heat come up into you. When you are hot, open your eyes and stand up. That is the way it’s always been done here. Just let it happen to you. It’s beautiful, it is the soul and heart of ancient Delos speaking to you.”
Harve could hear her words like they were coming from a great distance away, from another world. He felt his whole body changing and as he changed, he felt a deep love for his partner John, and also felt a great sexual excitement come over him. He became erect and his penis become much larger and harder than ever before. He could see his partner over him kissing him and loving him. He could hear him saying, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” And he heard himself saying, “I love and appreciate you and understand you now.” He heard a voice. “As you know, this is the sacred lake, the place where Leto gave birth to Artemis and Apollo goddess of the moon, of Divine Feminine energy and god of the sun, of Divine Masculine energy. Here, you will experience creation, birth, newness. This is a power place for new birth, creativity and healing on earth. You will feel it now. It is a place to make ceremony to create new beginnings, new body, heal and start a new world. That is what this place is for Harve. When you are ready, stand up, open your eyes and see the world for the first time.”
Harve lay there until the heat became too much and
then stood up and opened his eyes. Nadia smiled at him. She could see and hear
what happened to him completely. She felt love and compassion for this man now.
She saw his life and lives and she understood who he was and why he was part of
the story they were in now.
Chapter 49
Leto popped out her little girl the moment Zeus came out of her. It all took place so fast that it was not believable or even feel able by her. In one moment she was in ecstatic orgasm of the Spirit Lovers, the next in ecstatic orgasm of childbirth, or goddess birth. For ages women priestesses have taught that childbirth is orgasm, is wonderfully sexy and wild if the woman just becomes a goddess and makes love in spirit space at the moment of birth. Not so easy, these days.
But then, for the second twin, the little boy, labor did not go well. That was because jealous Hera put a spell on Eileithyia, goddess of childbirth and kept her from coming to Leto when Leto went into labor with the second twin.
So Leto labored holding on to the palm tree, squatting, standing, walking around the sacred lake, over and over again, round and round and for nine days and nine nights and no baby came down. This second twin was stuck, an evil doing of Hera’s jealousy. When Leto was in labor with the boy, ancient goddesses of the old first group arrived to witness and help her. There was Dione and Rhenia and Ikhnaia (Ichnaea) and Themis and loud and moaning Amphitrite, the goddess of healing women. All of these goddesses were here to witness a sacred event and to help, but alas no baby.
Do Leto sent a prayer, on earth she needed to pray, in Hyperborea she could just call, and two Hyperborean maidens flew fy her beloved Hyperborea on swans to help her. They were nymphs of the sacred springs, water nymphs who could move the water in Leto’s amniotic fluid and make a wave to expel the stuck baby. She called also her animals, wolves, owls, bees, came to help her in the travail.
And then there was Artemis, the first twin, goddess of the moon. The moment she was born, the fates made her a goddess of childbirth so she could help deliver her brother. She worked with the goddesses, Hyperborean maidens, animals, all worked with each breath, each contraction to bring the stuck Apollo out in the world.
They each knew, the world could not work with only the goddess of the moon, a woman, a Divine Feminine force, it needed the other twin for balance, the god of the sun, a man for anything fertile to happen on earth in a sacred way.
So all the goddesses at the labor got together and had a meeting. They knew something had to be done. They called Iris goddess of the rainbow, the personal hand maiden of Hera and sent her to Eileithyia on mount Olympus, the earthly home of the goddesses and gods and asks her to convince Eileithyia to come to Delos and help Leto.
Isis ran on winged feet to Olympus and took Eileithyia
aside, away from Hera, so Hera could not interfere and she told Eileithyia
that the goddesses would give her a necklace woven of golden threads and made
of pure amber, nine cubits long if she would come and help Leto birth her
second twin. Eileithyia’s heart opened for this laboring goddess and so she
came with Isis on a rainbow. Now the
woman’s team for childbirth or rather god birth was ready: Eileithyia
goddess of childbirth herself, the two Hyperborean maidens, Opis and Arge, who traveled
on swans from Hyperborea with to be with the goddess and god, the goddesses
surrounding and load moaning Amphitrite, goddess of the sea, and a woman’s
doctor specialist in fertility, and Artemis herself, the just born twin
who turned into a goddess a childbirth the moment she was born, now all could
help bring forth the sacred baby.
Chapter 50
Enter Hecate, finally
Hecate, it’s about time for her now. She enters quietly but is never quiet. She is secret, hidden, and then appears more than can be imagined. She is paradoxes and questions always, never clear answers. Hecate is goddess of witchcraft, the new moon, wilderness, childbirth, the underworld, necromancy, ghosts, and magic. When she comes, she can bestow huge gifts of honor, fortune, and fame and also with her magic take them away. And. She was accessible, not remote, like a constant presence everywhere. Thus, people made shrines to her in their homes, locally, to ask for prosperity and protection.
Men pray to her for prosperity and power, she gives it or takes it away. As goddess of the night, the new moon, and underworld she sees all, she is inside all, working from within the darkness, to bring the moon light. She is beyond magic too, much larger.. by far.. as the mother of angels and as the cosmic world soul. How can she be all things like this mixed into a soup?
For our story, Hecate is the daughter of Asteria, the sister of Leto who threw herself into the sea as a quail to escape the pursue of Zeus and then beame the isle of Delos to provide a place for Leto to give birth. Asteria was married to Persus, god of destruction, from the dog star. Next too the isle of Delos, between Delos and the sister island of Rhenia, is a small island, a rock really, called Hecate. Here, Hecate lives next to her mother, and isle of Hecate is the place where people did ceremony to her to call her to make magic and night and new moon in your life.
Nadia heard Hecate now, she was listening to the story of Leto giving birth to Artemis and in her mind Nadia saw Artemis the baby goddess, just born, with someone. Artemis was wavering, she was herself as a newborn baby goddess. She was immediately turning into a midwife to help her mother Leto give birth the second twin and as she helped her beautiful mother labor, Nadia saw another appear. She was a beautiful mysterious woman, she appeared next to Artemis and the two wavered. They shape shifted into each other. Artemis became Artemis/ something else and the something else was Hecate goddess of magic and the new moon. And Hecate did not stay still, she herself shape shifted, Nadia saw Hecate with three heads, one head of a serpent, one dog, and one horse and then three bodies and then back to a beautiful young woman. She saw here with three faces, with three headed dog at a crossroad, with a serpent in one hand and a and sword in the other.
As a subset of Artemis, and in fact her first cousin, Hecate was a goddess of childbirth too, and connected childbirth to the moon even more deeply than Artemis could alone. She was a goddess of wilderness too and of women’s independence. And as the tiny rock island next to Delos her mother Asteria, Hecate was there. she was now a irreplaceable part of Delos, of Leto’s life, and so now of Nadia’s.
As if moved by a voice, Nadia left the sacred lake and climbed the hill behind the lions. The marble statues of the lions have guarded the sacred lake, guarded Leto an her ever born babies, being born forever, even now, they had become a part of this. The lions appeared one day. The day was dangerous, enemies of Leto were appearing, the giant snake python that Hera had sent to pursue and kill Leto before the twins were born, the enemies from the north who were grouping secretly, Athens, grouping to to take money and power, all like dark shadows, thunder clouds on the horizon, all waiting so one morning there were 12 lions guarding Leto as she labored. The lions spoke to Nadia now as she climbed the hill. “We are here for you beautiful one, we protect you now too.”
The lions were on the east of the lake, facing the laboring Leto. They were real Asiatic lions, huge, open mouthed, growling and they sat imposingly as sacred spirit guards, the ultimate protection. They induced fear in enemies, protected Leto, now protected Nadia, still do.
Nadia felt their protection and felt the protection too of Hecate. She climbed up behind the lions, went to the hill top and looked down at the sea. In the straits between Delos and Rhenia sat the small rock in the sea that was Hecate. The isle of Hecate spoke to her, “ I am your cousin, I connect you to the new moon, to the darkness. You will need me, spirit woman, soon. When you have darkness arrive, call me, Hecate and I will protect you beautiful one. I do with Leto and her babies and I will with do with you. My beauty, listen to me, pray to me, I will teach you magic, sorcery, how to use the moon to give benefits and to take away, I will teach you woman’s power.”
And Nadia prayed then to Hecate. She prayed, “I ask you Hecate for safety for my twins and for the difficult trip that I know now awaits me. I pray for solidity in the face of chaos, I pray for magic powers to help in a good way.” These prayers were new to her. Before, she prayed only of her pain to go away, now she was praying for a new world order.
Now Zeus appeared and spoke to her, “Nadia, Hecate is my special one. That is why, I gave her alone, dominion over land, sea, and underworld. She is protection and bestower of honor. For you, exactly what you need now. This is first time I speak to you directly, but you know I make love to you in the body of your lover each day with full Zeus passion. I love you.”
So, Nadia’s life was becoming more complex by the moment.
Glimpses of danger, new world orders, woman’s power goddess energy were coming
in ancient visions as she breathed.
Chapter 41
Nadia’s twins were growing. She felt them inside her getting larger and larger. She wondered what will happen to her, when the twins would be born, where she would be at that time, who would she be with. Would she have the same problems as Leto since they were now one? Who would stop her labor, prevent her from giving birth, chase her with pythons?
Well, he who was next to Delos on the evil looking yacht. He was on the back deck, drinking beer and reading his messages. The messages described a situation he could not imagine being real and then again, he could completely. He knew that all over the earth now, were those who wanted exactly the opposite of what he had worked for in all his lifetimes. All the destruction he had done, all the killing, all the sacking of cities, was always done against the opposite forces, those who wanted peace, love and balance.
The war he was in, was a war of good and evil, simplified into it’s component parts. A way of destruction verses creation, of materialism verses love and spiritual concerns. And his mails told him that Delos had awakened and was making plans to become a center of balance, healing, transformation again. All the bloodbath destruction he had done had stopped Delos once, and now she was awakening. As he read the email messages encrypted mixed and hidden from all but his people, he laughed at the simplicity, naivity of the people he was up against here. It was not his ususal battle of banks, revolution, people in the streets, organizations, countries. It seemed to be one woman, two men and ? what he could not imagine.
He remembered with joy the destruction of Delos in 88 B.C. that was such fun, really one of the highlights of his long and estimable carreer of mascecures, wars, and bank take overs of cultures. For him, it was all the same. When he could get a culture to switch from spiritual to material goals, eventually without any help from him, they would make a war for money or power.
Delos was a good example. It had been the spiritual center of the mediteranean sea, the birth place of goddess of the moon Artemis and God of the sun Apollo. It had temples to many many goddesses and gods from all over the world, Egypt, Syria, Jewish temples, and was the major pilgrimage place for miracles, healing, and transformation. It was a center of art and healing and poetry, dance, sculpture and theater flourished.
