In between, is the world of spirits. In between the footprints are. I used to do an exercise with my patients and people I worked with. I said, “ Put out your hand, spread your fingers apart. Imagine your fingers are moments of time and in between.., is the world of seeing deeper. In between.. is what you did not see with your eyes but saw and experienced with your soul. So.. Go back to a moment in your life, of epiphany or suffering, and open up your fingers and look deeply at what actually happened there in between. You can see visions of beauty beyond understanding, what you soul experienced.” Ummm. When I work with my class or with patients and do guided imagery, I say, “Breathe in and let your body expand, when you breathe out, keep the large size, when you breathe in, let your body expand again, as it expands, the cells move apart, and in between is healing energy. In between the cells you will see energy, light, colors, dots, and they grow larger and that is you, it’s your energy body. Ummm. Yesterday at the beach, I looked at the palms blowing in the Cycladic wind and I could see in between the fronds, in between blowing clouds, I saw the vibrations, the energy, the colors, and was inside of the expansion of visionary space. So. All the three in betweens are portals to visionary space where it is the world of spirits, of soul. In between is where our ancestors, spirit animals, spirit guides, teachers, lovers, grandmothers and grandfather of the four directions, Creator/ Mother Earth live. I between is where they speak to you, where they tell you in every moment that you are connected to all and you are love and you are loved forever.