I stood in the sea. I could feel the warm, wind blown sea water healing my hip in the place where I hit it when I fell on the marble 2 days ago. The sea washed and nourished it, the wind blew away what needed to leave. I looked around me, the sky was opening, the sea and wind healing. I shifted and I heard these words, “Be on the sea, in the wind, only here. Stop thinking, stop judgment. Just be here and feel it; let mother earth heal you, let your Ancestors, spirit guides, spirit animals, teachers, revered sacred figures, lovers, Great Spirit and Mother Earth, grandmothers and grandfathers of the 4 directions heal you. Be where you are now with no thinking.” It was a simple teaching I had heard before. Once I lived on the Ichetucknee, a sacred river. Each day, I paddled my kayak and each day the river would speak to me. It took a while for me to hear her. Then I would quiet down and the first thing I would hear was, “Be on the river, stop thinking about work, relationships, family. Just be on the river.” And I would shift from worry and decisions to being inside pure love spirit and beauty. Then she would speak with the lesson of the day. “Love her, we love you.” was the most common teaching. And today, the sea and wind spoke. “Be on the sea, be in the wind, we will heal your injury, we love you. It is all a field of expanding love”