He changed this slowly slowly as they say in Greece. The temples attracted offerings of gold, that led to treasuries, that led to banks, hedge funds, a stock market and slave trading. As money and gold increased, foreign merchants and bankers, especially Roman, came and the island started it switch to from spiritual to banking. Rome’s influence became greater and greater and in 166 B.C. the Greek people of Delos were expelled and Rome invited Athenians to take over the island. Next, Delos was made a free port in direct competition to financial center of the Island of Rhodes. In 146 B.C. the destruction of Corinth led to the immigration of Corinthian merchants to Delos and more money and financial power arrived.
Finally he had won. The religious spiritual life of Delos fell and the financial and commercial interests rose and the Apollo festival, the spiritual ceremony to the god of consciousness and the sun, became an international trade fair, with as many as 10,000 slaves changing hands in a single day.
So, the money , power, jealously led to his finest moments. Mithradates a persion general had a personal vandeta with Sulla the Roman General. The two would and did fight to the their own deaths and the dealths of hundreds of thousands of civilians. As part of Mithradates war against Rome in 88 B.C. he sent his general Menophanes, a o attack Delos with orders to killed or enslaved the population, loot the sanctuary and destroy the city. Mithradates was meanwhile doing this to many Roman centers in Turkey, Aegean and Middle East.
In one year he had more than 150,000 Roman people brutally killed, and took many hundreds of thousands of slaves. He freed the slaves held by the Romans and took the Delian treasury to use to fight more wars.
By then, Delos was a good as over. What had been broken, could not be fixed. Neither the spiritual or material center could be redone. In 87 B.C. Sulla the Roman General retook Delos from the Persians and gave it back to Athens. Athens tried to rebuild but in 69 B.C. Delos was sacked by pirates and the rebuilding was destroyed yet another time. The sanctuaries, temples, and the banking center continued to decline and Delos continued to have pirate attacks, and by the 2nd century A.D. Delos was abandoned. As a strange footnote which pleased him greatly, in the 3rd century A.D. Athens offered the island for sale, but found no buyers. The most spiritual site for pilgrimage for three thousand years and the richest financial center in the mediteranean sea was now worthless. He had succeeded in his plan to kill balance love art and healing and peace in the world.
And his success was juicy to him. The massacre of Delos and the simultaneous massacres in Turkey, and other Aegaean islands were almost inconceivably bloody. The soldiers of Mithredates had a plan to kill all the Roman people in one day. They suddenly without warning came onto the island in ships, (Delos had no army or navy) the soldiers chased the people to the temples which were sacred sites of safety, never before violated, and killed all of them. The killed 25,000 people in Delos in one day with swords, knives and bows and arrows. Blood ran in the streets, the marble was red, the sea was red. They chased those who were not cut apart with swords holding on to thet temple statues for safety into the sea and chopped them up in the water and drowned them. They killed all the children in front of the mothers, then the mothers in front of the fathers then everyone left. They took another 25,000 people as slaves, all those that were not Roman, who were from the middle eastern countries, and took the slaves who were about to be sold as soldiers to fight against Rome for Athens to further fuel the personal vendetta of the two men. They took all the money, gold, treasures, and brought it to Athens to be used to pay for future wars.
This made him very very happy. It was exactly what he wanted and the blood running in on the marble was perfect. He delighted in the killing of children, women and in slaves. It was who he was.
And now, here he goes again. The new Delos would be
eliminated before it began. The woman and man removed and the energy behind the
movement for a new Delian order eliminated easily. From the rear deck of his
huge yacht he looked at the ruins of the city he had decimated. He delighted in
the piles of marble that had made temples and remembered with glee the blood,
the screams of mothers, the look in people’s faces as they died and watched
their children and wives die.
Chapter 42
But. Delos was very aware of what was going on with the yacht, the man, and the attack. And Delos was also hyper aware of the now, the time, her side of creation vs. destruction and her plan to have Leto return, Nadia, Fred, and Harve be chosen and most of all, she was very hyper aware of her waking up after almost two thousand years of rest to create the new world order that she had begun many thousands of years ago.
And Delos, the island of miracles, was ready, hyper ready for the battle ahead. In the years she was resting, dreaming, long Hibernating, she had a dream, over and over again. She Delos was a star being brought to earth to hold sacred space. She, Delos, was an organ of the living earth to heal, balance, create love and most of all, bring mother earth and father sky back together in harmony. This, she knew, would balance the universe and take away time and space, and bring love back as the primary universal force that created it all.
Delos tells us her dream, “ I was lying on a bed of clouds. I had just come from the stars. There were beings around me. Women with wings, eagles, animals, star beings with huge wings. They were singing to me. I heard them as dreams. They sung, “ My goddess daughter, my star daughter, my beauty. We sing to you of your beingness. We sing to you of your goddessness. We sing to you of who you are and who you will be. We sing to you the song of the stars, of the star beings who fell from above.
Now, is the time for the big change, now is the time when all the star goddesses who ever were return. Now is the time for them to make love like never before, to fall in love more deeply than ever before. It is that time now, not to hold back, to merge star goddess with star god, mother earth here where you dream now, with father sky who dreams the same dream. We will help you with this dream, with this vision to make it come true now in this new time.
To do do this by star baby, you need to love openly and fully without fear, to make love openly and fully without fear, to merge earth and sky as you and your lover, to have star babies to populate the universe with change and with love and creation.
The other side is. We will protect you, heal your wounds with love, send you young people to fulfill your mission. We love you.”
And my dream continued said Delos. “I saw myself awakening from sleep, from dreams. I saw the whole earth listening to my story, finding my body, making love on it, joining. I saw lovers making love in the sea in front of my temples. I saw lovers making love in my sacred cave on the mountain. I saw lovers making love in small houses where they were retelling the story of spiritual life on my body. And then, I woke up and I saw you, making it happen on earth in three dimension, no in four dimensions, my star baby lovers, I did.
And in my dream, I saw that there was a big change in the
physical world around me that happened between my falling asleep and waking up.
Now, all goddesses were one goddess again, all gods were one god again. All
goddesses and all women were one. All gods and all men were one. And as they
made love, they made love as the woman, man, goddess, god, mother earth, father
sky, at once forever. Now, women were growing back to their original power, the
power taken away by men had ended. Now was the time of the woman, goddess, of
mother earth, of the love stories from her from HER returning.
Chapter 43
In the before, closer to the beginning of time than we are now, the first oracles, the first priestesses were born. They were born from the firsts mother earth and from her places of love, her vaginal caves dark wet and deep. And when they fed the first male gods, they turned into bees and fed him honey and gave him too the second sight of the oracle.
The ancient story was, that Zeus, god of the sky was born from his farther sky god Cronos and mother of the gods, Rhea. Cronos was told in a prophesy that one of his children would overthrow him so he swallowed them after birth to keep his power. Rhea gave gave the baby Zeus to his grandmother Gaia, mother earth, who took him to a cave in Crete after birth to prevent his father from swallowing him. She gave Cronos a stone in a blanket to swallow instead.
In the cave, Zeus was raised by nymph bee creatures on honey. The cave was the connection between the underworld and the physical world so Zeus was raised on honey by magical female creatures half way between worlds. The bee nymphs were melissae bee priestesses who were the first She Whos on earth.
It was no accident that the creatures were fluctuating shimmering beings half nymph- half bee. They were magical beings beyond the knowledge of Zeus and even Gaia who created them. They came from the first water nymphs of the springs, and the first bees and first flying animals and first goddess and first priestesses and if you can see all of these, nymph, water, spring, woman, goddess priestess, flying animal, bee, vibrating as one, you can see who they are.
Nadia saw them in a flash. In her visionary space she more than saw them, she turned into them and she turned into a nymph, a bee, a goddess, a priestess, and Nadia and vibrated as all forms at once and as she vibrated she made a buzzing sound, of the bee of course. And in that moment she realized too, that this creature was the oracle of past, present, future and was the first oracle and gave… oraculare power to the baby, Zeus.
Nadia understood that the bee nymph woman creature was the She Who who made men into gods and made men into oracles and made men ready to make babies. The ancient legends told that the honey from this creature civilized men from wild beings who ate everything to creatures who could do ceremony. Nadia also saw that the melissae were the first ceremonialists and that they taught ceremony and ritual form to all others and to men in particular. It all started with melissae.
As the vibrating creature vibrated and hummed, she also could travel between the land of the dead, the underworld and the land above. The bee priestess Melissae was the connection between life and the other world and would vibrate at the veil or membrane between worlds that was also the woman’s hymen, her membrane between child and woman priestess.
The melissae spoke to Nadia, “Buzz, Humm, Buzz we circle and
buzz and humm you into a deep trance to become She Who. We are those who
transform physical reality to spiritual mystical forms, we travel in and out,
doorway in to doorway out, we feed ceremony and we do this by making love,
making love is our physical form of buzz. Make love beautiful Nadia to your
lover to bring back Melissae, and bring in the new world order.”
Chapter 45
Nadia heard Delos of course, that was what was happening here. Delos spoke to her directly and simply. Nadia also heard the man on the yacht. She heard him without emotion, without fear and with recognition. In fact, Nadia knew this man well. She did not of course know him personally as him, she knew his incarnation as the men in her life who raped her, threw her off of balconies and broke her back, abused her and made her previous life hell on earth. She knew him as the banker who took her neigbors house, as the back who charged her for late fees, she knew him well. So, when she heard his thoughts or rather felt them like a cold wind she was not surprised and to her surprise not afraid. Fear was not her response to his appearance in her new life, rather awareness and a challenge. For the first time in her life, Nadia faced this energy with vigor, strength and Divine Feminine power.
It was she thought time for the next step. It was she thought time to begin work in earnest. So, she returned to the sacred lake where Harve was still cooking on the hot soft earth, still rearranging his DNA or rather having it rearranged by spirit and she found Fred also lying on the ground, having his DNA rearranged too. Apparently, it was time for men to be rearranged.
In that moment she was rearranged to and she became SHE WHO. Nadia had an epiphany, she realized that she, as she was, as the voice, the channel of Leto and now Delos and now Asteria, and now apparently Hekate, the woman who would make the men into the new god, the new sky god, the new patriarchy. She had become, in a flash, “She who makes the sky god.” And as She Who she had her work cut out for her.
Nadia walked back into the center of the sacred lake and waited not so patiently for her two men to awaken from their treatment. They both lay on the soft, hot earth, their eyes closed, their faces in a peaceful meditative resting pose. Then, Harve stood up, then Fred, and they were back together again. She simply started walking on the path that led to the opposite side of the sacred lake. Like two faithful dogs, the followed. It was clear to them, that she was channeling something and they were the recipients of what she heard and saw.
Nadia walked out of the sacred lake and started up the path past the museum to the mountain. Harve knew what direction she was heading in but did not know exactly where she was going now. It was a path that led up the mountain, past the temple of Isis, the Egyptian goddess of motherhood, past the temple of Hera , the wife of Zeus, goddess here of woman, mother earth, but more of marriage and recreation, and then went up the mountain.
Fred walked up to Nadia and took her hand. He knew he needed to be with her as a lover again now. She rushed ahead quickly and he fell behind. As she walked, he watched her backside move back and forth. He watched it shake and immediately went into a deep trance. “Follow me, she said, follow my woman, my Divine Feminine essence. Follow me to my body, inside where the water flows. Follow me.” And he felt hisself getting hard and in his mind now has visions of springs, caves, and wetness and then the twins inside her slowly growing.
She rapidly climbed the hill, passed Isis and Hera, to two wives, and reached the steps to the mountain. She started climbing rapidly and then turned off the path onto a small almost hidden path to the right. It was a path, but it was overgrown with thistle plants and huge boulders came almost over it making it difficlut to walk. She still walked rapidly and threaded her way between the boulders, around the thorns and crossed the mountain climbing slowly upward. As she walked, almost ran, the two men followed her the best they could. Fred was in excellent condition from his running and Harve from constant walking in Delos with workers to look at archeological digs in progress.
She reached an area that was open. She stopped. She bent down and found a wing of the bird on the earth. She laughed and picked it up and looked up the mountain. There, above them, was a cave. The opening was a triangular vaginal vault made of two huge boulders laying in a primitive arch, touching like labia, with the top as the clitoris. She smiled and then laughed. In front of them was a marble square portico, clearly a statue base or ancient altar. She walked past the base, up the mountain more and reached the front of the cave.
In front of them now was a cleared area with flat stones on each side. They were obviously ancient benches. In the center on the face of the mountain cliff was the cave opening. The opening was large, about three times the height of a woman, on both sides were stacked boulders framing a doorway about one and half woman wide. Above the boulders is on open space and the roof is made of the two huge boulders, each larger than several people laying down, laying on an angle to make a vault touching in the center like the clitoris. The whole roof is made of rows of these boulders.
When Fred saw the cave he gasped. His vision of the vagina and opening of the Divine Feminine earth was now realized in the physical world. And indeed the cave was the opening of the womb of the earth and of the stars. He could see immediately it was a star cave. For him, it was the place the stars communicated with the earth. He knew there was probably a spring in the back of the cave where sacred fresh water flowed and an altar within for gestation.
Nadia waved the wing she found in front of the cave and entered quickly and surely confidently into this space like it was hers forever. She knew that Delos was the floating island and that this was it’s womb. She knew Delos was a womb place of Artemis and Apollo and this was the womb where they grew. She put her hand down on her belly and felt her womb grow hot. She felt the now still tiny twins of hers swimming turning rotating like the stars in the sky above.
Fred and Harve did not enter the cave. For some reason they stood outside quietly and waited. Nadia came out and took Fred’s hand. She said to Harve. “Please wait outside the cave for a while we I do a ceremony. Then, I will come in and bring you into the cave. Lie down on the bench on the left, in the shade until I come and get you. You can rest here.”
She took Fred’s hand and led him into the cave. The inside was darker than in the blinding bright sun of Delos, the brightest light on earth, the place of the god of the sun, but it was not dark. Inside the cave, he saw a stone like an altar in the center and the back wall was lit up with sun and covered with flowers and greenery. It was like the pubic hair and the back, the vaginal opening and the power place of energy in the center and the clitoris above. It was a very sexy place for him.
Nadia lay on the altar. She pulled up her white dress exposing her vagina. She told him, “Kneel between my legs and lick my pussy now.” He saw her lying on the stone in the cave. Then he saw a goddess, a pregnant goddess, lying on an altar in a womb. He saw the altar as a star altar, it was a clearly magical stone which radiated light of many colors and energy. I spoke to him, “I see you. Thank you for your ceremony to come. I feel her on my body. I feel her star being star travel as her backside touches mine. I can make love to her from below as you make love to her from above. She is the center of the star gate now.”
Fred kneeled on the ground on the left side of the star stone. Looking up and across he saw Nadia legs open wide like the opening to a portal to the stars. He saw her vagina open wide, wet and calling him. He saw her white ceremonial gown pulled up and put over her body and saw the cave around him. All was in slow motion. He could look and be every where at once, in the roof, in the spring in the rear in the floor and in and on the stone.
He leaned forward and smelled the strong smell of her vagina. It was stronger than the odor of the earth, of plants germinating, of babies being dreamed of the stars on fire. It was a powerful perfume that attracted him beyond his imagination. He leaned into her and put out his tongue and licked her labia from bottom to top. He started on the left and licked up to her clitoris. Her taste was extraordinary, there was nothing he could compare it with and drew him deeper and deeper into her and into HER. As he licked her the whole physical world disappeared and he saw much more. He saw portals open, doorways opening one after another. He was in a soft tunnel, then a cave like this one but with soft wet sides, then he entered the stars and saw star beings and then seemed to be looking out of the eyes of a huge creature larger than the sky and what he saw was so beautiful that he swooned and opened his inner eyes wider and wider and saw more and more until he was what he saw and there was no separation and he was wet and soft and cold and dark and all sensations at once.
She called to him from across this abyss. “Come into me now. Enter the portal of dreams, enter HER kiss, HER body now as HIM.”
He stood up and pulled down his shorts and pushed himself into her. She was completely wet and he slid in with no resistance. As he entered her body he left his. He, she, heard this voice. “Thank you for this ceremony of lovemaking in the ancient star cave and Delos. We are star beings, we surround you in the cave of the stars, this star portal. We will teach you ceremony the roots of ancient sexual union of mother earth and father sky. As you enter her portal at the same time HE enters HER portal and the balance is done. The ceremony is the lovemaking. The ceremony is the entering the sacred portal. You are the ceremony. We are inside your bodies as you make love.”
He came into her softly and violently at once. His energy was huge. It was as if he was being propelled by hug beings, by Zeus himself, by star beings who made Zeus, by more. They held his body, held him by the hips and pushed in in and out of her in total passion. They came into his body completely and make love to HER with him. As he came in and out, he saw the cave filled with beings. There was a circle of elders, of ancient Greek gods, of star beings behind them. They were watching this ceremony with meditative peace, as if they were watching creation itself. And then, they started to make love. Zeus with Leto, star beings with each other and the love was fueling nothing less than the creation and maintainance of the universe.
Nadia went into her trance immediately as she lay on the star stone. She was beside herself, her body as the Nadia woman was on the stone, she as pure consciousness was above it watching and another Divine Feminine presence came into her and took her completely. The Nadia she had known was not here. This woman, this Divine Feminine presence on the star stone was pure feminine sexual energy. She was sex in her odor, in her movements, in her beyond desire, in her pulling him into her softly, violently to empregnate her, to fill her with love and seeds to make it all. This huge sexual ceremony radiated outwards to the cave, to the site, to the island, to the Cycladic islands, to Greece, to Europe, to the northern hemisphere. She saw Leto and Zeus in the circle around them. She saw the cave full of beings, ancient Greek gods, star beings she has never seen, all in peaceful mediation and then making love. The energy of pure sexual passion and desire that overcame her and took her into deep ceremony was from this mediation, she knew. It came from far far away to them in the circle, it came from them to her. And it pushed her pelvis into him and he entered her. She started chanting songs from before, he pushed himself into her until he reached her very center and then… there was fire, an explosion, very bright light, and total peace.
They awakened together. He came out of her and turned and
kissed her lips. They had seen the same vision. They knew they had done the
ceremony that was holding the universe together. They knew this was what Delos
was about. This was in fact the secret of Delos, making love creates and
maintains the universe and only by sacred lovemaking will we survive.
Chapter 46
Harve lay on the stone bench outside the cave on mount Cynthus on Delos in the Cycladic Islands of Greece. He seemed to fall asleep but was not asleep. Instead, he was in a half dream half sleep state that was something completely new for him. In his half sleep he was dreaming. But this dream was a lucid dream where he could act, somewhat, while he was dreaming, he could move things, be there and change the dream.
In his lucid dream, in was inside the cave that was behind him now. He was sitting in a circle of elders that surrounded the star stone in the center of the cave. Around him he could see ancient Greek gods and goddesses, he recognized them from art on ceramics, from sculptures, from mosaics. He was amazed they looked so much like the art, it was as if they vibrated as beings and art forms. At once, he understood that the art in Delos and in musuemas all over the world was alive, that the gods and goddesses were inside the art, enlivening it to be powerful and healing. In his lucid dream he was apparently learning, being taught what he needed to know. Or, more precicesly he just knew these things here.
He looked around the circle of elders. There was a front row. He recognized Dionysus, so handsome, he was naked and had an enormous erection that looked exactly like the huge sculptured statues of the penis and testicles on the avenue of Dionysus on Delos. Harve immediately fell in love with him, was filled with sexual desire and almost cound not hold himself back from jumping him right now. In fact, Harve felt a huge sexual energy, now that he though dreamt of it all around him. He recognized Zeus and Leto, Artemis and Apollo, Aphrodite and Hermes, even Isis and Hera. This recognition was deeply satisfying to him, it made him relaxed and excited at once and took him elsewhere more and more.
Then, he felt more than saw, strange beings behind the gods and goddess. They were winged! and huge and seemed ageless. One looked right at him and he connected to it in his whole being and was the winged being. The winged being spoke to him, “Don’t be afraid. I love you. I am your spirit guide, My name is Nyx, but I am not Nyx. I birthed her, and I will take care of you too. I have been with you all of your life. I am a star being from another dimension. You know me, now, open your body and your heart to me and you will understand. No fear, only pure love.”
And behind the gods and goddesses were the star beings and they too were sexy to him beyond knowledge and made him more excited. Then, he looked finally into the center of circle, in the center of the cave. Of course, the cave was familiar to him, it was the Cave of Hercules on mount Cynthus where he knew in his lucid dream he was now. In the center of the cave, in the center of the sacred circle of elders, gods, goddesses and star beings was the stone. For Harve, it had been an altar for ceremony to Hercules, now he know in his debths it was a star stone. Of course, he had read the initial writings of the French School of M. Lebegue who had seen the vision too, Harve realized now. In his dream, he saw the words of Lebegue in front of him, like he was reading a book. “it (the cave) must have been used as a temple long before such Greek art existed. We have mentioned the enormous block of granite in which the pedestal of the statue was set. This block was probably one of those stones which were worshipped as having fallen from heaven, or as emblems of gods. It may have symbolized the god originally worshipped in the grotto, before the days of even archaic sculpture. The baetyl and the later statue probably represented different gods. But they may have represented the same god, just as stones (ireTpat), said to have fallen from heaven, were worshipped in the ancient temple of the Orchomenian Charites (= graces) conjointly.”
And on this star stone, were lovers. At first, he could not make out who they were. There was a Divine Feminine presence, lying on the stone on her back with her legs spread apart widely, she was singing an ancient song in a language her recognized as pre Greek substrate but he could tell it was much much older than that. The woman was so beautiful he could not look directly at her. For the first time in his life he felt desire for this woman in his loins, she was pure sex beyond anything he had ever felt. Standing between her wide spread legs was a Divine Masculine presence. He was a god and beyond a god. He was making love to her, entereeng her deeply in strokes of sexual passion that Harve had never imagined. Harve become excited immediately and hard as a rock. His penis now resembled the marble sculpture on Delos, he was erect and tall and immediately on fire.
Then, the two figures changed. The Divine Feminine presence became Leto, he recognized her immediately, then Hekate, then Aphrodite, all in fantastic vibration with each other, first he saw and more than saw felt one, then the next, then another until the blended into one Divine Feminine presence again. Then, he saw Nadia the young woman and then all the goddesses and then something more. He saw the Divine Feminine HERSELF. He saw an energy form, a vibration in four dimensional space and no time that echoed the whole universe in it’s first moments of creation. The Divine Masculine also was similar, he was Zeus, he was Dionysus, he was Apollo, he was Hermes, he was all vibrating from one to another, all hard and making love, all in passion of the Divine Masculine energy beyond anything Harve had ever known or imagined. And then, the Divine Masculine presence was Fred, and then.. himself. He now saw himself making love to his partner in pure Divine Masculine presence, beyond far beyond personaliy, problems anything in their two separate lives. He was one with him like the creation of the universe and beyond time and space.
And he heard a voice, “Harve,
you are participating in the sacred sexual ceremony to create and maintain the
universe. That is the secret of Delos. This cave is the star cave in the very
center of the vision. When Divine Feminine
and Divine Masculine make love in sacred space here, it is the ceremony
that holds the earth and universe in physical space and keep it from being
destroyed by the destroyers. It is balance sacred balance of old Delos, what
Delos did, and what it will do now. It is your job now, Harve to make this
happen again.I love you and always will.” And he saw a huge black winged being
taking off, flying up into the non sky and then he woke up.
Chapter 47
Nyx arrives, she was always there, rarely mentioned now or even then, out of people’s fear. For, Nyx was born before anything existed, born or hatched directly out of chaos. She was, in some way, chaos as darkness. But of course, darkness is something, chaos is before something but the ancients sometimes got confused between the two or did not see clearly at the very beginning to time, or it was not clear then at all.
Nyx is the mother the twins, the god of sleep, Hypnos, and the god of darkness, Erebus and of the god of death, Thanatos. She was also mother of other sufferings, of strife and pain and more feelings that people don’t want to happen to them. That is why fear makes people shake at the mention of Nyx, she is in fact the mother of all they fear. But what they forget, in fear, is that in some ancient stories Nyx was the the goddess of the night primarily, and mother or sister of love and of the day, thus she created an essential balance and in fact, the dawn of the first light of hope.
Others say, that Nyx was in fact first. The difference between darkness and chaos after all is hard to grasp unless the oracle can look far back, very far back. Nyx lived, no surprise for us, in a cave where she was an … oracle. Nyx was in charge of what appeared to Harve and to Nadia and Fred. She fed them their visions of the creation, of the maintainence of the sacred universe as HER dream. In front of Nyx’s cave, the nursemaid of Zeus who fed him honey from the bee women spirit healers, danced and hit her drum in sacred ceremony while Nyx prophesized.
All this was known to Harve of course, as a Greek scholar he had read the poems of Homer and all the other ancient poets about Nyx. He knew all the poems, he knew how in the ancient poetry and songs, Nyx was sometimes first, sometimes second, he knew how she was mother of love or sometimes sister. But now, he grasped from remembering the poems of the ancient Greeks that what happened in the first moments after creation was confusing. He saw in a flash that time was not linear then, it was folded and that the poets could not grasp it easily because it was ungraspable, so each one saw another fold and told a slightly different tale.
Now, he could also see that the stories actually moved. They were dynamic not static, they vibrated like the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine making love. Harve now saw everything in the world as this, all was only the vibration of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine making love, shape shifting from one goddess to another, from one god to another but always in the same sacred lovemaking act all taking place before time and space were fully formed.
And the winged dark bird, who he knew was Nyx from before he was born in this lifetime, was now here for him, but no longer as death, darkness or pain, she was now here as his spirit guide. In a flash, the fear of the bird that started this whole story for him vanished into love and in the same flash, he wanted to make love and be with his partner more than he ever wanted anything in this lifetime.
On the bench, in front of the cave of the star beings, as he now called it, he took out his cell phone and called John. He did not think at all about what John was doing in Paris now, he called from the depths of his heart and soul.
What was happening was, the island, Delos, the gods, the goddesses were healing his life. The miracle of Delos was that you got a whole new life. you found yourself as your own oracle, and the new life appeared. But you had to do it.
John answered his cell phone. They had not talked much since
the break up. John had told him that the relationship was empty, one sided,
that he, Harve, was not present. Now Harve was more present than he had been in
his whole life or many lives before. John said, “Hello.” Nothing more. Harve said,
“I love you. I love us. I love our relationship and know you are my partner for
life. I want to marry you. I am here now. I am awake. I can see and feel. I am
new.” Silence on the other end of the phone. Harve could picture John thinking,
feeling being, things he had never done. “Come to Delos now, I want to make
love and be with you. I want us to walk on the avenue of Dionysus next the penises and make love in the night under
them.” Still silence. “It is not too late, my love.” Harve said and then he waited,
thought, felt, and was his presence of the new Harve.
Chapter 48
Leto was pushing, she had been pushing for 8 days. She looked around her. She was holding on the the palm tree in the island in the center of the sacred lake in Delos, on the body of her sister giving birth to her second twin. She was now surrounded by a retinue of goddesses and women. They went as far as she could see on every side. They were still coming. She felt her new baby daughter Artemis who turned into a midwife goddess of childbirth rubbing her belly. She loved this baby/woman/goddess intensely now, more than she has ever loved anything. More than she loved Hyperborea, her parents, even Zeus, her lover. And part of her was turning into her wolf to help push. But this was she understood also slowing down her labor. She knew tht wolves did not easily deliver their babies. Their labor was usually twelve days and twelve nights and later, the people of Delos would say twelve days and nights was the time that it took Leto to travel from the Hyperborea to Delos as wolf woman and the time of her labor with Apollo too.
She pushed again. She was within the woman care of all the other goddesses from Olympus and her maidens from Hyperborea too. Leto saw all this from inside the fog of her wolf labor. She felt her body pushing of it’s own accord, she was dreaming. In her dream, she was making love to Zeus. She was in her labor, she was pushing and her legs were spread wide apart. The retinue of women went on forever in every direction, and between her legs was Zeus. He was standing up, erect, his penis ready to enter her wide open gaping vagina. The baby was not down yet. He was traveling slowly down the birth canal of his goddess mother turning dancing rolling and thoroughly enjoying being born. Even from within this baby knew who he was and saw the women forever, saw his father ready to visit him and pull him out with a huge orgasm of his mother. He was beyond happy and now ready.
Zeus entered her wet open vagina completely in love. He was bringing the sacred ancient timeless love of his heritage, from the star beings and putting it inside his lover, who he loved more than his breath, and sending it up to his baby boy. He felt this was his finest moment and would never be equaled. It was far beyond strife and darkness, he was after all the god of the sky, brightness, and light, and he knew that the baby son about to be born was the god of the sun himself. Leto’s water broke and flooding his whole body with a warm fluid that was happiness on earth. He came into her and out slowly and deliberately, making love like he was playing music. As his passion rose he left his body and was in the sky carrying her in his arms.
Leto left the suffering of Nxy, the pain and started to swirl up into passion and orgasmic sensations. Her whole vagina was full now, full beyond her imagination, full of him, full of Zeus full of her baby Apollo. These sensations were beyond body feelings they were in the sky, in the before, into the first love and explosion of the first stars.
The goddess of childbirth, Eileithyia finally came, released from Hera’s spell, and the moment Eileithyia arrived, the sensations of fullness, sexual orgasm and childbirth seized Leto, and all she wanted was have Zeus come into her harder and to push out that baby faster inside her total orgasm. She put her arms around the palm tree and kneeled on the soft warm earth and all heard the earth of Delos laughing for joy under her. Then, Apollo leaped into to the sunlight, and all the goddesses raised a cry. They immediately took the new baby sun god and all the goddesses washed him purely and cleanly with the sweet water from the sacred spring of nymphs, and swathed him in a white garment of fine texture, new-woven, and fastened a golden band about him for the sun
Leto did not give her baby Apollo, her breast; she asked Themis to feed him with nektar and ambrosia
and Leto was glad because she had borne a strong son and an archer. As soon Apollo
tasted the divine heavenly food of the sacred bees, he could no longer then be
held by golden cords nor confined with bands, but all their ends were undone. Immediately
the baby Apollo said, “The lyre and the curved bow shall ever be dear to me,
and I will declare to men the unfailing will of Zeus.”
And as he was born, the swans, the gods’ own minstrels,
circled seven times round Delos, and sang over the bed of child-birth, these
birds from the muse were the most musical of all birds and they flew sacred
circles around the laboring Leto. That
is why Apollo when he was only seven days old strung the lyre with seven strings, because the swans sang seven times over the Leto’s
orgasms of birth. When Apollo leapt forth the Delian Nymphs, children of the
sacred springs of Delos, sang the holy songs of Eileithyia and were heard far a
wide. Zeus’s sky echoed back the this heavenly song and Hera was cured of her
anger and jealously by Zeus’s love. At that moment, all the springs in Delos
flooded with the waters of Leto bursting forth from her sacred womb.
Chapter 49
Nadia Fred
Making love in the HER womb
Nadia started walking. She left the cave of Cynthus and went quickly downward on a path that wound it’s way towards the port. Fred followed, and Harve far behind. Harve had learned to keep his distance, to come only when invited and to ask permission. Nadia again walked quickly decisively her body and spirit knew exactly where she wanted to go but not her conscious mind. She walked past the temple of Isis and Hera then turned sharply left and walked down a hidden path that went into a ravine. Then when she reached the bottom, she stopped and looked around her.
Harve walked several meters behind her and looked around too. He knew what was here, kind of. He knew she had walked down to the ancient place where the Inopos
River came out of the ground to begin it’s course through aquaducts and flow to houses in the ancient town. Now, he knew the source was hidden, the river almost dry although water still filled the cisterns around the sacred island. To the Delians the Inopus was sacred, they believed it flowed directly from the Nile in Egypt and was the place of the river god Inopus. The sacred ancient river also gave birth the the Nymphai Deliades, the river nymphs who danced a sacred birth dance and sang the songs of the goddess of childbirth when Leto was in labor with the birth of the moon goddess Artemis.
Nadia did not know any of these stories, she was going much further back in time to where the stories was born. She got to the ancient site of the source of the Inopus and then got on her hands and knees and started crawling around. She was searching for an opening, a hole. The source was covered with bamboo as were all springs in Greece, the tall thick bamboo hid whatever was under it well. Suddenly Nadia disappeared. Fred who was walking with her disappeared too. Harve had no idea where they went.
Nadia found the hidden cave, the spring where the sacred river Inopus originated. She dropped down a hole in the limestone aquifer and found herself in a dark cool cave that was actually quite large. There was several inches of cool clear water on the floor of the cave which was covered in soft black mud. Nadia started walked into the cave. Her feet pushed lightly into the soft mud, she felt it between her toes it massaged the bottoms of her feet softly, like a mother did to a baby she loved. She saw the walls of the cave, the limestone rocks covered with moss and plants.
Then, she saw that the back of the cave was bifurcated. The rear of the cave split into two small caves. One was dry, one had the water that was the source of the Inopos river that fed Delos. She went into the horn of the cave that was dry. It’s floor was soft green moss, it’s wall covered with hair like plants. Then, she went into a deep trance. In her trance she saw the ancient bee goddess. This goddess creature was bifurcated too, she had two arm/wings that made the exact shape of the back of the cave they were now lying in. Then, she saw a bull with horns bifurcated and bees flying from it. She knew these were ancient visions being fed to her from the before by HER. She heard, “I am the bee goddess, the goddess of the bifurcated womb, the goddess the open wings, the goddess of the bull, the goddess of childbirth, she who brings the babies forth, the goddess who brings souls down into babies bodies, the goddess of the moon. I am Artemis. You will visit me in my temple soon. For now, you visit my ancestors, my source in the cave of the bifurcated womb. You are inside my womb now. You are to make love inside to take you across the membrane, across the veil more deeply than you have ever traveled. It is time my beautiful sister, daughter, granddaughter.”
Nadia lay on the soft moss in the left top of the bifurcated womb of HER. She said, “Come here, take you clothes off now and lick my pussy”. She spread her legs far apart and he could see she was wearing no panties, her vagina was open, wet, pink and called him in. He knew this ceremony was essential was the next act for them. He took off his clothes and bent down on the soft green moss, like an ancient bed, like the pubic mound of the goddess. He put his face down on her vagina and started licking her. She sighed and moaned and started singing an ancient chant in a language he did not recognize. She said, “Come inside me now, bring his seed inside me right now.” He came inside her slowly. She was completely wet, he slid into her. She took some moss from the wall and put it on her face, on her body. She was of the earth now, of the springs, of water, of HER. Her odor was the odor of the cave, of the spring, of the waters, of the moss. He came in and out very slowly, then more rapidly as his excitement mounted. He felt himself leave completely to another reality. The cave disappeared completely, she disappeared he disappeared, and all that was left was the very inside of HER kiss. He was inside HER kiss with his lover merged in the way before. There was no him, no her, no Delos, no cave, no life before. There was only this pure timeless womb, inside HER and beyond pure love.
Nadia felt him licking her vagina and left immediately. She went to another reality far out of time and space. She left Nadia, Delos, earth, stars and travelled to the before into HER. There was only oneness and love and merging and pleasure beyond measure in this licking. She heard her voice say come inside me and he entered her body. It was not her body but a portal to the way before, to HER kiss. She knew that. Her consciousness was not hers, it was HERS and her consciousness was not limited to this body this place this event this lovemaking. She knew it was only a portal to the beyond a doorway to HER. The womb spoke, “You are both beyond one, inside my womb where all is created. You are in the ungraspable mystery of it all, far beyond human though analysis or understanding. You are here because you made love in sacred ceremony inside my body. I invited you inside me, took you here, put him inside you and now it is done. Go forth, my daughter, my grand daughter, my sister, go forth”.
She rested with him on top of her, still inside her, wetness
flowing out of her body. She moved slowly until she slid down into the cool
water from the spring. It washed her vaginal fluid mixed with his semen, their
love, from her and him into the spring water
and flowed outward. She knew their love oneness and passion was now in the
water, in the river, in the island, in the sea, and up to the clouds and
everywhere. She could see the mists of their love and passion as the air, the
plants, the new life. This was the
ceremony, she knew that. This was clear to her and to him in the same breath.
Chapter 50
It was clear to Nadia now, as she exited the dark wet womb that she was in charge of this story, she was “She who tells the story of Delos” and “She who brings Delos alive again to heal the earth”. So.. her plan started to take shape as she walked rapidly to the next destination. She walked down the rough rocky path, covered with plants, untendended, down towards the sea. Her path led her past a huge building, partly restored. She paused. She wondered, should she go inside. She stopped for a moment, then continued past it. “Not time”, she heard. She passed the next building, a pure marble temple, “Soon”, she heard. She reached the broad anenue leading back to the temple of Leto. She remembered it from her first walk here in Delos. To her far right, she saw the yellow houses of the French School and she realized she was very hungry. Fred and Harve were behind her keeping up but giving her a safe distance to lead.
She decided to go the the French School and try to get something to eat. She had no idea of what time it might be, or of much else to do with practical time and space. She had been in a powerful trance, had been taken deeply by HER and was now coming down to her physical body, to where she actually was, to an island archeological site, her belly rumbling, the men following her, now catching up to her and the hot sun, cool wind and bright bright light.
Harve reached her side. He said, “Nadia, it’s lunch time. we can go back the French School, eat some food and take a nap. I am tired, no exhausted from this walk”. She looked at him and at Fred. They both looked wiped out and she was coming down fast. Her mouth was dry, her stomach rumbled again, her pregnant belly seemed to call out to her for sustancence, it was her earth within speaking to her.
The people at the French school were beginning to settle for Lunch. The table was laid in the dining room in the back of the main building. The room was dark, cool and comfortable, a big change from the blinding light and wind and sun and overwhelming energy of Delos ruin. It seemed to be afternoon, everyone looked drained and exhausted.
The caretaker had put out simple Greek food, a tomato salad with cucumbers and feta cheese, some home made Greek goat cheese and local cut meats, an mashed smoked eggplant salad, tsasike yogurt and cucumbers and she brouth it the man disk, some potatoes and cut meat. The archeologists were it seems hungry from digs in the hot sun, working with Greek crews of diggers, working with their French students, unearthing perfume bottles, roof tiles, ceramic chards, huge marble stones in the ruins of the ancient city.
Nadia and Fred and Harve sat down and started to eat. The archeologists were speaking French and seemed to ignore them. They were arguing with each other, animatedly gesturing and sometimes totally quiet and eating. Harve spoke to them occasionally in French about their work. They asked him questions but he seemed distracted or even not interested. She could see he was trying but not involved in this old story of his old life.
Around the room were profiles of the archeolgists from hundreds of yaers ago to the present day. Their names were written under the traced profile cut out face. They lined the walls like ghosts, watching, it seemed to her smiling and even laughing. One face looked directly at her. The profile turned and it spoke to her. “Thank you for you. We are all excited. For years, this school had been on the completely wrong path. They are studying pieces, we studied the whole. They are studying chards, we studied what they meant. Thank you. And.. go to the temple of Artemis next. Just sit. By yourself. It’s about you beautiful Nadia, about HER. That is what this site is about. It was never about the god of the sun. It was about the goddess of the moon. We all knew that, felt it every day, she spoke to us every single day, as we dug and as we wrote”.
She looked at Harve. She could see he heard it too. He looked up at the profile of Lebeque, the archeologist who wrote about star stones in the cave. Lebeque grinned at him. She looked around the table. Everyone else was eating. Their head down, the food going into their mouths. She could see the ancient archeologists could not speak to them.
After lunch everyone went back to their small monastic rooms to nap. Nadia went to her room with Fred. She lay on her bed, closed her eyes and fell asleep immediately. She had a dream. In the dream, she saw a man. He was sleeping in his bed peacefully, not so peacefully. He was an ancient Greek poet, she could see he was seer, a visionary. Then in her dream she saw him leave his body. His spirit floated upwards. His spirit was very beautiful, graceful, like a dancer. It swirled upwards and spiraled. In the dream, she followed the spirit. He traveled high in the sky, over mountains and lands, he landing softly next to a sacred spring. The spring was in the crag of rocks. There were waterfalls which cascaded downwards from the hills above. They fell into a series of emeralds pool with a sound that was like a thousand harps or angels singing.
One pool flowed down into the next with a narrow rivulet that looked like a vaginal fluid flowing from the clitoris down to the labia. In each pool, she could see the energy increase with each pool until it reached a pool below that was a deeper more emerald color. The poet’s spirit landed at the side of that lower pool.
Then, next him an apparition appeared. A beautiful nymph came from nothing, to something. She moved from another dimension to this dream dimension. She was the most beautiful woman that Nadia had ever seen or imagined. She was dressed in a diaphanous gown the shimmered on her body, it was like it was made of angel’s wings, of wings of dragonflies, of the cover to eyes.
He knew her, she could see, and he was not surprised nor was she. She came over him, she could fly and she could change sizes and her wings could change colors, and as she flew over him she kissed him and caressed him with her wings and then with her gown and then with her lips in a kiss. Nadia could see that he was waiting for this as was she. He put his head slightly to one side and moaned softly and she kissed him more deeply as she flew around him over him and now she saw into his body.
She sung, she did not speak, she sung in songs of an ancient language that sounded like music and like the water cascading down into the pools. “My Spirit Lover. I am here. I come to you from my dimension, the dimension of spirit guides. I am here to be your maker. I am “She who makes the shaman, your Ayumi, your magical spirit teacher. I will teach you the ceremonies and rituals to make a sacred life for you. I will blow into you the ways of being to make life in a good way. You will write this as Greek mythology and history and it will be the truth and your people will live in peace and sacredness for many years. I am your spirit wife when you come to me, when I come to you, I make love to you and you make love to me. I am only here in spirit form, not in the form of a living woman. You will never see me in ordinary space or time. I was sent by HER to initiate and take care of you.”
Then she took off her gown and was naked. She slowly took off his clothes and with a shell of a turtle poured water from the pool over him. She rubbed the water into him with her breasts and hands and continued to kiss his mouth and then his neck and then his nipples. He moaned in pleasure and threw his head backwards and started to sing in the same language that she was singing in. He sung of the ceremonies he was to do, he sung of the dances he would teach his people. He seemed to be like a king, a leader, having a visionary experience but she knew he was just a poet historian and would go home and write the myths and they would be history and would be the truth for ages and the basis of religions wars political decisions and love.
Then, the spirit nymph came over him and made love to him. She mounted him and put her inside him and Nadia could see he was hard now, and she put him up inside her and slowly danced above him. Nadia saw other nymphs flying around them now. They too were dresses in diaphanous gowns and were dancing in the air, changing colors and sending colored energy down into them with great power and strength. This scene shifted and as the dreamer, Nadia could not feel the nymph and her entourage coming over her, taking her now to the place of the sacred initiation pools, sending love energy and energy of transformation down into her.
The nymph spoke to her now. “Nadia, we will do a ceremony to turn you into me. We will make you a “She who makes the shaman’. Your job now is the go back to delos, to Fred, to Harve, and make them into healers for Delos for the earth, it’s people and the stars. It is time women take over this work, it is time the goddess returns as women’s voices on earth”.
Nadia woke up with a start. She could see she was in the
small cot like bed in her room in the small monk like cell in Delos in the
French school. She remembered coming with Fred and Harve and remembered slowly
the events leading up the her dream. She knew, the dream was an important
dream. She understood now what her task was, was to be, and what would be for
the rest of her life.
Chapter 51
Leto held her second twin, her little boy in her arms and looked at him. He was more beautiful than the rising sun on Hyperborea, more amazing then the orchid flowers odor, more spiritual than any prayer she had ever sung in thanks. His name was Apollo, she saw by the light around him that he was god of the sun. she had seen him growing in her womb and heard his voice for many months now and now he was here in person. All her labors, her travels, her finding her sister’s body and Delos, she could understand it all now as she looked into this sacred baby’s eyes and beheld him for who he was.
The birth of the sacred baby is the event of hope that changes the earth. Leto knew that and knew also that she was chosen to bring this baby to physical reality from spirit space. She was the one whose physical body brought this dream from spirit to matter. That is who she was, is, will be, she thought as she held him and looked in his eyes. As she looked at thim, through him to, she fell in love more deeply then she ever had before and she conncected to all her ancestors, to mother earth, father sky, chaos, the before, the after and the now.
As she looked into his eyes, she could see her own birth, her mother’s birth, her father’s birth, the births of every material being alive and more than that she could see the birth of all forms, of all matter from spirit, of all. This new sacred baby was it all.
Leto could see and she always knew that her sacred baby Apollo was a god. As she gazed through him to his eternal spirit, she could see he was god of the sun, of light, of consciousness, of music, deeply of prophecy, like her and her mother, of healing, of poetry, and of straight shooting archery.
She could see all of these complex powers as she looked into his eyes. When Apollo was born he came out of her sacred womb, the place of darkness, the wet cave of moss, and lept forth into the bright light, and the light became brighter and brighter, now being the brightest light on earth, and all the goddesses that helped in Leto’s labor raised a cry. Then, the goddesses washed this bright baby purely and cleanly with sweet water from the Inopus spring, and adorned him in a white garment of fine texture, new-woven. They then fastened a golden band around him to honor his appearance in matter.
Leto did not give her baby Apollo her breast. Instead she asked Themis to pour
nektar and ambrosia into the baby’s mouth with her divine hands. Themis was one
the first, born from mother earth, father sky. She was the Titan goddess of prophesy
and of law and order. She nursed Zeus, the father of Apollo when he was a
newborn. Later Themis was the second wife of Zeus and mother of many children
by him. As his wife, she sat at his side and taught him about order, destiny,
and the laws of fate, which, it seems were now in action.
Leto was happy because she gave birth to beautiful boy. After he drunk of the divine heavenly food, he could no longer then be held by the golden cords nor confined with the bands of gold so Themis untied them and put him to Leto’s breast to nurse. As he was put to breast, Apollo spoke out among the deathless goddesses. He said, “The lyre and the curved bow shall ever be dear to me, and I will declare to men the unfailing will of Zeus.”
He nursed from Leto for four days. During this precious time he grew to adulthood. As he grew he had visions again, he had them in the womb, of the giant serpent that Hera sent against his beloved mother Leto. He had seen this monster in his dreams in the womb and had spoke out to protect his mother, even then. Now he knew he had to kill this messenger of Hera and left his mother’s side to pursue him.
So at four days old, Apollo asked Hephestus god of blacksmithing to make him a bow. Hephestus made him a golden bow which he took to Delphi. At Delphi the python, the giant serpent born from slime guarded the oracle at the Castelian spring. There, Apollo slayed him with a hundred arrows and revenged the serpents relentless pursuit of his mother Leto.
Now Apollo ruled over the oracle at Delphi and since he was
god of oracular power, now changed the oracle from feminine to masculine
energy. This change from Divine Feminine
to Divine Masculine haunted Apollo forever, was part of his destiny.
Chapter 52
Nadia took Fred and Harve out of the French school and led them directly to the temple of Artemis. She sat on the marble steps in the front of the temple and spoke to them.
“Now I will give you each a task. “ Harve, first you. Go to the temple of Apollo and find your place there. Sit down and ask for Apollo to come to you and tell you what to do now. It’s simple. Now Fred, go to the house of hexagons, the place of the oracle alone. Sit on the bench. Ask her what to do. It’s simple.”
They looked at her with questions in their eyes. Both did not know what was happening. She said, “ I am supposed to give you both the knowledge and ceremony to heal the earth. It’s simple.”
Now, she went directly to the temple of Artemis alone. She had heard that Artemis was ready to speak to her now. She walked from the French school down the path. From the path, she could see the whole site, the whole city of Delos spread out before her. With her second sight, she could see it come alive. She could now see the temples restored to their former glory, the marble collumns, the avenues, the markets. The city was full of people, groups walked on each avenue, others were near temples. She could see the Deliads, the young dancers, leading people to ceremony. She could see the huge Italian market filled with people shopping.
This immense ancient city was magnificent. It was more beautiful than any modern city, anywhere in the world. As she looked with amazement on the ancient city many things surprised her. First, the marble temples were painted garish colors. Next, there were marble statues everywhere. There were horse drawn chariots with riders in amazing costumes. The roves were tiled in red ceramic, the streets marble white gleaming. The buildings were two or three levels high, the temples huge like the acropolis she had seen in Athens the day she arrived.
And she knew, she was at home, this was her place. She had lived here in previous lives, she knew that. It was a feeling. Then, in a flash, she was there. she was in costume too, walking with people down the main avenue of the temples the sacred way. She was there! touching the marble steps with her feet in beautiful leather thonged sandals.
Now, Nadia was back into Nadia in Delos as an archeological site. Now, she was walking in the ruins, marble stones all around her, mounds of rocks covered with weeds. The hot afternoon sun dazzled her and made her sleeply even after her nap. She walked directly to the temple of Artemis. It was to the left of the sacred way in front of a huge marble stone. She went to a platform of marble. There was a small sign that said, Artemission. There was a marble bench all around what looked to her like the foundations of an ancient temple.
She entered the temple, again it flashe back and forth between ruins and a magnificent marble building, in perfect condition painted and clean and new. Then it flashed to a smaller simpler building, then again to a very simple very old temple. She looked around her, now at this time there was almost nothing there. Delos was a small town, few buildings, almost no temples. She sat down in the center of the ancient temple site. She saw the ruin with her eyes, and the ancient temple fully new with her second sight.
She heard, “Just sit beautiful woman. Just rest. Let us speak to you. Do you remember the memories of all women of all time?” A cry escaped deep from her womb, tears rolled down her cheeks, her body shook, electric from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. she gulped, cried, swallowed, wiped her cheeks. “How could I have forgotten? What happened?” “ It’s ok. I will help you. I will remind you.” She shook, cried, hiccupped. I was complete surrender. She let it all out. A sigh, new relief came to her, then, silence. She thought, I am emptied/ Tears, snot, sighs, laughter, hope, came, the heaviness was gone. Now there was only peace. She thought, I am nourished, safe. She felt her cheeks against Artemis’s breast, perfectly fed. She felt Artemis’s hand patting her on my back. She thought, I am complete now, I am healed”.
All of her pain, sorrow, suffering was the pain of women of
all times. Artemis took this from her. She was now empty of this ancient female
suffering and now ready to move on. The Divine Feminine goddess energy that had
been stolen from her, was now returned. Temple of
Artemis was the ancient site to restructure the feminine psyche. The Temple of
Artemis holds feminine power and grace in our world.
Chapter 53
Jane woke up with a start. She picked up her phone and called Fred. It was time. She did not care where he was, whether it would wake him up, or anything. She was in a rage and did not understand why. She had been in bad moods since Fred left on his sudden trip. They had been together, all was fine as far as she knew, then, he spun his globe, packed up and was gone in a flash. It was not something unusual that Fred would travel. After all, he was a photographer, he photographed animals and he left often to find a rare animal migrating or mating or arriving at a place in season. But this leaving was completely different thing. He was not taking pictures, not working, he had glazed look in his eyes and this disappeared in a flash.
And Jane was not happy. When he left she was suddenly alone, really alone, not alone when he worked but something more she felt. Her job was all her life, she worked all the time at a non profit to help women. Seatlle was a modern happening city and she was very happy with her work life, the place they lived and with Fred.
Jane had lived with Fred for seven years. They had bought a house together in Seattle with a beautiful view of the bay and mountains beyond. It was a old wood house, with a lot of character. They had bought it together with her money from her family and with a small savings from Fred’s work. It was not expensive, they bought it before prices rose in the last years.
Jane was very happy with Fred. She loved him deeply and he loved her. They were like partners, they shared everything, secrets, interests, their taste was the same in furnishings which made it easy to make a home together. She really thought that their relationship was solid and had a long future.
But she did not share and was not involved in his shamanic interests, his animal passions or his work. Her work and his work life were separate and up to now, and this had made no difference in their lives. Now, since he up and disappeared she wondered about this for the first time. where was he? He had not called, she had not called. He did not send email or sms. He was gone. And, suddenly she did not like it at all.
So, she called now. He answered the phone. She said, “Fred, where are you? Are you all right, you did not call, email text, what is going on? I was worried about you.” There was no answer. There was only silence on the other end of the phone. There was a long pause. “Is everything all right, my love?” Still silence. Then, she heard him speak, “I have fallen in love with another woman. I am in Greece with her.” That was all he said.
Then, to her surprise, she fumed. Smoke came out of her head, out of her eyes. Her Sicilian heritage was emerging in a huge explosion from deep within her ancestry and she exploded. “Get home to me now. Right now, get on the next plane and be here tomorrow. Please! I am your woman, not some whore you found. You are with me. We were to get married and live together. We own a house, have a life. Get home to me and our life right now. I love you, you live with me, you love me, you live with me, we are partners, come to your senses and get back your brain you idiot, now. Come home now. ” She was really angry.
Fred had never never heard her sound anything like this. To tell the truth, since he fell in love beyond love with Nadia and the whole mystical story he was living, he had not thought about Jane at all. She was gone to him. And now, she was back. “OK, he said, I will come back.” He hung up the phone and just sat there. He was outdoors, in the archeological site of Delos, waiting. He was sitting on a bench on the house of hexagons, the house of the oracle waiting for the oracle to speak to him. Nadia told him to wait for a voice, and.. he heard one, his girl friend through his cell phone, which somehow he had completely forgotten about in the heat of his passion.
This was not the voice that he had expected to hear at all, or… he thought… maybe it was what Nadia knew he was going to hear too. Or, maybe it was not real, a dream. He realized in a flash that he knew nothing about Nadia at all, and she knew nothing about him. Only the names and what their lovemaking was like and what story they saw in visions. In a moment, he kind of woke up to another reality. With Jane, living together for seven years, he knew everything about her he thought, now understanding he knew nothing about her business, family and what it meant. He of course had met them, gone to dinner at their But at least, ne knew her history, her childhood, kind of, umm. What did he know really?
Now, he knew he would in fact have to go back and deal with her and their life together now. All this time, with his love story with Nadia, he had not given any real thought of Jane, their life together, or the implications of the new love story on his life. what was he thinking? He was not planning on leaving Jane, that was not what this was about, but it seemed to him like destiny was playing a role and putting him places and into situations that he did not plan at all himself.
In fact he had no idea what to do now, but he knew somehow he had to return to her and talk and do something. So, he sat on the marble bench, next to the house of hexagons, the place of the famous ancient oracle of Delos. This oracle had told the future, the present, and the past for thousands of years to thousands of people and was not about to stop now. With tears in his eyes he asked the oracle questions. “Oracle, thank you for listening to me. Thank you for accepting me as a supplicant to your temple. I am here because my lover Nadia told me to come and wait for a voice. I am here at a pivotal moment in my life, one in which a decision needs to be made. I pray you will help me. I ask you help humbly.”
And he waited, and waited and
waited. He looked up at the sky. It was emerald blue, completely clear, a few
tiny clouds blew quickly across the sky from north to south in the strong
afternoon wind of Delos. As he waited , he felt himself drifting off into a
dream. In the dream, he saw himself floating on the sea in an ancient boat.
There was little wind. The boat was more like a huge canoe, it was very
primitive. There was one small red sail which flapped in the light breeze. Sea
birds followed the small barc diving down occasionally like they were saying a
greeting and blessing. He was sailing, he had his hand on the tiller and the
boat slowly slowly drifted really to an island. The island looked like Delos,
but there were few temples there, and those that existed were small and
primitive, more like shacks. The boat landed and a beautiful young woman danced
up to it and greeting him with a song. Another older woman was with her, she
did not dance, she held a tray filled with bread and fruit. The two women
waited as he came out of the small boat, tied it up and stood up on the land. A
small dog came out with him, who had been asleep on the bottom of the boat. The
young dancer came up to him and took his hand and led him towards a very small
temple to the left of the place he landed. He smelled incense and flowers, aromatic
smells drifted to him and filled his consciousness. The dancer was dressed in
diaphanous transparent scarves, he could see her naked body under them as she
danced seductively back and forth on the path in a snakelike motion. The other
older woman went next to him. She took his hand, and held it as they walked.
She took a small piece of dough and rolled it into a ball and put it in her
mouth and then took it out of her mouth and put it in his. The dough tasted strange,
like it was fermented or had something growing in it like mold. Then, he woke
up and looked around him again. Now, he heard a voice, a woman’s voice, soft
and sonorous like a psalm sung by a worshipper in temple. “Fred, love is every
where. It does not stop. It is without limits. You are love to be given freely.
There are no rules and limits to love, those are imposed by humans late in
their history. You are free, have courage. Go forward my beautiful loving man.”
Chapter 54
The man on the yacht was sitting on the huge stern deck looking at Delos. Each time he saw the destruction, the ruins, the piles of marble stones and weeds, he remember the massacre and the blood, screaming and destruction and was happier and happier. A servant brought him a some ouzo and some beautifully prepared Greek fish and Tsasiki and drunk the ouzo and ate some fish and started to go into a dream.
Dreams and visions were the way
he worked of course. Dreams and visions connected him to his source, the
supreme ruler who governed his operations and program. A beautiful woman came
onto the deck carrying a tray of caviar. She was dressed in high heeled shiny
black boots, and scanty skirt and a string bra only. She had over huge breasts
which the bra pushed up and emphasized sharply. As she bent over and put the
caviar next to his drink, he looked at her bare backside, not covered with
panties looked at her shaved pussy. She saw him looking at her and bent over further
and showed herself to him more obviously.
Chapter 55
What happened to her?
What happened to her? That is the question. Hera, known all over the known universe as the goddess of women, of marriage, goddess queen of the original goddesses and gods, goddess of the sky was the most important original woman goddess asks herself every day. All the time, Hera was a young extremely beautiful woman, when was always regal, she remembers being on her thrown, with her animals around her, her coocoo, her hawk, her
As everyone in her original world knew, in the beginning before what happened, Hera was very pure Divine Feminine love. She remembers this time with joy and warmth from deep inside her wild parts. Down below she feels it a wanting to make love. She remembers that when she was young she was only the beautiful maiden goddess of both earth and sky, she was the goddess of wild animals she was completely free and she was she who birthed animals from the earth, she who awakened life and tames it to be love. This original Hera was not connected to men at all. She was certainly not connected to something like Zeus , god of the sky for she was the goddess of the sky, the stars, heaven and earth herself alone. She was always arriving like pure spirit at the confluence of springs the place of the joining of pure waters. She would arrive in a chariot like the queen she was and lead Divine Feminine ceremonies with bathing and purifications and planting trees and she was the bringer of Divine Feminine energy to women, to nature, to water, and to the animals.
This Hera of old was a fertility goddess, the fertility goddess in fact, and was not under any man. She was the wife of no one. When the men came and took over the goddesses and subjugated them in the great time of the acendance of the patriarchy that followed, Hera’s remembered her role only then, became goddess of wife and goddess of marriage. This change is what happened and it’s effects echo on Hera and on all women as we breathe to each woman and each man on earth and far away stars too.
Hera remembered in her heart of hearts her original Hera was the goddess of love. She remembered giving the energy of pure love to wild untamed couples. She remembered taking passionate lovers who she found kissing and touching each other, near her confluence of rivers and bringing them together in her sacred springs, in her vaginal vault and making them pure lovers of passion and taking them back to being wild animals who gave birth to form. This was way back, way back, in the original times, the times when Leto was on Hyperborea and the new world was wild and free, where the free Divine Feminine was all there was on earth, sky, and the heavens. She remembered in her heart of hearts her mother’s teaching of chaos giving birth to Divine Feminine and then only to forms, how pure and very simple this was.
In her dreams, Hera remembered deeply the time when she was the earth goddess and goddess of animals and springs, she was the goddess of beautiful women in celebration of Divine Feminine beauty and grace. Then, women began to make temples to her, and to these sacred places they came in their finest robes, in snow white tunics, adorned with golden bands, exotic broaches, their wild hair blowing in the breezes, their bracelets ringing on their arms. The earliest ceremony was wonderful. Hera remembers it with childish joy. It was always the same, they danced in their white robes from the spring to the sacred tree. They tied the of Hera herself made of simple uncarved wood to the tree in the Roping ceremony. This ceremony was the first bringing of Hera to nature so she could ensure fertility and babies. It was simple a song, aprayer a dance to Divine Feminine woman, tree spirits, mother earth and birth. The trees sung, she sung, women danced and Hera rejoiced at her fecundity.
The Hera she was came back to her like a dream, like a balm, like warm bread cooking. In this dream vision, Hera was her old Hera. She was caring, a woman of healing, and of peace. She was the carrier of the Divine Feminine ancient wisdom, the enduing truths, dynamic and flowing of she who brings wisdom, she who is under and permeates all things, she who brings order from chaos, the mother of wonder, awe, and the authentic Divine Feminine of all time. Hera was she who gives birth to the sacred she who
teaches living as the prophet and returns us to wholeness/
holiness. In her wonderful dream vision memory, Hera was herself again as HERA.
This was before Zeus, before the partriarchy slowly came from the north, before the tribes of warriors on horses from the land of the north decended on the soft Divine Feminine culture where there was no domination of the sexes, no war and violence and only peace, love and fertility. Hera was the woman who speaks to all women. she dwelled in the margins near wild animals and wilder trees,
sharing unabashed love with lovers ready for passion.
Hera woke with a start. This vision, this memory of who she was, was not who she was now. Now there was Zeus, a warrior, a thunder god who was her husband. She was wife to a violent man. The life of the northern invaders had come to her and taken her over. She saw that people still remembered who she was more than she herself did. People still worshipped her all over as mother earth, as woman inviolate, as woman even as they worshipped her as wife and marriage symbol. And she understood in this vision why she was so angry at Leto, the ex girl friend of her chronically unfaithfull husband.
In a flash Hera understood that her anger was really in fact not at Leto or at the many other women Zeus had affairs with, her anger was at the taking of herself. Her anger was from the time the Hera, the earth wild woman was kidnapped by the maurading invaders on their horses with swords coming from the north who kidnapped the whole sacred matriarchal way of being that created healing art, the huge pregnant buxum sculptures of full Divine Feminine women all over their world.
This woman who artists sculpted
in each place where SHE was a power piece of pure Divine Feminine energy for ceremony and peace. The northern
barbarians killed her and replaced her with the sword, with violence to women,
with subjugation, with abuse, kidnapping, rape, torture, blood, hatred of women
and of Divine Feminine energy. That was
the source of her jealousy and anger, that was who she was really angry at.
Chapter 54
On the airplane flying back to Seattle to see Jane, Fred slept. He was strangely calm, in fact calmer than he had been in a while, since his wild ride with Nadia, Delos, and Leto. He watched films, slept, watched films and slowly slowly came back to a different reality. As he dozed off, he saw Jane speaking to him. “My love, come home to me now. I truly love you deeply and passionately. I am your partner, we have a life together here.” And he fell into a dream and woke up and watched another film, and fell into a dream again. In this dream he was at home with Jane in their beautiful house in Seattle. They were making coffee together in the kitchen to serve to many friends who were waiting for them on their outdoor terrace. It was summer, the sky was clear blue, like it can be in Seattle in summer, it was exactly the right temperature, there were no mosquitos, it was a wonderful day. He was happy and filled with calm joy. He heard a voice, it appeared to him from above, it seemed to come from a huge dark bird. “Fred, look next to you.” The dream Fred turned to the left and saw Jane standing next to him, preparing the coffee cups, sugar, and milk in beautiful pitchers and decorated plates. “This is your wife, my son, this is your partner. Look at her and feel your love for her. Look at her and feel her love for you. Now pay attention to how you feel in your body. This is your wife, this is your life, right here with Jane in this house in Seattle. We have prepared this for you, it is you gift. Do you accept this gift?”
Fred woke with a start. He was dazed. He had been flying for many hours. He was jetlagged the light outside should be dark now and this endless day dragged on and on. But, at the same time, he felt strangely calm and at peace. It was as if all had been solved in this moment. He woke up knowing what he was to do, clearly seeing his future and life, and very calm and excited at once. In his mind, he heard a voice. “I accept this gift. I understand it is my path and my grounding and my peace. I understand it is eternal love and care of HER on earth. I accept this gift.” It was his own voice speaking. Her heard it from far away as if he was far out of his body, two steps out, one as observer, the next as observer of observer. It was as if he was his own spirit and soul speaking now, far beyond his personality beyond daily cares and beyond personality, events and desire.
The plane landed in Seattle and he went through customs. He left the homeland security area and went out the door into the arrivals hall. Jane was waiting for him. She had flowers and and a gift. She was dressed in a summer sundress with a low top and a bonnet like hat. It made a picture that was simple and elegant almost out of time, into a another realm. He walked up to her and put his arms around her and kissed her deeply. He was so happy to see her, to feel her firm body, to be inside her calm energy.
They drove home and she did not say a word. The car was silent. He though about speaking but held his tongue like it was a sacred moment, a ceremony. They reached their home and he picked up his knapsack and followed her inside the house. He looked around the living room and saw his familiar things, his photographs hanging on the wall. Some photos of the two of them on a vacation some years ago. He saw gifts he had given her, gifts she had given him.
He put down his pack and walked up to her. She walked up to him and they stood face to face. He simply put his arms around her and she moved closer to him. He moved to kiss her and she moved to kiss him. He kissed her lips and she opened her mouth to him and thrust her tongue deep into his mouth with clear passion. He put his tongue into her mouth deeply down far inside her. In that moment they merged deeply and time disappeared and all that stood between them was now completely gone. He felt her body against his, he felt her breast touching, pushing against his chest and felt one of her legs come between his and touch his penis with her thigh.
He reached down and brushed her breasts and moved his hand to between her legs outside her light sundress. She moaned and pushed herself up against him and kissed him more deeply. It seemed to him that passion had come to them and overcome them like a huge bird or force greater than he had ever known. He had never felt her like this,this was something new. He put a hand under her crotch and lifted her to him and pulled her closer. They walked to their couch and fell on it and kissed even harder. He lifted her dress up and slid down and put his head between her legs and licked her through her panties. She was wet with sweat and with excitement and moaned deeply. He quickly pulled down her panties and licked her vagina deeply, thrusting his tongue up and into and then gently licking her clitoris and then down to the lips of her vagina. She moaned and sung a high song that seemed to come from everywhere at once.
And then, she froze. In one second his advances, her excitement disappeared and changed to no. from somewhere inside her a wall went up and she went from being in love more than she could remember to being ashamed and angry. She remembered his disappearance, his telling her he was with someone, her anger and she stopped.
And he did not. To him she looked like the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He had never looked at her like this. Something huge had changed in her, she had gone from being a woman to a goddess, from his longtime girlfriend to something far beyond him. But he knew she stopped him and he did not care why, but he knew.
And then, he remembered. He had heard Zeus speak and Hera speak on Delos. He remembered somewhere very deep in his psyche the story of the cukoo and as it came back to him from far away from inside his Delos dreaming he turned into a peacock. The peacock after all had been one of favorite animals, it had been one of the animals he had photographed, and had dreamed of in his deep dreams for years. But he had never given it much importance before and now it was crucial to his existence on earth.
As as a peacock he came over her again. This time he turned her over on her belly and lifted her backside up and licked her vagina from behind as he fanned out his feathers and grunted and panted. And as he shock and danced he was a peacock and she was his peacock lover. Her odor changed to bird, she had feathers, her vagina was different and he became rock hard with this new universe that had opened to him
And she disappeard in a flash and was not Jane but she was a woman who loved peacocks, had loved them from her childhood and in that moment she turned into one too and raised her backside feathers up to him and shock and he came into her deeper than he or she could imagine in their lives as humans and he entered her over and over again an she became more and more powerful and courageous and larger and then they both disappeared and were in the sky and then further and he exploded into her and she sucked up up into her everywhwere to the furthest stars and they were beyond one.
They both fell deeply asleep and woke up in the same moment. He was on top of her, they both were naked and covered with sweat, semen, vaginal fluid. They swam in the fluids of life. he looked down at here seemingly from very far away and then got closer and closer and she slowly became human and then Jane and then … his wife.
She had become more beautiful than ever, more than when he saw her before, and much more than he remembered in his whole time with her. She really had turned into a goddess, an earth goddess, powerful, courageous and one. And he had turned into something completely new too. A strong powerful man, a bear, a god, and they had joined, made love and now were beyond one.
He knew as he looked at her, that he had to marry her and do it quickly. His whole life with Nadia and Delos was gone, disappeared in a flash and this one took over his body, mind, spirit and soul. He was home, cared for, with mother earth in his house forever.
And she understood her role and
her life had changed in one second. All had disappeared for a moment anyway and
she was his wife, partner, this was their home as she suspected all along but
was not clear about. Now all intention was clear, she knew she was to marry
him. All was gone for a moment about his new love and he was hers.
Chapter 55
Nadia knew the moment Fred left to see his ex girlfriend that it was over. The life they had had for such a short time was now gone. She knew Fred still loved her and she also knew he was gone forever. In Nadia’s swirling mind, she saw Leto and saw Zeus loving her beyond words and saw Zeus leave her and go to marry Hera and then saw Fred loving her beyond words and saw Fred leave her and go to marry his ex girlfriend and now she had turned into ex girlfriend and it all swirled and turned into a vortex and propelled her back to her life.
She was, she remembered, in the midst of all the turmoil of relationships coming and going in Delos, she was pregnant with twins, she was in a battle to save the earth, the Divine Feminine and to free women from the patriarchal violence of the last thousands of years and she was happy, still in love, tired and full of life. She looked out of the small window of her now empty bedroom in Delos and watched the Greek morning light creep into her monastic like cell. She went outside and went to the small toilet under the French school building and then sat in one of the canvas chairs on the front porch and looked at Delos as the sun slwly painted it red.
The sun rose slowly and the peacocks shrieked and came around her for food. She gave them a piece of stale bread she found left over from the night before, and pushed against her legs with their huge feathered tails as they picked at the hard bread. The sun now hit the columns of the ruins and the temples appeared in her dream mind again. Again, her second sight clicked in and she was back in Delos when it was a live city. She saw people in white gowns walking at dawn in the marble streets, people dancing to the temples for ceremony, she heard music from the temples, singing and thoughts of Fred were drifting off and visions of Leto returning.
Now, she was nursing the twins by the sacred lake, they were growing fast, Apollo was appearing and disappearing, he had a bow now, he was an archer, at four days old would leave to slay the python that had been chasing her during her pregnancy who was now in Delphi, with the oracle. Artemis was rubbing her belly, and chanting songs which she could feel were putting her organs back in order after the long nine day labor, she was becoming herself, let Leto shape shifting priestess woman self.
And yet she was now feeling new emotions, ones she had never felt or even imagined. She was jealous of Zeus and Hera now, and feeling this jealously she began to cry. These were the first tears Leto had shed in her life and she did not know what they were. The tears fell to the dry earth and immediately changed to trees. The tears fell and rose the sky and immediately changed to stars. The tears fell and flowed away and immediately changed to the sea. And when she was done, she picked up her babies and left Delos and traveled as a mother, with her babies, all over Greece.
For her now, for Leto now it was
shifting. It was coming to be mother of the sacred babies, she would always be
the magical priestess but now mother would ascend and priestess descend for a
while. This was hard, her priestess was even now, in her departure pushing to
get out. This was making her wilder and wilder, more and more uncontrollable
and more and more violent herself.
Chapter 56
Weddings are surprises. They come from somewhere else, far away deep magical and real. Jane had not thought about marriage or weddings ever. In her life she had her work, her relationship with Fred, her home. Now suddenly like a storm in the mountains she was inside weddings. And to her huge surprise she wanted a huge wedding, like a theatre piece almost, a ceremony, a magical being to carry her and Fred to a place deeper than they had ever been together.
And wedding involve and maybe in
fact about family. Jane’s mother now was taken up be the wedding fever like
being sucked up inside a tornado and pulled out of her life and dropped in
Chapter 57
Delos calls, Delos speaks always. This day she spoke to Nadia only. This day she sighs, lets out a soft moan and tells her story. “My baby who I love and will always love. You are not abandoned. You are not left, you are found. I have found you and I love you forever. I am about your dreams and visions. I am about healing your abandonment and loss and replacing your grief with pure perfect love beyond time and space. That is who I am.”
And Delos sung to her, “ I am the sacred place of visions, of healing, of transformation. I am what is inside of visions when you put your tears to me as an offering, I take them and give them back as a kiss. When you close your eyes here I give you visions of healing and joy to take away your visions of pain. I am here to replace your violence and pain with perfect love beyond time. My story is of women spirits as Divine Feminine and goddess. This is who I make women who come to me in prayer sorrow. This is how I take their tears and turn them into love.
Leto, and her sister before her Asteria saw me and I gave them the visions. Then from Hyperborea sisters came and I gave them visions to bring forth spirit babies. That is what this place is. First healing, seeing consciousness, then Divine Feminine, then coming forth.
Delos is the place of the dancing nymphs and water. You are a dancing nymph here my beauty. Delos is the place of the Hyperborean maidens bringing Divine Feminine women’s visions. They bring these visions to you my beauty. Delos is the place of changing consciousness. We change your consciousness with each breath my beauty. Delos is the place of childbirth. You will have your twins right here my beautiful mother to be. When you are will be ready, etheria goddess of childbirth from Hyperborea and the Hyperborean maidens will come and birth them for you and for everyone alive.
And… Delos is the place of consciousness inside itself, of light and miracles and ancestors, and timelessness, and going inside your own mystery secrets DNA and unraveling the inner. It is the place of weaving your new consciousness out of your old, one into the other. It is the place of magic.”
And Nadia opened her eyes and
was newer and more different than before. And Delos spoke sung to her again
deep into her consciousness below. I have tasks for you, my beauty. You must go
to the grave of Hyperborean maidens and cut a lock of your hair. I will give
you instructions when you get there.”
Section 3
The children
Chapter 56
Artemis woke up from her dream. She was laying on the soft earth next to her spring. The animals were all around her, her deer, her bear, her . as she awakened she realized what she realized each day. She was completely wild and she was free. It was to be another fantastic day, she could feel the earth below her singing to her, caring for her, loving her. She could hear the earth’s song, “ Blessings to you wild free woman. You are my body wild and free as human goddess woman. Wake up my beauty, I am you, you are me, you are earth, flowers, springs, animals, you are birth of all forms,
Chapter final epilogue
She is dreaming. In her dream, she looks down and sees her hand in the bed next to her. As she looks at her hand it starts to dissolve. Then she sees the small worm holes leading from it outwards everywhere. They look like tendrils of light, small tunnels. As she sees them, she hears a voice, “Pay attention, this is it.” and then she follows the holes, the tendrils and lead lead her out of bed, out of her hand, to nowhere. All opens up there, there is spaciousness, love and peace. The voice says, “ the tendrils are what is real. Your story of Nadia, of Leto, were portals to me, my baby. My kiss comes to you, as you leave all this behind. You needed the whole story to reach this point. You have it now. I love you, I am love, I am you, you are me.”
She closes her eyes. She is laying on the soft earth. She is within joy. She hears, HER sing to her, as she answers her dream.
“I am the love that underlies all
I am what is left when you take away your personality
I am what remains when you take away your identity work, relationships, and where you live.
I am what is there below and above it all
I am what remains when all is taken away from you and no you remains
I am what was there before the beginning of time
And will remain after the end of time
I am what is beyond your man
I am what is beyond your woman
I am what is beyond your age, race, size, physicality
I am what is around time
I am what is above and below space
I am the love behind your deepest kiss
I am the kiss beyond your deepest lovemaking
I am the song behind your songs
I am the dance behind your dance
I am the sculpture inside your sculpture
I am the poem inside your poem
I am the breath between your breaths
The am the love that is always
I am what loves you sustains you protects you and is you.”

